After a month of being in the hospital, Hoseok and Yoongi were discharged with a clean bill of health. Once they were outside Yoongi's apartment, Yoongi decided to ask the question lingering in his mind.

"Umm Hobi?"

"What's up Yoongles?"

"Can you stay with me? In my apartment I mean. I really don't want to be alone after what happened. You don't have to if you don't want to." Yoongi babbled off nervously.

"Of course Yoonie. That's what friends are for! We'll have to stop by my place now so I can pack." Hoseok smiled.

"Ok." Yoongi smiled back.

Hoseok put the car back in drive and drive off. 10 minutes later, they were at Hoseok's apartment complex. Yoongi loved Hoseok's sense of style, which was playful with a sense of elegancy. Yoongi walked around the apartment admiring the vibrant paintings on his wall, the cream colored decorations that calmed it down perfectly, and finally the elegant furniture that adorned the complex.

"Ok I'm ready to go Yoongi." Hobi says softly.

"Oh! Ok sorry I was just looking around." Yoongi mumbled.

"That's quite alright Yoongi. Let's go."


Yoongi followed Hobi out and sat in the passenger seat while Hobi hopped in the drivers seat and started the car before pulling out of the driveway to Yoongi's apartment.

"I'm going to try calling Jimin. Can you mute the radio?" Yoongi said.

Jimin was working on auto pilot since Namjoon told him about him and Yoongi possibly being soulmates. He was so stressed. Soulmates are a big deal for vampires if their mate rejected the bond it could end disastrously. He could die. Yoongi could die.

His phone rang and he immediately knew it was Yoongi. He declined the call quickly before putting his phone away.

"Hey Jimin! I've got the paperwork you asked for about the new donor." Namjoon said handing Jimin the papers.

"Soooo how's it going with Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

"It's going fine." Jimin lied.

"That's great! This will be so good for you Jimin. Really. He just got discharged today. He should be coming in soon,"

"That's good." Jimin smiled.

"I need to call Yoongi to see when he's coming in. I'll be back." Namjoon smiled.

5 minutes later Namjoon returned frowning. "He's not answering Jimin. I hope he's okay. He was pretty upset when I last saw him." "Fucking vampire pricks." Namjoon spat.

"Oh I'll check on him soon. I have tons of paperwork to do without him here." Jimin lied.

"That's understandable. Yoongi is the best assistant we've had. He's so hard working. I hope to have a work ethic half as good as his." Namjoon smiled.


Yoongi was sobbing because he knew Jimin declined his call. Hoseok was beyond pissed at Jimin. He didn't understand because he seemed so nice and like a pretty legit person. What changed? He was determined to find out for his friend no matter what.

"Don't let Jimin get you down Yoongi. He's just a fucking prick. You'll have to quit. It will be too painful to work under him. Trust me I know. You deserve so much better Yoonie. Trust me you do. You're so lovable. I don't understand why any sane person would do this."

Yoongi sniffled but kept sobbing hysterically.

"I'm an idiot Hobi." He said in between sobs.

"Listen to me. You are not an idiot. He's just a fucking stuck up prick who cares about nothing but himself. I hope he goes to hell. Because you deserve so much better."

"Thanks Hobi." Yoongi sniffled.

"Do I need to kick his ass?" Hoseok asked.

Yoongi shook his head. "It wouldn't be worth it Hobi. Plus you could get into trouble."

"I don't care. He hurt you Yoonie. He needs an ass kicking. How far you want me to kick his ass to? The moon?"

Yoongi laughed. "Kick him to Neptune."

"Oooo good option but that's so not far enough." Hoseok laughed.

"Agreed." Yoongi laughed.

"You're adorable. You deserve so much more than that prick." Hoseok said.

"Thanks Hobi. I'm so glad I have someone like you." Yoongi smiled.

"Now let's listen to music and do each other's make up. There's a new album out by the new rapper Agust D. Let's listen to that."

Yoongi started on Hoseok's makeup deciding to go for a bold color look. He got out the different eyeshadows and started prepping his face with primer. "Wow I love this song by Agust D. It's so catchy!" Yoongi chirped excitedly.

