"Okay I'll be right there." Jimin told the nurse.

"Why does he want to talk to me? I'm so nervous. What do I do Namjoon?" Jimin asked.

"You go see him and just let the conversation flow. And relax, you look way too scared." Namjoon said.

Jimin nodded before heading to Hoseok's room. Jimin knocked on the door and heard a

"Come in."

He entered and sat in the hospital chair closest to Hoseok's hospital bed.

"Sorry if this is awkward I just wanted some company after what happened. Did you know any of those three men?" Hobi asked.

"I don't know them personally. I just know they were apart of a vampire gang that feeds on humans before killing them. It's brutal, I know, but you don't have to worry about them anymore."

"Yoongi told me you were a vampire. Is that true?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes it is. I've fed from Yoongi a few times before but I always let him set the pace for it. I never pressured him or forced anything on him. I wanted it to be on his terms. I nearly had a heart attack seeing you two almost dying." Jimin rambled off.

"Yeah I honestly thought we were both gonna die. The last thing I remember doing before I blacked out was grabbing Yoongi's hand. The vampires laughed at me of course but I didn't give a shit. He's my best friend and I would die defending him which I almost did." Hoseok said.

"I'm so glad Yoongi has a friend like you. He deserves that and so much more."

"You really love him don't you?" Hoseok asked.

"Yes I love him so much." Jimin said.

"That's good. You're all he ever talks about to me. Literally. It's hilarious he'll have this lovesick expression on his face when talking about you. I can tell he really loves you."

Jimin laughed, "I can imagine."

"What were you talking about when you said Yoongi had a dream about me?" Jimin asked carefully.

"Hugh? I don't remember anything from last night. What did I say?"

"I couldn't understand most of what you said. I heard the part where Yoongi had a dream about me."

"I'm really sorry. It's not ringing any bells." Hoseok said.

"It's okay. I'll ask Yoongi when he wakes up." Jimin said.

"Is he okay? God he looked so pale when I jumped those vampires. That was before they pinned me to the ground as well."

"He woke up screaming for you. He's very scared right now. The nurses aren't allowing anyone to visit him sadly. I don't think he wants any visitors right now anyway." Jimin said with a frown.

"It's ok. I'm sure you'll be the first person he wants to see when he's ready for visitors." Hoseok laughed.

"I hope so. I'm always afraid that he'll be scared of me or think I'm a monster."

"Jimin let me be the first to respectfully tell you that you're being a dumbass. That kid loves you to the moon and back. He always has a smile when he talks about you. He's always talking about you god I feel like I know everything about you that Yoongi knows. He's like a lovesick teenager with you. He loves you trust me. Now don't be stupid and think like that because it is NOT true." Hoseok ranted.

"I see why Yoongi likes you so much." Jimin said.

"Yeah I hope I can see him soon. He nearly gave me a heart attack."

"You will. The nurses just need to treat him first." Jimin assured.

"Can you stay? I don't really want to be alone right now."

"Of course." Jimin smiled.

"Now tell me all about you and Yoongi. I need details of everything!" Hoseok said excitedly.

Jimin laughed and told the story on how he first met Yoongi, about the date, and about just being around Yoongi in general.

"You are both so cute. He deserves so much after that shit hole of a date he had years ago."

"What happened?" Jimin asked out of curiosity.

"Well Yoongi has always had a sort of feminine vibe about him. He loves wearing skirts, crop tops, high heels, makeup, etc. Well his asshole of a date ridiculed Yoongi in front of his friends humiliating him. After that date he swore he would never dress up for anyone again. I spent all of that night comforting him. He was a complete wreck and was sobbing like crazy. You must be pretty special for Yoongi to have the confidence to be himself again. I'm really glad he found someone like that." Hoseok smiled.

"Wow if I knew who that asshole was I'd kick his ass. No one deserves that especially him." Jimin said.

"Awww you're so whipped!" Hoseok teased.

"Go see if you can see Yoongi now. He needs you more than I do."

"Ok. It was very nice talking to you." Jimin smiled.

"You too!" Hoseok smiled back.

Yoongi was up and couldn't sleep he was terrified that those vampires would find him and drain him. He started tearing up at the memories flooding back. He really wanted to see Jimin and unconsciously rubbed the infinity symbol. Jimin appeared looking confused before rushing to Yoongi's side.

"Hey are you okay?" Jimin asked worriedly. 

Yoongi closed his eyes and shook his head frantically. He choked on a sob that broke Jimin's heart.

Jimin pulled Yoongi In close whispering words of comfort until Yoongi calmed down.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi started sobbing hysterically again. Jimin pulled Yoongi onto his lap while rubbing soothing circles on Yoongi's back.

"It's ok. It's ok. Shhh it's ok." Jimin repeated in Yoongi's ear.

"I-I'm a-an idio-t." Yoongi whimpered.

"No you are not. There's no way you could have seen that coming." Jimin said in a firm tone.

"Ok." Yoongi said.

