Yoongi was so nervous for this date. It had been so long since he had one and his last one went horribly wrong. He had already gone through his entire wardrobe and found nothing to be suitable for a businessman like Jimin. He panicked and called Hoseok knowing he'd never hear the end of it.


"Hey Hobi I need your help."

"Hey Yoongles! What's up?"

"I'm going on a date today and I can't find anything to wear."

"Not to worry Yoongi. I'll be there in 5 minutes with an entire wardrobe!"

Yoongi laughed and hung up.

5 minutes later he heard a knock and an, "OPEN UP BITCH!"

Yoongi laughed and opened the door.

"Ok first we need to decide on what you're wearing because you're obviously not wearing that." Hoseok said gesturing to Yoongi's grey sweatpants and oversized tee shirt.

Hoseok continued unpacking his enormous suitcase full of clothes, a hair curler, and the vast amount of makeup jars, eyeshadows, eyeliners, creams, and lip glosses.

"Then we need to have you shower so we can curl and style your hair, then we'll move to the fun part! Your makeup!" Hoseok said while clapping his hands in excitement.

"Go take your shower and make sure to put on a nice smelling lotion."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his best friend before obeying.

When Yoongi got out of the shower he put on his favorite lotion that smelled of a rich vanilla.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and tied it to keep it secure before heading back to see what Hoseok picked for his outfit.

"I'll give you three options to choose from and you get to pick which one you like." Hoseok said while putting the outfits on the bed one by one.

"Ok this is the last one." Hoseok said.

"Which one do you like the best?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi looked at all the options and immediately felt self conscious. They were all so beautiful. His eyes were immediately drawn to the oversized pastel blue, pink, and white sweater and a very light blue pair of high waisted denim shorts.

"This one." Yoongi said

"Nice choice. That was actually my number one pick but I was going to let you decide." Hoseok smiled.

"Ok. We need to dry your hair and curl it. Now."

Hoseok grabbed his hairdryer and started drying Yoongi's hair. When he deemed it dry enough he grabbed the hair curler and started curling Yoongi's hair throughly.

When he was done he brushed through it a couple of times to soften the curls up for a more natural look.

"Ok you're getting dressed now. Take off your towel and put this on."

"A thong? Really Hobi?"

"These won't show in your shorts. Regular underwear will. Get moving! I still have makeup to do." Hoseok said.

Yoongi put on the thong while Hoseok got Yoongi's shorts and sweater ready.

"Ok step into these and pull this over your head after." Hoseok instructed.

"Ok!" Hoseok whistled making Yoongi blush.

"I'll help you get your clothes right when I finished with your make up." Hoseok said at Yoongi's look if confusion.

"Now here comes the fun part!" Hoseok said excitedly.

Hoseok decided to go for a subtle but edgy look. He grabbed a jar of cream first to prep Yoongi's face, followed by foundation and concealer.

He decided to go for the eyes next and grabbed numerous eye shadows. He did a golden cut crease and winged Yoongi's top lids with black eyeliner while using eye shadow for the bottom lids.

Hoseok then added mascara and moved on to Yoongi's lips.

He grabbed a golden lip gloss and applied it to Yoongi's lips.

"Ta dah!" Hoseok said.

Yoongi looked in the mirror and was amazed at Hobi's work. He looked beautiful. He really hoped Jimin would like the new look at their dinner date.

Hobi helped Yoongi tuck his shirt in and the whole assemble was complete.

"Wow Yoongi you honestly look hot now. Damn I'm good." Hobi laughed.

Yoongi giggled before hearing a firm knock on his door.

"It's Jimin."

"Hobi no! What if he doesn't like it?" Yoongi asked worriedly.

"He'd be an idiot not to." Hobi laughed and walked to the door.

Yoongi panicked and hid behind the couch while Hoseok answered the door.

"I'm sorry Yoongi couldn't answer he's currently hiding behind the couch like a five year old." Hoseok laughed.

"I am not!" Yoongi protested.

"Says the man who looks so fucking hot right now but is hiding." Hoseok smirked.

"Asshole." Yoongi grumbled.

"What was that?" Hobi asked.

"You're an asshole!" Yoongi said louder.

Hobi laughed.

"Come in. I'll get him out."

Jimin came in and said, "Come on Yoongi I want to see you. Please? I promise you that you would look beautiful in anything."

This gave Yoongi a burst of confidence and he stood up to look at Jimin.

He heard Jimin's breath hitch and panicked wrapping his arms around himself.

Jimin moved to Yoongi faster than any human could.

"You look so fucking hot. I want to rip that outfit off of you." Jimin whispered in Yoongi's ear.

He began kissing Yoongi roughly before Hoseok interrupted,

"Woah woah woah get a room lovebirds. I'll be expecting a call from you Yoongi on how this date goes. I'll need every detail! Bye!"

"We're driving in that?" Yoongi asked in shock.

"Yeah it is my car after all silly." Jimin teased.

'Oh right he's a rich CEO who can afford luxury cars.' Yoongi thought.

