Yoongi was positivity glowing after his day with Jimin. He couldn't wait to get back to work and be around Jimin again. He decided to take the week Jimin had given him and hang out with Hobi.

"Soooo?" Hobi asked.

"What?" Yoongi asked in confusion.

"How was your date silly?" Hobi laughed.

"It was so amazing Hobi! I loved every minute of it. We have so much in common that I didn't realize or wouldn't have guessed on first impressions."

"Hmmm he sounds nice. Did he treat you like the little prince you are?" Hobi giggled.

"God yes. He opened the door for me, gave me flowers, and was so nice." Yoongi sighed.

"Looks like someone is lovesick over there." Hobi laughed playing with Yoongi's hair.

"You have no idea." Yoongi laughed.

"Awwww!" Hobi said.

"Shut up.." Yoongi blushed.

"Now let's binge watch Netflix. I hear there's a new sci-fi show and I'm interested!" Hobi said while logging into his account.

They binged on the new show Stranger Things for a few hours until Hoseok said,"Wow! It's getting late! I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow at around 3. Enjoy yourself now."

When Hoseok left, Yoongi sighed and went to his bathroom to get ready for bed. He removed all the makeup from his date with Jimin, changed clothes, and brushed his teeth. Yoongi yawned while coming out of the bathroom and slipped under the nice, warm covers before his mind wondered to Jimin. His insanely cute facial features, gorgeous hazel eyes, fluffy blonde hair, and a body a model could only dream of. Yoongi sighed before smiling and falling fast asleep.

Yoongi knew he was dreaming. He knew none of it was real but he made no attempt to wake up.

Jimin was kissing Yoongi roughly against the wall until they reached a bed. He pushed Yoongi on the bed before quickly shedding his layers of clothing.

"You like what you see baby?" Jimin asked in a husky voice when he caught Yoongi staring. 

Yoongi nodded eagerly.

"I like what I see as well but I think you would look even better without your clothes." Jimin said in the same sultry tone.

Jimin's fangs came out in full force ripping Yoongi's clothes right off him.

Jimin started nuzzling Yoongi's neck before asking, "How would you like to belong only to me? You would be my gorgeous mate forever with my mark on your pretty little neck."

Yoongi whined and bares his neck for Jimin to bite.

"You're so submissive baby. You like this don't you? You like being treated like this? You like being underneath me don't you?"

"Yessss! Jimin please.." Yoongi moaned.

Jimin bit down and Yoongi felt himself explode in a pleasure he's never felt before.

"Ahhh!" Yoongi moaned waking himself up.

"Shit..." Yoongi groaned.

He woke up and immediately called Hoseok.

"You had better have a damn good reason for waking me up at 3 in the god damn morning!"

"Hoseok I'm really scared. I just had a dream about my boss he called me his mate and bit me."

"What are you talking about Yoongi? What do you mean by he bit you?"

"You would never believe me." Yoongi started sobbing.

"Hey calm down Yoonie. I'll believe anything you tell me because I trust you. Now tell me." Hoseok pressed in a soft voice.

"Well my boss h-he's a vampire. I signed a contract that made me his source of blood and it bonded me to him in a weird way. He didn't force it on me. He actually took his time to make sure I was ok with it. If you don't believe me I'll show you the bite marks." Yoongi said.

"Whewwwww... that's a lot to take in. Yoongi can I come over? I think we need to talk about this in person."

"Yes please come over."

"Ok I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Thanks Hobi."

"It's no problem Yoongles. We'll figure this out together."

"God you're awesome."

"Awww Yoongi is going soft for me!"

"Shut up..."

"Never!" Hobi laughed.

"How far out are you?" Yoongi asked.

"About 8 minutes."

"Ok good. I'll wait outside for you." Yoongi sighed in relief.

Yoongi walked to the front of his door only to be knocked to the ground.

"Sleep pretty."

Yoongi's world went black.

