After Namjoon had picked everyone up in his car, he starting driving to the bar by Yoongi's apartment.

"Hey Yoongi it's nice to see you again! I'm glad Jimin picked you to be his assistant!" Jin said.

"Yeah I am too. I don't know what I would've done if he hadn't." Yoongi smiled.

"Who could resist a cutie like you Yoongi?" Jimin laughed.

"Awww so is it true? He's your mate?" Jin asked.

"Yeah it's true." Jimin smiled.

"That's awesome! I can't wait to get to know him! He seemed like such a sweetie when I drove him to the interview." Jin smiled.

"You have no idea Jin." Jimin laughed.

"You're eyes are pink Jimin. Let me tell you Yoongi. I've never seen Jimin like this with anyone. I was beginning to wonder if he'd ever find someone!" Jin laughed.

"Agreed. We had a bet on if Yoongi would be the one. Jin lost!" Jungkook laughed.

"You bet against me finding love?" Jimin asked with a mock hurt expression.

Jin just shrugged.

"Gee what a friend." Taehyung laughed.

"Don't make me reveal your two sense. You had just as much do with it as I did!" Jin laughed.

"Oh so we're playing that game now? You should tell them what you bet after you lost the bet!" Taehyung laughed.

"Never." Jin said.

"They made a bet on how long it would take you two to fuck." Taehyung giggled.

"What?" Jimin and Yoongi asked. 


"Well? How long? I need to know if I need to pay Jungkook more or if he finally pays me!" Jin asked. 

"I am not talking about my sex life with you two idiots." Jimin said.

"Come on! Yoongi, will you tell us?" Jungkook asked.

"Don't say a word to those two idiots." Jimin laughed.

"I won't. This is fun." Yoongi laughed.

Jungkook and Jin pouted making the others laugh.

"We're here. Let's get shit faced!" Namjoon said.

The 6 of them gathered around in a comfortable booth. Jimin sat by Yoongi, Taehyung by Jungkook, and Namjoon by Jin.

"This is going to be so fun!" Jin said excitedly. 

"Wanna bet on who will get the most drunk?" Jungkook asked.

"You have a betting problem. But totally Jin." Jimin laughed.

"Oh yeah? I'll bet on Yoongi!" Jin said sticking his tongue out.

"Oh it's on! I bet on Jungkook!" Yoongi laughed.

"Well! I bet on Yoongi too!" Jungkook snickered.

"What about you Namjoon?"

"Jimin definitely. He's a party animal." Namjoon snickered dodging a hit from Jimin.

"Ok let's get shit faced!" Jungkook said ordering the first 6 vodka shots.

Before the drinks arrived, Yoongi saw a sight that horrified him, Hoseok with his former boss Minhyo. Yoongi grabbed Jimin's knee to get his attention before they noticed them.

"What's up Yoonie?" Jimin asked.

"They're both here Jimin. Minhyo and Hoseok." Yoongi said fearfully.

"It's okay baby. You have four vampires here. You're safe." Jimin soothed.


Just when Yoongi thought they wouldn't notice them they looked their way and smirked.

"Look who it is! Min Yoongi the cockslut. You were always such a slut. You were so slutty beneath me. I bet you would let me fuck you right here in front of all your so called "friends". You know they aren't your friends right? Last I checked you were a sore loser with nobody." Hoseok smirked.

"You need to back off. We came here to have a good time. I highly recommend you leave before I give you a matching scar." Jimin snarled.

"Awww how cute. The cockslut's boyfriend is sticking up for him. Too bad Yoongi is such an unlovable cunt. He's probably standing up for him to get a fuck like the fuck toy Yoongi is." Minhyo smirked.

Yoongi decided to get up and ran out of the bar.

He couldn't stop crying. He just wanted to have a nice night. But that wish was too good to be true.

Yoongi saw a nearby alley and ran inside hoping in vain for once that no one would find him.

The four vampires were furious to say the least.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" Jimin snarled.

"Nothing." They both shrugged.

"Just leave." Jungkook growled.

"Ok. Whatever you say." Hoseok smirked walking the way Yoongi took.

"Geez. Yoongi had some shitty people in his life." Namjoon sighed.

"Shit! Yoongi! We have to find him!" Jimin panicked.

Yoongi was sobbing hoping no one could hear him. He couldn't believe his ex best friend was hanging out with Minhyo. He told him about what he did to him. Why was he hanging out with him?

Before he could overthink anymore he heard rushed footsteps coming toward him.

"I'm okay Jimin." Yoongi sighed.

