" I have very bad news Jimin. A vampire attacked Taehyung on his way home from work. They nearly drained him of nearly all his blood. Thankfully we're bonded or he would have been good as dead." Jungkook sighed.

Jimin instantly paled.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Jungkook. When can I visit him?" Jimin asked.

"He's not taking any visitors. Not even me. He's really shaken up. I really wish I could be there. It's killing me not to be there but I have to respect his wishes." Jungkook said.

"Damn I'm sorry. I'm here if you need anything hyung." Jimin said.

"Jimin how are you going to feed? I know that that boy you're bonded to got attacked too. He must be terrified like Tae." Jungkook worried.

"He is. And I don't know hyung. I'll have to find a donor soon. I last fed from Tae about 3 days ago."

"Just promise you'll take care of yourself Minnie." Jungkook said.

"I will Kookie." Jimin smiled.

"I have to go now but I'll be calling again soon." Jungkook said.

"Ok bye."

Yoongi got up and stretched.

"Who was that Jimin?" Yoongi yawned.

"Ah- it was a friend of mine. Nothing to worry about."

Yoongi frowned at the look on Jimin's face. He looked scared.

"Is something wrong Jimin?"

"No no nothing is wrong Yoongi."

Yoongi knew he was lying but decided to let it go for now. He walked over to his desk and started on his paperwork for the day. He signed and handed the papers to Jimin for him to sign off on. All the while Yoongi couldn't help but notice how quiet Jimin was with the look of horror on his face. It was like he was on auto pilot. Yoongi wrist started to tingle painfully. He started rubbing in in hopes that it would help but it only made it worse. He let out a sharp gasp. Jimin's head snapped in his direction in concern.

"Are you okay Yoongi?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

Finally the pain died down to a low simmer. Yoongi knew he had to ask Namjoon about this when he got off since he appeared to know more about their bond. Yoongi knew it must have something to do with that phone call. He just didn't know what it could be. Finally, at 8 he left and went straight to Namjoon. He was on the phone with a client of Jimin's and raised his finger to indicate to wait. After what seemed like an eternity later he was off the phone and asked,

"What's up Yoongi?"

"You said that the bond Jimin and I share tells us if one of us is in trouble?"

"Yeah it does. Why?"

"Well Jimin was on the phone earlier today and when he hung up he had this look of absolute horror on his face. Then my wrist started tingling and burning."

Namjoon looked concerned and disappeared for a second. Yoongi looked around in the lobby and then Namjoon was suddenly in front of him.

"Jimin wants to see you immediately."

Yoongi tapped on his symbol and he was in front of a grave-looking Jimin.

"What's going on Jimin?"

"You need to sit down for this Yoongi."

Yoongi sat down and Jimin began talking.

"Namjoon told me everything Yoongi. The bond is telling you I might soon be in trouble. I'll explain. The person on the phone was Jungkook. He's the husband of my donor. Taehyung was on his way home from work when a vampire attacked him and nearly drained him dry. He's in the hospital as we speak."

Yoongi suddenly understood everything quickly.

"How are you going to feed? You need to feed Jimin."

"Namjoon is looking for another donor as we speak. It shouldn't take too long. You don't need to worry I'll be fine."

Yoongi wasn't convinced but decided to drop it.

The next few weeks passed by uneventfully with Jimin's condition continuing to deteriorate.

Yoongi entered Jimin's office and barely recognized him. He had dark, dark eye circles, his skin was dull and glistening with a thick layer of sweat, he looked visibly skinnier, and his lips were tinged with blue. He looked dreadful.

The moment Yoongi entered Jimin pounced on him. He went straight for the neck licking it and moaned.

His teeth itched to bite down. He was starving surely he could take a bite. No he wouldn't. He pushed Yoongi out of his office and locked the door.

Yoongi was in shock and quickly tried to open the door. Locked. Damn. Then he remembered he had the keys to his office and unlocked it.

"Jimin it's me. It's okay. You can feed from me. I don't care. I just want you to be okay."

A desperate whine left Jimin's mouth that broke Yoongi heart.

"Please. It's okay I promise. I trust you."

Jimin was on top of Yoongi once again and he croaked out an,"Are you sure?"

"Yes Jimin please."

Jimin licked the skin on Yoongi's neck moaning at the sweet saltiness in his skin. Yoongi shivered. He felt his fangs nibble on his skin causing goosebumps to form on Yoongi's skin. He quickly bit down and sucked groaning loudly at the taste. Yoongi winced at the sharp pain that quickly turned warm and actually pleasant.

Jimin drank like he was starving moaning at the flavor and the warmth. Yoongi let out a small moan causing Jimin to growl. He began running his fingers through his bright mint hair, while Yoongi decided to run his hands down Jimin's back. Jimin kept drinking and drinking until Yoongi's world went black.

Namjoon came and started ,"I've got the paper work you-"


" Jimin get off of him!"

Jimin hissed at Namjoon and continued his meal.

Namjoon hissed back and extended his fangs.

Jimin did too but before he could respond Namjoon bit his shoulder and used all the stunning venom he had to knock Jimin out.

Namjoon rushed to Yoongi lightly slapping his face


"Shit!" Namjoon grabbed Yoongi and rushed downstairs to the nearest vampire clinic. He searched for it on his phone and it was only a mile out.

"Hang on Yoongi. You can't go yet."

They pulled up to the clinic and Namjoon rushed Yoongi to the emergency side. An entire medical team met him with a bed and together they rushed him to ICU. 

He pulled one of the nurses aside and asked, "He's going to be ok isn't he?"

"Your friend lost a lot of blood. We'll do everything we can but I can't make any promises."

Tears started to gather in Namjoon's eyes at the thought of Yoongi not making it. He knew Jimin would feel terrible already when he woke up. He didn't want to bite him but Jimin left him with no other choice. He knew it wasn't Jimin's fault. Being without blood that long would make any vampire go feral. Especially a young one like Jimin.

'This is going to be a long ass night,' Namjoon thought.

He decided to head back to work to check on Jimin.

He found Jimin right where he left him. Blood was all over his clothes and face but he looked considerably better. He looked like he was glowing almost.

Namjoon waited for almost 4 hours for Jimin to wake up. When he finally did he groaned and asked, "What the hell happened?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? You sent Yoongi to a hospital! He's still in ICU 4 hours later!"

Jimin instantly paled

"What? But he was just in my office."

"You went feral Jimin. You of all people should know not to go without feeding for that long! You went ALMOST A MONTH without feeding! When you know damn good and well you're supposed to feed every 3-4 days!"

Jimin cringed at his sharp tone.

" I'm sorry."

"Tell that to Yoongi if he ever wakes up after this!!!"

"How is he?"

Namjoon sighed and and put his head in his hands.

"I don't know. He's still undergoing multiple blood transfusions. They said they would call either when he wakes up or dies."

Jimin started sobbing,"I didn't mean to attack him. I was just so hungry and he smelled so good. He'll never forgive me after this. He'll think I'm some kind of monster."

"Jimin, I know Yoongi. He was terrified when he came here especially near you but I know he cares about you now. He kept asking me every day about you since the day you told him you didn't have a donor. He was worried about you Jimin. Trust me he'll understand and come around. Just give him time. And if you ever go that long without feeding again I'll kick your ass."

Jimin laughed at that and suddenly Namjoons phone rang.

"It's the hospital." Namjoon said.