"Yeah he's such an awesome rapper. His music is so relatable. Plus there's the fact that he's hot." Hoseok said. Yoongi frowned before continuing with Hoseok's face. Hoseok saw this. "What's wrong love?" Hoseok asked.

"It's nothing." Yoongi quickly said.

"It's something now tell me." Hoseok pressed.

"I was just thinking about Jimin and how he said he loved me and forgot about me and now you calling a rapper hot made me think about how you'll forget about me." Yoongi said before running to his bathroom. He couldn't hold in the tears anymore and exploded in sobs.

"Yoongi please let me in." Hoseok urged.

"N-n-no" he sobbed.

"Please let me in. I'll never forget about you Yoongi. I love you too much to forget about you. You're so fucking adorable with your cute smiles and laughs, your adorably grumpy face in the morning, your-"

Yoongi opened the door and asked in disbelief, "You really mean that?"

"Yes. Now come here."

Yoongi sobbed into Hoseok's arms until he fell asleep. "I'll never forget about you lovely." Hoseok whispered in Yoongi's ear before tucking him into his chest.

Yoongi knew he was dreaming yet again. But he made no intentions of waking up.

Jimin was walking into the room with sinful leather pants and a black top. He crawled on top of Yoongi and began grinding their hard lengths together while moaning into Yoongi's ear. He found his clothes to be far too hot and tugged impatiently at his shirt, Jimin smirked before ripping Yoongi's shirt and pants right off him leaving him in only his boxers.

"Jimin I needed those clothes!" Yoongi whined.

"Shh I'll buy you the whole store."

Yoongi wanted to feel Jimin's warm skin against his, he tugged desperately at Jimin's clothing making him tut.

"You want me baby? You want me to be all yours? You want to belong only to me?" Jimin asked.

"Yess!" Yoongi moaned.

"Please Jimin I want to feel you. Please take them off!"

"Take what off baby?" Jimin asked innocently already knowing the answer.

"Your clothes." Yoongi groaned.

"I don't know do you think you deserve it?" Jimin asked sweetly.

"Please Jimin!" Yoongi whined.

Jimin started palming him in his boxers making him moan in relief.

"You like that baby? You want more?"

"Yes!" Yoongi whined.

"Ok baby."

As soon as Jimin's fangs came out Yoongi woke up almost falling out of the bed in his haste. That was when he noticed his problem.

"Hey Yoonie what's going on?" Hobi asked.

"Umm nothing just a bad dream." Yoongi lied.

"Come here Yoongi."

"I have to go to the bathroom." Yoongi said.

"Ok hurry back." Hobi grumbled.

He hurried to the bathroom in his bedroom and quickly shut the door.

"Shit..." Yoongi moaned.

Slight smut warning

He unbuckled his jeans and reached in to pull his hard dick out. He sighed in relief when it hit the cool air but Yoongi quickly worried if Hoseok would be able to hear him since he was only a few feet away. He quickly stripped and started his shower hoping in vain that it would hide the noises he was about to make. Yoongi started stroking it slowly until the pleasure started to build. He started going faster and faster bucking his hips into his hand, he moaned only getting more turned on at the thought of Hoseok possibly hearing him. He finally came with a loud cry that he's positive Hobi heard.

"Are you okay Yoongi? You're being awfully loud in there for someone using the bathroom." Yoongi could hear the smirk in his voice and started sobbing.

Hoseok rushed in and immediately enveloped Yoongi in a hug. "Hey it's okay Yoongi." 

"Let's head to the bed. We'll be more comfortable there."

"Please don't hate me like Jimin." Yoongi sobbed.

"I don't hate you. Those sounds you made turned me on. See for yourself." Hobi said removing the covers to show his hardened length.

"Oh ok." Yoongi sighed in relief.

"Do you want to do this? I'm perfectly okay if you don't but I just want to show you how special you are to me and spoil you."

"Let's do it." Yoongi smiled.