Purchase Rope

"Hey! We got a job for you!" A man yells, his form obscured by a shadow in a doorway. He throws a note onto the ground and it slides towards someone else, who of which is curled into a ball in the corner of the room. An older man, cold dead eyes, unkempt, wearing a dirty wifebeater with torn pants. "You gonna do it?"

"No choice, why give me an option." The unkempt man says, standing up, still situating himself in the corner of the room. His eyes are attracted to the note, reading the two names scrawled upon it. "Seth Alpheus Hunt," and "Nixon Driver." The unkempt man stares at the note for a moment before looking back at the man propped against his room's doorway. "Who are these guys?"

"We just want them dead, don't ask questions. You'll have Snake come with you, is that alright?"

"That's fine."

The unkempt man lets out a sigh, "Are these the guys who stole that Mafia's gold?"

Before the man in the doorway leaves, he stops midway before turning back towards the unkempt man, "Yeah, but we don't want them dead because of that."

The unkempt man sighs, "Alright." A short - young man shifts into the doorway in a bit of a hobble, looking inside the room as if they were a child unable to hold back their curiosity. "Snake?" The unkempt man motions to a light switch near the door and the younger man flicks it on, lighting up the room the unkempt one is in.

Snake, a smaller man wearing a dress suit with short black hair, taking out a piece of jerky from a large bag in his hands intermittently. His eyes sunken into his skull, a dim red glow emitting from inside as he bites down on his tenth piece of jerky, chewing on it slowly before strapping the bag on his waist.

"Don't talk much?"

Snake pulls on the jerky whilst grabbing one end with his teeth, ripping a piece off before chewing it and swallowing it in full, "I don't like talking." Snake places the rest of the jerky in his hand into his mouth and begins slowly chewing on it like last time.


A moment of awkward silence is shared between them before Snake finishes the jerky he already had in his mouth, "What's your name?" Snake bites down on another piece of jerky that he had grabbed from the bag sitting strapped against his belt.



"Man... these guys are nuts..." Bull and Snake stand in front of a building as Bull laments audibly while sucking on a cigar, gunshots blaring from the inside. Bull, instead of his previously shabby appearance now wears a dress suit similar to Snake's, the only difference being a long overcoat. "We'd do something similar though if we had a hit, right?"

"I'm confused."

Bull arches an eyebrow, looking over to Snake, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you assuming that the men we have a hit on are the guys doing all the shooting?"

Bull coughs lightly, pressing his lips together while holding a cigar in between his fingers, "I don't know, we normally get hits on crazy strong guys so I only assumed."

"I've never worked for y-"

"Stop! I'm talking about others in our organization!" Bull clicks his tongue, placing the cigar back in his mouth.

Snake takes a bite of some jerky before looking over to Bull, "I can't understand how you could chew on cig-"

Bull, with an aggressive spin on the balls of his feet, looks over to Snake, brow furrowed, "I thought you said you didn't like talking!" Snake makes a confusing expression before motioning him zipping up his mouth and throwing the zipper away. "Didn't take you to be someone who could make a... joke? Would tha-"

Snake begins walking into the building leaving Bull stunned since he was ignored. Bull lets out a deep-seated sigh before moving into the building, moving behind Snake with a calm expression as he presses a pistol against his thigh.

As they enter the building, Bull looks to Snake, "No evidence?"

Snake spins on the heels of his feet to look at Bull, lips pursed, "No evidence."

Bull nods - They have entered a casino, the base of operations for one of the current Mafias running the city. As they entered, someone at the front counter of the casino raises themselves up from behind a desk, "Are you guys cops!?" They ask, shouting into Bull's ear. Bull quickly points the pistol to their head and shoots them, not even stopping for a moment to pause after one of them drops dead to the floor, multiple other workers panicking as they attempt to get away from Bull.

Bull jumps over the counter, separating from Snake, killing everyone else sitting behind the counter. Bull scratches his beard, thinking to himself, 'What's the point in killing them? It's not like we're killing a politician or something?' Bull shakes his head, pushing thought to the back of his mind, killing more unsuspecting customers and workers inside the casino. Snake snaps his fingers in realization before checking out the frontmost area of the casino, going back outside the front door, barring it from being opened before going back inside through a window. Two people, who attempted to get it open previously greet Snake, "Are you a cop?" One of them asks with an arched eyebrow before getting shot by Snake, who casually takes out their pistol and fires upon them.

Snake sighs, "Don't want to make Bull have to do more work." Snake says with a nod, smiling as if he was a child who was proud of a school project they had made.