"Sorry love it's not Jimin. Remember me pretty?" Minhyo asked.

Yoongi screamed before being silenced with a hand.

"Do you want me like the cockslut you are?"

Yoongi frantically shook his head with tears pooling at his lashes.

"Oh come on. We could have so much fun together." Minhyo smirked before slotting a thigh between Yoongi's legs.

Yoongi whimpered in fear before sobbing.

"You know you like it. Now let's have some fun." Minhyo said reaching to undo Yoongi's belt.

"Please stop." Yoongi sobbed.

Yoongi tried to tap the infinity symbol but only rubbed it before his arms were pinned above his head.

"Stop please."

"But we're having so much fun." Minhyo smirked.

"You know you like it." Minhyo added.

That was the last thing he got out before a furious Jimin shoved him against the wall with vampiric force.

"Don't touch what isn't yours!" Jimin growled.

"Like I'm scared of you. He liked it."

Yoongi sobbed frantically shaking his head.

That was the last thing Jimin saw before he went wild.

Jimin ripped the flesh right off of Minhyo's neck. Jimin made sure to avoid the arteries to keep him alive longer. Minhyo screamed at the searing pain in his neck.

Jimin finally drained him of his blood leaving nothing remaining.

Yoongi continued to sob hysterically with his face in his hands.

"Yoongi! Are you okay?" Namjoon asked running only to stop at Jimin's possessively loud growl.

"What's going on with him?" Yoongi sobbed.

"He's wild right now. You can go feral and then the next level is wild. I'll explain later. What happened?"

"Minhyo sexually assaulted me." Yoongi sobbed.

"That'll do it." Namjoon said.

"Try walking closer to him. He needs to snap out of it." Namjoon said.

Yoongi sobbed but obeyed Namjoon.

Jimin growled loudly before sniffing at the air near Yoongi.

Yoongi walked to Jimin despite his growls and hugged him.

To his surprise, Jimin hugged him back. Namjoon tried to step closer but Jimin growled menacingly.

"Ok I'll leave you two to it." Namjoon said before running to the others.

"Well what happened?" Jin asked.

"Jimin went wild and still is." Namjoon said.

"Shit... that's bad." Jungkook said worriedly.

"Quite. He literally ripped the flesh off of Minhyo's neck. He wouldn't let me anywhere near him." Namjoon sighed.

"Damn... that prick kinda deserved it after what he did to Yoongi." Jungkook said.

"Yeah he sexually assaulted him." Namjoon said.

"What!" They all exclaimed.


Namjoon's phone dinged letting him know Yoongi and Jimin were taking a cab home.

"Damn they're taking a cab. Yoongi said he needs some space right now with Jimin." Namjoon sighed rubbing his temples.

"I don't see Jimin letting up his guard anytime soon. He wouldn't even let me near him." Namjoon added.

"Wow.. I hope he's okay." Taehyung said worriedly.

"Hey did the cockslut enjoy getting some action?" Hoseok came in smirking. Jungkook couldn't help but storm over and punch Hoseok in the face several times.

"He's lucky that's all I did!" Jungkook yelled when Namjoon pulled him off.

"You're a fucking dick Hoseok! Stay the hell away from Yoongi or I'll kill you myself!" Jungkook yelled.

"Like I'm scared of you. Where is Minhyo anyway?"

"Dead." Namjoon smirked.

"What?" Hoseok asked.


Yoongi sobbed in Jimin's arms while Jimin held him close to his chest. Jimin decided to tap into the bond and send soothing waves over to Yoongi.

When Yoongi calmed down and fell asleep the doorbell rang.

Jimin scowled before running downstairs to answer the door.

The sight of Hoseok made him growl loudly. Hoseok backed slightly before asking where Yoongi was.

"Leave. You aren't welcome here." Jimin growled.

"Fine. But did he enjoy the little action he got?" Hoseok smirked.

"Leave." Jimin snarled in fury.


Jimin shut the door only to be greeted by a sobbing Yoongi.

"It's okay Yoongi. Please don't cry." Jimin soothed.

"You'll protect me this week right?" Yoongi weakly asked.

"Yes. No one will even be allowed remotely near you on my watch for more than a week." Jimin growled.

"Can we cuddle in bed?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course." Jimin smiled.

Once Jimin and Yoongi were situated in the bed, Yoongi latched on to Jimin like a lifeline.

"Shhh it's okay baby." Jimin soothed.

"You're safe now." Jimin soothed.

"I love you baby." Jimin whispered.

Those were the last words a Yoongi heard before he fell asleep.

