"Jimin I'm nervous. What if he doesn't like me?" Yoongi asked nervously.

"Trust me Yoongi. He will love you. You're adorable." Jimin smiled.

"Ok but what if-"

Jimin shut him up with a kiss before stroking both of his cheeks.

"You made me fall in love with you. Trust me he will like you. Plus I'll be there so it can't go wrong." Jimin assured.

"Ok." Yoongi smiled.

"They're 10 minutes out. Do you want to cuddle and watch tv until they arrive?" Jimin asked

"I always want cuddles." Yoongi smiled making grabby hands at Jimin.

Jimin chuckled before sitting next to Yoongi and pulling him close to his chest. Yoongi sighed in content and snuggled closer to Jimin.

Yoongi was about to nod off when the doorbell rang. Jimin untangled himself from Yoongi, making him pout, and answered the door.

"Hey Chim Chim whats up?" Jungkook smiled.

"Not much." Jimin laughed.

"Ah this must be the soulmate! He's cuter than I imagined." Jungkook laughed pinching Yoongi's cheek.

Jimin's eyes glowed red, as a warning, for a moment before calming down.

"Woah possessive are we?" Jungkook teased.

"That's okay I was the same way with Tae here. I wouldn't let anyone near him much to his chagrin." Jungkook laughed ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"Hey Yoongi it's nice to meet you!" Taehyung said excitedly.

"It's nice to meet you too Taehyung." Yoongi smiled.

"No need for formalities just call me Tae!" Taehyung smiled.

"Ok Tae." Yoongi smiled.

"Would you like to talk in the kitchen and leave these two to get to know each other?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin looked at Yoongi who gave him an affirmative nod.

"Yes I would like that."

When they were both gone, Taehyung asked, "Are you okay? Jimin told us about last night. I know that must be hard for you. If it helps I could share a similar story of what happened with me." Taehyung smiled.

"Yes I'd like to hear it." Yoongi smiled back.

"Well before Jungkook and I were bonded he was very controlling of who I could see and such. Well one night, we got in a big fight and I ran to my friend for comfort. We ended up fucking until Jungkook teleported into the room. He was furious of course but we worked it out. That friend is no longer my friend anymore. He told me to go to hell and all that stuff for giving Jungkook a second chance. Jungkook almost killed his ass for making me cry. One thing you should know about vampires is they are very protective over who they love and they fall hard and fast."

"Wow I feel like you actually understand me. I don't have any other friends because I'm very shy and introverted. So it hurt a lot." Yoongi frowned thinking about it.

"Hey don't give him that power. He showed his true colors. Don't let him have that power over you. Enjoy being with Jimin. He clearly loves you. You are all he talks about to us. He's in love with everything about you. I think it's cute." Taehyung smiled.


"God yes. He talks about your gummy smile, your soft personality, you give the best cuddles, your adorable grumpy face and pout, he talks about how you can be so cute without even trying, he thinks your eyes could light up the sun, etc."

"Wow. I had no idea."

"Yeah he's obsessed with you that's for sure." Taehyung smiled.

"That's so cute."

"How did you and Jungkook meet? How did you figure out you were soulmates?"

After hours of telling stories and exchanging numbers the couple said their goodbyes and left.

-Smut warning-

As soon as the door shut, Yoongi pounced on Jimin and began kissing him.

Jimin quickly flipped them over so he was on top but Yoongi looked like he wanted to say something. Jimin pulled off in concern and asked what was wrong.

"I ummm it's embarrassing!" Yoongi said covering his face with his hands.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. I love you. Please tell me what's wrong."

"It's just.. ummm... could you ride me? You don't ha-" Yoongi was interrupted with a searing kiss.

"Of course I'll ride you. You don't have to be embarrassed asking for these things. Now lay down." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi laid down while Jimin quickly stripped Yoongi of his top.

Jimin sucked dark patches all over Yoongi's body making him moan in desperation. Jimin made sure to pay extra attention to the hickies left by Hoseok because deep down he was still jealous of him. Jimin smirked at the desperate expression on Yoongi's face before running his hands back up to Yoongi's nipples, rolling the hardened buds between his fingers.

"Ohh god!" Yoongi moaned.

Jimin leaned forward and began circling his nipple with his tongue eliciting a loud moan from Yoongi.

Yoongi arched his back from the bed curling his fingers against Jimin's neck.

"Jimin ohhh..." Yoongi trailed off as the tip of Jimin's tongue dug into his right nipple.

Jimin quickly moved up towards Yoongi's neck pressing a questioning kiss there.

"May I?" Jimin asked.

"Please." Yoongi whined.

Jimin bit down and sucked harshly against his neck, wanting mouthful after mouthful of the rich, red liquid.

A surge of pleasure coursed through Yoongi's body making him scream.