Hobi was instantly worried when Yoongi wasn't picking up his phone after 10 minutes. He hadn't meant to be late, he got pulled over by some weirdo blocking the entire street, forcing him to take an alternate route. He pulled up slowly to Yoongi's house and got out. That's when he saw it. He saw 3 large figures on top of a much smaller figure. He realized the figure below the three huge figures was Yoongi. Hoseok screamed,



One figure got off of Yoongi, while the others continued drinking, and that's when he noticed the blood and more importantly the dangerously sharp fangs.

"Well well well. What do we have here? Another human? Hmmm this one seems interesting. I can't wait to taste him."

"Who are you?" Hoseok whimpered in fear.

"Like I'd tell you. You rudely interrupted our meal and now you're going to make up for what I missed."

Hoseok screamed in fear.


Hoseok lunged at the other two figures who were feasting on Yoongi which only irritated them.


The taller one laid Hoseok by Yoongi and covered Hoseok's mouth. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi's hand before his world went black as well.

Jimin was sleeping until he woke up to an intense burning in his wrist. He thought it was nothing at first because he's felt it before when Yoongi was around him. He soon realized it was serious when his infinity symbol turned red which meant he was close to dying. He immediately tapped it and was transported to Yoongi's apartment to the horrific sight of Yoongi and another human.

"Get OFF them now!"

"Hmmm... no I don't think we will. You better walk along before you're next pretty boy."

Jimin went feral when he heard a soft whimper come from Yoongi. Jimin immediately extended his lethal fangs before lunging at both of the figures on top of Yoongi.

Jimin bit one of them so hard he snapped their neck, the other he stunned with his venom, the last one tried to run before Jimin tackled him and snapped his neck with one bite.

Jimin rushed to Yoongi who looked dreadful, there were multiple open wounds on his neck and body, his clothes were ripped to shreds, and he just looked so dead.

"Wake up Yoongi! God please wake up!" Jimin sobbed.

He went to the other human and screamed, "Wake up!"

"W...hat h..apppen..ed? W-who... are y-you?" Hoseok managed to get out.

"I'm Jimin! I'm Yoongi's boss. I saved you from the other vampires." Jimin said.

"O....h! h-he ha...d a dre..am ab-out yo...u." Hoseok slurred not realizing what he said.

"What kind of dream?" Jimin asked.

"So...methi..ng ab...out yo..u bein...g hi..s ma..te. We we..re goi..ng to figu...re it ou...t ton...ight bu...t we b...oth g..ot attacked.

Hoseok's world went black again.

Yoongi woke up in a hospital bed alone.

"How the hell did I get here?" He mumbled to himself.

He tried to get up but was met with excruciating pain in his neck and body.

"WHERE'S HOBI!!!" Yoongi screamed hysterically.

That's when all the machines Yoongi was hooked up to started beeping all at once.

Nurses rushed in injecting him with shots to calm him down but Yoongi fought harder.


He sobbed until the nurse administered a shot of anesthesia knocking him back to sleep.

Jimin tried to come into Yoongi's room but was met with a nurse who held him back.

"You can't be in here right now. Mr Min woke up screaming for a Hobi. When we didn't tell him, he fought our entire staff and actually tried to stand up and run. He almost coded again. He couldn't stand up of course and re-opened all of the wounds that we're trying to heal. He's terrified right now. I'll try my best to help him but respectfully you need to back off." The nurse ranted and left.


"Hey Jimin! I heard Yoongi got attacked! Is he ok? Fuck I wish I could've helped kick those vampires asses. Are you ok?" Namjoon rambled out of breath.

"I don't know how I am to be honest with you. I'm so scared for Yoongi and his friend but the nurse won't let me even see them. Yoongi woke up screaming and had to be put under because he fought the entire medical staff." Jimin said.

"Damn. That's tuff. Wait how are you going to feed now? I can call up donors if you want."

"Ok. I just feel horrible because I feel like I'm cheating on Yoongi when I feed from someone else." Jimin sighed rubbing his temples.

"That Is understandable but look you have to feed. I won't let you go feral again. Yoongi will understand ok?" Namjoon said.


"Umm is one of you a Park Jimin?" The nurse asked.

"Yes that's me."

"Jung Hoseok wants to see you."