"What happened to the other vampires? Are they gone? Will they come back after me? What if-"

"I took care of them. They won't hurt you ever again." Jimin interrupted.

"Thanks for coming. You didn't ha-"

"I wanted to be here Yoongi. I've been here since I brought you here. The nurses just wouldn't let me or anyone see you."

"Thanks you're amazing Jimin." Yoongi smiled.

"Will you please stay? I don't want to be alone." Yoongi asked.

"Of course Yoongi. Hopefully the nurses aren't too mad at me in the morning." Jimin laughed.

"Can we cuddle?" Yoongi asked shyly.

Jimin laughed before climbing in the hospital bed and tucking  Yoongi into his warm chest.

Jimin ran his fingers through Yoongi's hair helping him to relax and fall asleep. Jimin continued to stroke his hair until sleep took over.

"PARK JIMIN!" Namjoon shouted.

"Ughhhhhhh... what now?" Jimin groaned.

"Why are you in the hospital bed with Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

"We weren't doing anything if that's what you're implying. He was really upset and wanted to cuddle so I cuddled with him!" Jimin sighed in irritation.

"Why is Joonie mad?" Yoongi asked groggily.

"I'm not mad sleepy head. I was just making sure he wasn't doing anything he shouldn't be doing." Namjoon laughed.

"Oh." Yoongi laughed.

"Well Jimin and I better get going. We have work to do. Oh and by the way Yoongi, your friend Hoseok is next door if you want to see him. We've arranged for you to be roommates until both of you are discharged."

Yoongi smiled but grabbed Jimin before he could leave.

"Will you come see me soon?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course Yoongi. I'll come see you tonight."

"Okay thanks Jimin!" Yoongi beamed.

"No problem. Get some rest now." Jimin urged.

"Ok I will." Yoongi smiled.

"Okay lovebirds! We have to go now. He'll come see you tonight." Namjoon said while practically dragging a worried Jimin out the door.

"Joonie I wanted to stay with him!" Jimin whined.

"I know but we have work to do. You will still get to see him tonight." Namjoon said.

"I can safely say I've never seen you like this with a human. Are you sure it's not something more?" Namjoon asked.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked in confusion. 

"I mean do you think he's your soulmate?" Namjoon asked in annoyance.

"I don't know. The bond has been acting weird for me lately. I don't know about Yoongi though." Jimin said.

"Define weird Jimin."

"Well I've been having weird dreams where Yoongi is being wonderfully submissive, I crave his blood more than anything now, I have an urge to protect him, I love every inch of him, and I feel the burning when Yoongi is right beside me." Jimin explained.

"Wow. He has to be your soulmate. This is so exciting Jimin!"

"Yeah I know. I just worry about him though."

"You do realize when you mark  him no vampire or supernatural creature would dare to touch him since he's claimed."

"Yeah but I want it to be on his terms. He's terrified right now. He doesn't need something else to worry about."

"I know Jimin, just give him some time to bounce back from this before you tell him."


It was nightfall and Jimin still hasn't came. Yoongi sighed before curling himself into a ball and bawling. Hoseok came out of the bathroom before rushing to Yoongi's side.

"What's wrong?"

"He said he would come tonight.. I'm just an idiot. No one wants someone like me. It was too good to be true."

"Listen to me you are not an idiot Yoonie. He's just a fucking prick. And if he doesn't snatch you up I will because you deserve nothing but the best Yoongi. I love you Yoongi please don't be sad."

"Thanks Hobi. I'll give him until tomorrow night." Yoongi said with tears in his eyes.

"Come here. You can cuddle with me tonight."

Yoongi smiled and eagerly climbed in Hobi's bed. Hoseok tucked Yoongi into his chest before both  of them fell fast asleep

"Good morning boys. I need to check your vitals and I'll leave you to it." The nurse said.

She checked Yoongi's vitals first. "Hmmm... you vitals are still very low. We'll have to keep an eye on you."

She went for Hoseok's next and found his were in the same level as Yoongi's.

"We'll have to observe you both for at least a week before we're comfortable to release you from ICU."

"Ok." They both said.

"Did someone by the name of Park Jimin leave a message?"

"I'm sorry Mr Min you have no messages."

Yoongi burst into tears.

It was all a cruel joke. He was an idiot to believe Jimin actually cared about him.

"Hey it's okay. Maybe he'll come tonight? He's a busy man Yoongi." Hoseok assured.

Yoongi nodded. 

After a week of supervision, both Yoongi and Hoseok were transferred to the regular hospital unit.

"Why hasn't he came Hobi? What's wrong with me? Am I really that unlovable?"

"Yoongi, he's just a fucking asshole. When we get out of here you're handing in your resignation letter. I don't care what he has to fucking say for himself. There's no excuse for him to do this to you. Especially when you're in a fucking HOSPITAL.  I officially declare you snatched up because bitch I'm snatching you up. You're so precious and beautiful. You aren't unlovable in the slightest." 

Yoongi blushed and snuggled closer to Hoseok's side.

"I don't know what I'd do without you Hobi."