Hoseok crawled on top of Yoongi and began to kiss Yoongi roughly. Yoongi moaned against Hoseok's lips at the feeling of Hoseok on top of him. Hoseok moved downwards to Yoongi's jaw line and finally to his beautiful neck. Hoseok sucked, licked, and bit down on the soft flesh until it bloomed in various shades of purple. When he was satisfied with the amount of hickies left, he kissed down towards Yoongi's oversized tee shirt.

"Oh god. Please take it off please!" Yoongi said in gasps.

"Take what off love?" Hoseok asked sweetly.

"Hobi! Please!" Yoongi whined

"Please what?" Hoseok asked.

"Take my shirt off. Please!" Yoongi begged.

"As you wish baby boy." Hoseok said before yanking Yoongi's shirt off and tossing it somewhere behind them.

"Fuck.. you're so hot love." Hoseok groaned.

"Please do something please!" Yoongi whined. Without a word, Hoseok attacked Yoongi's nipples with his tongue and teeth.

"Oh god! Hobi..." Yoongi moaned.

"Does it feel good baby?" Hoseok asked

"Yes." Yoongi whined.

"You want more?" Hoseok asked.

"Please." Yoongi begged while bucking his hips up.

"Ok baby."

Hoseok quickly took off Yoongi's pants and boxers leaving him naked on the bed.

Hoseok wrapped his hand around Yoongi's hardened length and began to jerk him off.

"Ohhh god! Faster please!" Yoongi openly sobbed.

"Patience baby. When did you become so dirty?" Hoseok asked teasingly.

Little did they both know there was an invisible vampire watching their every move in fury.

"You want me baby?" Hoseok asked.

"Please Hobi! I need you." Yoongi moaned.

Before Hoseok could even begin to take his pants off, Hoseok was yanked off the bed and slammed through a wall.

Smut End

Jimin finally decided to make himself visible making both of them jump out of fear.

"How DARE you! You have no right to sleep with Yoongi. He's mine!" Jimin snarled in blistering fury.

"Says the person who treated him like shit the past couple of months! And hurt him beyond comprehension!" Hoseok yelled back.

"What do you even want anyway with Yoongi anyway? He's not a toy you can use when you want and throw away when he's not of any use any more! He's a fucking person! You're just a fucking no good for nothing prick! Yoongi deserves so much better than your sorry ass! You're lucky I'm pinned to this god damn wall or I would beat the literal shit out of you!"

Jimin hissed at Hoseok before pinning him to floor. His lethal fangs were out but before he could bite down, Yoongi lunged at him tackling him to the ground.

"RUN HOBI!" Yoongi screamed.

Hoseok ran out of the room and shut the door on both of them. Jimin tried to lunge at the door but Yoongi held him back.

"What the absolute fuck are you doing here Jimin? You have no right to treat me like this, let alone lie to my face!" Yoongi yelled.

"I never lied to you Yoongi. What are you talking about?" Jimin asked in confusion.

"You told me you loved me you fucking idiot! But I see now I meant nothing to you. I was just a sex toy to fulfill your needs. I meant nothing to you. You declined my calls, you didn't visit me for a month, basically you've been treating me like absolute shit! And I don't understand why! What did I do wrong? I really thought you loved me..." Yoongi trailed off in sobs.

"I do love you. So much so that I got scared. I was scared of what I was feeling for you because I've never felt like this with any other human or creature. I love you so much Yoongi. I'm sorry." Jimin sobbed.

"Please come back to the office. Namjoon is there and I promise he'll explain everything." Jimin pleaded.

"Why should I?" Yoongi sobbed.

"Because you need to know about this. Trust me it's important. Please Yoongi." Jimin asked

"Ok but if this is some sick joke you'll never hear from me again." Yoongi snapped.

"Ok." Jimin said standing up while grabbing Yoongi's hands.

They both disappeared to the office with an unhappy Namjoon.

"God Jimin! You couldn't give him time to put on some clothes?"

"Oh sorry."

Yoongi quickly tried to cover himself up out of embarrassment but Jimin stopped him.

"I am so sorry Yoongi. Jimin over here lied to me about contacting you and being there for you. He'll get an ass chewing from me later don't worry about that. But I wanted to talk to you both about your bond and how it's different for you both."

"What do you mean by different? What's going on?" Yoongi asked.

"Well you've heard about soulmates in the human world haven't you?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah it's basically just the person you're meant to be with or grow old with." Yoongi said in a confused tone.

"Well it's kind of like that but it's a huge deal if a vampire finds their soulmate or mate as some call it. They have to court them if they're human before marking their mate. Marking a vampire's mate is a big, big deal. The two soulmates have to love each other equally or it could end disastrously. When a vampire marks their mate they become immortal just like the vampire and the bond gets a lot stronger. Jimin ignored you for a month because when I told him that it freaked him out which I should've foresaw. And when they feed off of their soulmate directly they can't feed off of anyone else without tremendous pain once the bond is strong enough."

Yoongi was shocked to say the least. That was before he heard the last part.

"Tremendous pain? What do you mean?" Yoongi asked worriedly.

"Well Jimin tried to find a donor when you got attacked but when he tried to drink their blood it was intense and made him double over in pain." Namjoon explained.

"Jimin, why didn't you tell me this? I don't like it when you're in pain."

"I was an idiot. I hope you can forgive me. I know I've been an ass but I would love to make it up to you." Jimin said.

"I'll forgive you but I expect complete honestly about the whole soulmates thing and you have to answer any questions I have. You also can't do what you did this past month ever again."

"Ok I can do that." Jimin smiled.

"Can we at least feed you now? Because no offense you look dreadful and I can't be worrying about you not feeding while we figure this out."

"Gee thanks. But sure we can do that." Jimin laughed.

"I'll leave now." Namjoon laughed before disappearing.

"You can lay on the couch. I'll be there in a minute." Jimin said.

Jimin quickly typed his last company email before climbing on top of Yoongi.

"I missed you so much." Jimin breathed in Yoongi's ear.

"I missed you too." Yoongi sighed.

"Hurry up Jimin." Yoongi whined.

"Shhh... I want to take my time with you. I missed you so much." Jimin panted.

Jimin sucked on the hickies on Yoongi's neck making them even darker than Hoseok's. He decided to heed Yoongi's request and bit down. It was pure bliss for both of them. In that moment, nothing else mattered to either of them.