"It feels so good Jimin!" Yoongi moaned. Jimin moaned around his neck while sucking harshly against his skin. Jimin wasn't starving but he just couldn't get enough of Yoongi's blood.

"Please Jimin!" Yoongi whined bucking his hips up so Jimin would get the idea.

"Eager are we?" Jimin teased.

Yoongi whined at Jimin.

Jimin began palming Yoongi through his pants eliciting a needy moan from Yoongi.

"You like that?" Jimin asked.

"Yes!" Yoongi moaned.

Jimin reached for the hem of Yoongi's pants and yanked them down in one swift motion leaving him with the delightful view of Yoongi straining against his boxers. Jimin immediately started mouthing against the thin fabric circling the tip with his tongue.

Yoongi bucked his hips into Jimin's face making him let out a small chuckle.

Jimin quickly took off Yoongi's boxers while Yoongi made quick work of Jimin's clothes.

Jimin walked away, making Yoongi whine, opening drawers until he came back with a blue bottle of lube.

Jimin crawled on top of Yoongi kissing him, he inserted the first finger in himself moaning directly into Yoongi's mouth. Yoongi reached toward where Jimin's fingers were before asking the question on his mind.

"Can I try?" Yoongi asked.

"Sure baby. Let me lay down so it's easier for you." Jimin smiled.

"Can you walk me through it? I've never done this before..." Yoongi trailed off shyly.

"Insert your pointer finger and thrust in and out. I'll let you know when I'm ready for the second finger."

Yoongi did as he was told and smiled when Jimin moaned softly.

"Please next finger. Begin scissoring your fingers to stretch me." Jimin moaned.

Yoongi did as he was told until Jimin let out a loud moan.

"What did I do wrong?" Yoongi asked.

"Again. Please do it again." Jimin whined.

Yoongi started scissoring again until he hit Jimin's prostate again.

"Right there. Oh god. Fuck baby you touch me so well." Jimin moaned in pants.

"Add another." Jimin whined.

Yoongi added another while spreading his fingers out like before.

"Ok stop I'm going to cum like this if you keep going."

"Jimin please I can't wait any longer." Yoongi begged.

Jimin quickly climbed on top of Yoongi before sinking himself down on Yoongi's cock.

"Fuck baby." Jimin moaned.

"You're so big. You fill me up so well." Jimin moaned.

"Fuck so tight...not gonna last." Yoongi whined.

"Really? Not even for a couple of minutes?" Jimin asked teasingly.

Yoongi frantically shook his head gasping.

"I think you can. I think you're not going to cum until I say you can." Jimin smirked.

Yoongi nodded eyes wide.

"Fuck you feel so good baby." Jimin moaned.

"Please go faster!" Yoongi begged while running his hands over Jimin's body.

Jimin lifted himself almost all the way off before slamming back down over and over until Yoongi felt the familiar tightening.

"Please let me cum Jimin. Please." Yoongi begged with tears of desperation on his face.

"We'll come together okay?"

"1, 2, 3...cum for me baby."

Yoongi came inside Jimin screaming Jimin's name. Jimin came all over Yoongi's stomach and chest while riding out both of their highs.

"That was amazing. Can we do that more often?" Yoongi breathed.

"Of course baby. As much as you would like." Jimin smiled.

-Smut End-

"Can we cuddle now?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin laughed before pulling Yoongi close to his chest nuzzling his neck.

"Namjoon just texted for us to come in to work today. He needs both of our help because the workload has gotten too heavy for him." Jimin said.

"Shit all of my work clothes are still at my place." Yoongi sighed.

"It's okay just wear that for today. I'll swing by and get your clothes after work."

"Ok." Yoongi smiled.

"Let's go." Jimin said.


The drive to YM was pleasant to Yoongi. He personally loved the feeling of the wind blowing through his hair and the warm sun on his skin.

When they arrived they were greeted with a stressed Namjoon.

"Ok Yoongi, get started on sorting through the paper work and I'll get started on typing up emails." Jimin said.

Yoongi rushed to his desk and started on the paperwork. An hour and a half later, he was finished sorting the various piles of paperwork and handed them over to Jimin.

"Damn you're fast Yoongi." Namjoon said in awe.

"I had to be at my previous job." Yoongi simply said causing Jimin to frown.

"What do you mean Yoongi?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't want to talk about it." Yoongi said.

"Ok." Namjoon said frowning at Jimin.

"Did he hurt you Yoongi?" Jimin asked carefully.

Yoongi nodded because he didn't trust his voice to speak.

"Do you mind me asking how?" Jimin asked.

"Sexually and physically." Yoongi said.

"Did he rape you?" Jimin asked angrily.

"No it was just uncomfortable touching. I always managed to get out of there before he did anything. I was a virgin until I slept with you Jimin." Yoongi said.

"Ok. Well that's relieving that he didn't do anything too bad. But I would still love to kick his ass." Jimin said with clenched fists.