Jimin continued to stroke Yoongi's hair while he remained asleep and whispered in his ear, "No one will hurt you again."

When Yoongi woke up it was to his phone blowing up like crazy.

He looked and saw Taehyung made a group chat for everyone.

Namjoon: Has anyone heard how Yoongi is doing? Man how I would've liked to kill that bastard myself.

Jungkook: No but seriously do I need to bring that asshole back to life to kill him again?

Jin: Should we go after Hoseok next? I mean seriously he just came up and asked if he enjoyed the action he got. Wtf? I'm so glad you punched him Kookie. He deserved it.

Taehyung: I'm glad he got punched too. Asshole deserved what he got. I personally would have loved to have a go at both of them.

Namjoon: I think we'd all love to have a go at both of them. Just saying.

Jimin: Seriously guys? Yoongi was sleeping! You guys woke him up by blowing up his phone.

Namjoon: Sorry Jimin.

Jin: Sorry Chim Chim 

Jungkook: Sorry Jiminie. But for real how is he? We've all been worried sick about him after last night.

Taehyung: Sorry Jimin. But how is he?

Jimin: He's pretty shaken up after the incident. No one is visiting him yet. He's mine to take care of. He's already asked if I could protect him this week from everything and everyone.

Taehyung: Tell him we all said hi! And ok we'll wait to see him.

Jimin: Joonie get a temporary assistant because Yoongi and I are taking some time off work.

Namjoon: I'll just bring Jin in. He knows what he's doing. Take as much time as you need. You both clearly need it.

Yoongi: Hey guys.

Taehyung: YOONGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Namjoon: YOONGI!


Jungkook: YOONGLES!!

Yoongi: Yeah I'm here. Jimin where are you?

Jimin: I'm downstairs. I made your favorite coffee drink and breakfast for you.

Yoongi: Gtg guys!

Jimin: That got him downstairs!

Jungkook: You two are couple goals. You both are so cute together.

Jin: Couldn't agree more. Where's my coffee and breakfast Namjoon?!

Namjoon: Look at what you have done Jimin.

Jimin: hehehe.

Jungkook: Great now Tae wants breakfast. Thanks Jimin!

Jimin: Don't mention it!

"Hey Jimin." Yoongi laughed

"Hey Yoonie." Jimin smiled.

"Here's your breakfast and your favorite caramel macchiato." Jimin smiled.

"Wow thanks Minnie." Yoongi said excitedly digging in to the vast breakfast made by Jimin.

"Mmm this breakfast is amazing Jimin." Yoongi smiled.

"Glad you think so. I normally just cook for myself but I wanted to pamper you this morning." Jimin grinned.

"Thanks Jimin!" Yoongi smiled.

"Don't mention it!" Jimin laughed ruffling Yoongi's hair affectionately.

"Can we cuddle in bed and watch Netflix for today?" Yoongi asked.

"Anything you want Yoonie but finish your breakfast first." Jimin smiled.

"Ok." Yoongi said.

30 minutes later, they were both back in bed cuddling.

"What do you want to watch Yoonie?" Jimin asked.

"Hmmm... Stranger Things?"

"Ok." Jimin smiled.

A couple hours later, Yoongi was back asleep in Jimin's arms.

Taehyung: Hey guys!!!!

Namjoon: What's up?

Taehyung: Not much just bored af.

Jungkook: You're always bored Tae!

Jimin: That's the truth!

Jin: You guys all really need to get a life.

Jimin: That's hurtful Jin! I have a life.

Jin: Fine. You're off the hook. But the rest of you aren't!! And Kim Namjoon get off your phone and help me with this paperwork.

Namjoon: Gtg before Jin kills me.

Taehyung: That's fine.  How are you spending the day with Yoongi Jimin?

Jimin: He didn't want to go out today so we're watching Netflix in bed and cuddling.

Taehyung: awww so cute! Where's my cuddles Kookie!! I demand cuddles!!!!

Jungkook: Jimin look at what you have done lol.

Jimin: That's Yoongi exactly. He makes the cutest grabby hands at me when he wants cuddles.

Taehyung: So fucking adorable!!!!!!!! You really love him don't you?

Jimin: I know! And yes he's the love of my life that I thought I'd never find.

Jungkook: That's so adorable! You two are so good together!

Taehyung: I agree! They are adorable!

Jungkook: We have to go but enjoy your day with Yoongi!

Jimin: Ok I will. Ttyl!

When Yoongi woke up, it was to bright gold glowing eyes looking down at him.