Namjoon answered, "Hello?"

"Hi is this Kim Namjoon who brought us a Min Yoongi?"

"Yes this is him."

"Well this is nurse Jihyo and it's my pleasure to tell you that Yoongi is awake and will make a full recovery. He's asking for a visitor. Park Jimin I think is what he said."

"He'll be right there as will I."

"He wants to see Park Jimin first and alone."

"Ok bye."


"Well what did they say? Is he ok?" Jimin asked in concern.

"He's ok. He actually wants to see you alone first. "

"Of course. I'll head there right away."

Jimin arrived at the hospital and grabbed the nearest nurse and asked, slightly out of breath, "Where is Min Yoongi? He asked to see me? What room number?"

"He's in room 104."

"Ok thanks."

He rushed down the hall and finally reached 104. He opened the door and was instantly enveloped in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi." Jimin sobbed.

"Hey it's okay Jimin. Please don't be upset I'm okay see?"

"But I almost killed you! It took Namjoon to get me off of you." Jimin sobbed.

"Jimin I'll be okay. When I'm healed I will be your regular donor. No ands, ifs, or buts about it. I didn't like seeing you like that. It hurt me to watch. And I was so worried you would die. Please don't do that to yourself ever again."

Jimin sobbed into Yoongi's chest at Yoongi's words.

"I'm so sorry."

"It's okay shhh." Yoongi said soothingly stroking Jimin's soft, brown hair.

"Can I stay with you Yoonie?"

Yoongi blushed at the nickname and said, "Yes of course you can. Is Namjoon here? I'm guessing he brought me here?"

"Yes he's in the lobby waiting. I nearly gave him a heart attack. He was so worried about you."

"Can I see him?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course. I'll go get him and you can talk with him alone if you'd like."

"Wait! Can you stay Jimin? Please?"

"Of course now lets get you in the bed."

Jimin texted Namjoon that he could come in and put his phone away. Jimin started stroking Yoongi's mint hair and Yoongi sighed. It felt so relaxing to Yoongi with everything that happened. He closed his eyes only to open them when the door slammed open.

Jimin glared at Namjoon for startling Yoongi.

"Yoongi!!! How are you feeling? Are you okay? Do I need to kick Jimin's ass?"

Jimin threw Namjoon a mock hurt expression.

Yoongi laughed at the last question before saying in a fit of giggles, "That won't be necessary Namjoon. I'm feeling much better. They said I should spend the night before they release me to make sure I'm okay."

"Will you stay with me Jimin? You don't have to-"

"I'd love to," Jimin interrupted.

"Ok thanks Minnie."

Jimin heart skipped a beat at the new nickname and at Yoongi's adorably sleepy voice.

"Ok lovebirds do either of you want any rice cakes and sausage? I brought some."

Yoongi grabbed a rice cake from Namjoon making him laugh.

"Someone's hungry huh?" Namjoon asked ruffling Yoongi's hair affectionately.

"Mhmmmmm. Man these are so good."

This appeared to be the right thing to say because Namjoon beamed. "Thanks it's my mom's recipe that she handed down to me! I'll make much more if you like."

"Please! They're so good Namjoon really."

Jimin appeared to be jealous of their closeness before Namjoon laughed.

"You might need to give Jiminie some attention he's pouting like a puppy over there."

Yoongi laughed and grabbed Jimin's hand.

"Better?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin blushed and looked down shyly.

"Awwwww Chim Chim is blushing!" Namjoon said with a mouthful of food.

"Stop it Joonie!"

"Chim Chim is blushing, Chim Chim is blushing, Chim Chim is blushing!" Namjoon sang completely ignoring Jimin.

Yoongi laughed hysterically in a fit of giggles.

The door opened and nurse Jihyo came in to check Yoongi's vitals which were excellent.

"Wow Mr Min your vitals are back to normal! This is so shocking considering the condition you were in when you arrived."

Jimin looked down in a sad expression with tears in his eyes.

"Hey hey Jimin it's ok. I'm okay my vitals are back to normal. I'm okay Jimin. We talked about this." Yoongi said in a reassuring voice.

"Yeah Jimin don't blame yourself. It's okay. We already have a plan so you don't go through that again. And he's fine now. The nurse said so." Namjoon reassured.

"I just need to check his blood pressure now."

"110 over 70! Perfect!"

The nurse left the room leaving the 3 to their conversation.

"The bond must be how you recovered so fast. Remember how I said you would be very hard to kill? That's why." Namjoon informed.

"Thank fuck," Jimin mumbled under his breath.

Yoongi giggled.

The nurse peeked through the door, "It's curfew."

Yoongi asked the nurse pointing to Jimin, "Can he stay?"

The nurse smiled and nodded.

"I'll head out you guys. I'll fill in for both of you. Just relax and enjoy your off time." And with that he headed out the door.

Jimin resumed stroking Yoongi's soft mint hair. Yoongi sighed in content snuggling closer to Jimin who chuckled. His hand moved to Yoongi's back rubbing soothing circles until Yoongi fell asleep. Yoongi started whimpering in his sleep waking Jimin up.



"Wake up!"

Yoongi startled awake and started crying. Jimin immediately enveloped him in a warm hug rubbing soft circles on his back.

"Bad dreams?"

"Taemin," Yoongi choked out in whimpers.

"Hey it's okay. Shhhh. It's okay. You're okay. He can't hurt you not while I'm here. Plus we're bonded so he can't touch you."

"You promise?"

"I promise Yoongi." They both fell asleep in each other's arms. Yoongi woke up first laughing at the sight of Jimin. His head was cocked at an odd angle, mouth open, and sprawled out in the hospital chair.

"Mmnnnnn. What are you laughing at?" Jimin asked groggily.

"Nothing," He giggles.

Jimin says nothing wrapping his arms tighter around Yoongi.

"You smell good." Jimin mumbled nuzzling Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi giggles before pulling away causing Jimin to pout.

"I'm being discharged today. Remember?" Yoongi asked teasingly.

"Oh yeah. You can take the week off. Namjoon and I have it covered. You deserve a little me time."

"Thanks Minnie." Yoongi grinned.

Jimin and Yoongi both headed to the discharging center and filled out the necessary paperwork before leaving the hospital.

Jimin dropped Yoongi off at his apartment door and headed back to work still thinking of Yoongi.