"Same." Namjoon said angrily.

"What company does he own again?"

"Starship Entertainment."

"Damn you have a meeting with him today Jimin. And you have to be there too Yoongi." Namjoon said worriedly.

At Yoongi's panicked expression Jimin quickly assured him he wouldn't be alone with him ever.

"And whatever he wants he's not getting it." Jimin spat angrily.

"Agreed. An asshole like that shouldn't get anything they want." Namjoon said just as angry.

When it was time for the meeting Yoongi was shaking out of fear and Jimin could feel the fear coming off Yoongi in waves.

"It's okay Yoongi. I'll be there. You'll be safe. He can't hurt you anymore." Jimin assured.

"Thanks Jimin." Yoongi said in a shaky voice.

"He's here. I just rang him up in the lobby. I'll go get him." Namjoon said.

Namjoon appeared with the CEO of Starship entertainment.

He smirked at Yoongi.

"Whoring yourself out to another CEO I see. You were always such a slut." Minhyo said.

To say Jimin was pissed would be an understatement. He was enraged at the CEO's behavior.

"You know you liked it Yoongi." Minhyo smirked stepping closer to Yoongi

Yoongi was so terrified. He wanted to cry. He decided screw it. He ran out of the office leaving the two to their meeting.

"Why did you do that?" Jimin asked angrily.

"Because once a slut always a slut." Minhyo shrugged.

"You touched him without his consent." Jimin spat angrily.

"Oh consent is overrated. He liked what I did to him." The CEO smirked.

"You don't deserve to be a CEO of any company. You can go to hell. You aren't getting anything from me."

"What? But I thought we could collaborate some of our idols together."

"Too bad. I don't want to work with anyone like you." Jimin spat.

"But Jimin-"

"No you don't get to come here and scare my assistant." Jimin snapped.

"Oh your assistant. Hmm... he was my assistant."

"Yeah was."

"Whatever. Do we have a deal or not?"

"No I'm not making any deals with the likes of you. Now get out of my office." Jimin said.

"You'll regret this." Minhyo said storming out.

Jimin came out to Yoongi hiding behind Namjoon. His heart broke to see Yoongi so afraid.

"Is he gone?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes he is." Jimin said with his eyes flashing a dark shade of red.

"Your eyes are red." Yoongi said in wonder.

"Yeah vampires eye color changed depending on their mood. It varies immensely but most vampires try to control their emotions so their eye color doesn't change in front of humans. Right now Jimin is pissed so his eyes are red." Namjoon explained.

"Oh." Yoongi said.

"Yeah I honestly hate that my eye color changes sometimes. It's hard to control it." Jimin sighed.

"I think it's cool!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"What other colors can they change into?"

"Blue if I'm sad, violet if I'm feeding, dark pink when I'm aroused, red if I'm angry, black if I'm feral."

"Wow that's so cool!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"You should show me more of your eye colors! I would love to see them."

Jimin's eyes turned a light pink and he blushed.

"Woah..." Yoongi breathed.

Jimin startled when his phone rang.


"Hi is this Park Jimin?"

"Yes it is why?"

" Jung Hoseok is being released today. We managed to heal him quicker than we thought we would."

"That's nice. Why are you calling me though?" Jimin asked.

"It's protocol to call the person who brought him here to keep them updated on the patient's condition."

"Ok thanks bye."


"Who was that Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"Hospital. Hoseok is being released today." Jimin said.

"Oh." Yoongi frowned.

"It's okay Yoongi. He won't be anywhere near you at least until he gets his shit together." Namjoon assured.

"Ok. I'm supposed to meet Tae for drinks today." Yoongi smiled.

"I'll join if you like. I could use a drink." Jimin smiled.

"You can come Jimin. Would you like to come Namjoon?" Yoongi asked.

"Oh what the hell? I'm always gain for a drink. I'll call Jin to see if he wants to come."

"Jin? He drove me to the interview! He was so nice!" Yoongi smiled.

"You met my best friend without me!" Jimin pouted.

Namjoon and Yoongi laughed.

"Let me call him. Shhhh I'll put him on speaker!" Namjoon laughed.

"Hey Joonie what's up?"

"Want to come get drinks with some friends?"

"Hell yeah. Let's get shit faced!" Jin laughed.

"Ok I'll pick you up."



"No I love you? I'm insulted!" Jin laughed.

"I love you. Bye Jin." Namjoon laughed.

"Bye." Jin laughed.

"Are you two bonded as well?" Yoongi asked.

"Yep. We've been bonded for almost 5 years. Our anniversary is coming up which is exciting."

"Woah that's so cool. Happy early anniversary while I'm thinking about it!"

"Thanks!" Namjoon smiled.

"Who are you texting Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook to see if he wants to come too."

"He said yeah." Jimin said.

"Let's go. I'll drive us all to the bar." Namjoon said.