Jimin opened the car door for Yoongi making sure he was situated before hopping in. The drive to the restaurant was pleasantly quiet. Yoongi hummed at the feeling of the breeze flowing through his hair and of Jimin kissing his hand on red lights.

"Wow we're eating there? But that place is so expensive!" Yoongi said.

"Like I came here to just stare at it. It's okay I'm paying for both of us this is our first date after all." Jimin teased.

"Table for Park Jimin." Jimin told the server.

"Okay Park Jimin. Follow me please."

The server lead both of them to a table by window looking out with a lovely view. Yoongi rushed to the seat by the window making Jimin chuckle.

"The server will be right with you."

Jimin thanked the server and quickly took his seat in front of Yoongi.

Yoongi was so focused on the view that he didn't realize Jimin was staring at him.

"Oh! Sorry! I just love the view from here. It's so beautiful." Yoongi breathed.

"It's quite alright. I'm just enjoying the view." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi blushed.

"Tell me about yourself Yoongi. I feel like I know nothing about you."

"What would you like to know?" Yoongi asked.

"Hobbies, backstory, favorite color, favorite foods, etc." Jimin smiled.

"Well I'm pretty sure I'm not interesting but my hobbies include photography, reading, and writing. I'm a dog lover even though I can't get one yet. I volunteered at the animal shelter by my house before it shut down. I loved every dog there and I really wished I could've gotten one. My favorite foods are Bibimbap, kimchi, rice cakes, blood sausages, bulgogi, and sujaebi. My backstory is really not interesting."

Jimin frowned when he saw Yoongi's guarded expression.

"You're guarded. There's something you aren't telling me." Jimin said.

"Namjoon didn't say you could read minds!" Yoongi panicked.

"We can't but I've been alive long enough to study human behavior. And I can see you're guarded. Now tell me. " Jimin said.

"Okay well my father and mother were so angry when they found out I was gay. My dad whipped me with a belt before kicking me out of the house. He said it was a no queer zone. I lived on the street most of my life. It was tough dealing with other weird homeless people on the street. I struggled to get a meal most of the time. Then I got a job offer at the university I wanted to attend and took it. I wasn't paid much but the songwriting got me through a lot of tough times. I eventually got another job, which was my previous job, the boss there was brutal. He barely paid me sometimes refusing to give me my paycheck but then I got this job opportunity and I took it hoping you would like me and take me on. If you didn't I don't know what would have happened and it scares me to think about it."

Yoongi finished.

Jimin's expression was a mixture of anger and sadness. Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand and said, "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Yoongi. I promise those days are over. You have me now." Yoongi smiled at Jimin and blushed. Jimin smiled back at Yoongi.

"Hello my name is Jisoo can I get you started with something to drink? Red wine perhaps?" He asked.

"We'll take a bottle of your finest wine please." Jimin said.

"I'll be right back with your menus and wine." Jisoo said.

Yoongi said, "Your turn! I want to hear all about you Jimin. Same questions."

"Ah well where do I start? I came from a very rich family who I'm no longer in contact with. They wanted me to marry a girl but when I told them I was gay they freaked. I stayed at Jin's house. His family is incredibly nice you'll have to meet them someday. Anyways, I stayed with them until I got back on my feet. I started off just like you floating from job to job until I decided to take a risk and start my own music business. Like you I love music. It got me through so much. And I wanted to focus on that. It took a long time to get to where I am at today but it was worth it."

"My favorite foods are everything you said. I also like mandu guk and gamjatang. My hobbies are reading and writing. I like to write poetry most of the time but occasionally I write other stuff as well. I write songs for some of the idols who work for me because I really enjoy it." Jimin added.

"Wow. We have a lot in common." Yoongi laughed.

"Here are your menus and wine. " Jisoo said.

When he handed Yoongi his menu he snuck his hand under the table grabbing Yoongi's knee.

Jimin glared at the waiter who smirked at Jimin before leaving.

"I don't like that waiter." Jimin grumbled.

A few minutes later Jisoo returned and asked Yoongi, "What can I get for you cutie?"

Jimin sent a murderous glare to which the waiter ignored.

"Ummm... I'll have the mandu Guk please. "

"I bet you say that a lot." The server smirked.

Yoongi shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"And what can I get you sir?" The waiter asked.

Jimin glared at him and ordered the gamjatang. When the waiter left Jimin asked,

"Are you ok? I'm sorry he's being such an asshole. Don't listen to anything he says."

"Yeah I'm okay. And alright." Yoongi said.

A short while later Jisoo arrived with their food and left them alone. Conversation flowed easily between them while they enjoyed their food. They quickly finished and Jimin paid the bill despite Yoongi's objections.

"I could've helped pay Jimin." Yoongi said.

"I wanted to spoil you today Yoongi. There's no need to worry about it" Jimin said.

"Ok fine." Yoongi pouted.

"You're cute." Jimin grinned.

"Where are we going now Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"We're going to my place of course." Jimin giggled.