"Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin whined brokenly at Yoongi.

Yoongi reached for his phone.


Namjoon: what's up Yoongles?

Jungkook what's going on?

Jin: Everything okay?

Yoongi: Jimin is acting really weird. His eyes are a glowing gold. What does that mean?

Jungkook: We'll be right there. Lock yourself in another room NOW.

Namjoon: We'll explain later. Please do what he says.

Jin: Shit! Do as Kookie says!

Yoongi ran to the bathroom and locked himself inside. Jimin tried to twist the door knob with no luck before throwing himself at the door. Jimin whined pawing at the door with no luck.

Jungkook: What is he doing now?

Yoongi: Throwing himself at the door and whining.

Jungkook: We're all five minutes out. Hang on.

Yoongi: okay.

"Please let me in Yoonie." Jimin whined.

Yoongi: Hes asking me to unlock the door. Should I?

Namjoon: Fuck no!

Jin: No!

Jungkook: Do NOT open that door Min Yoongi.

Jungkook: We're all here. Stay in that room. Do NOT come out until we say so.

Yoongi: ok.

Yoongi heard the door slam open before being pinned to the ground.

"Jimin what's going on?" Yoongi asked

Three vampires appeared trying to pull Jimin off of Yoongi. Jimin growled menacingly at all of them before lunging at Jungkook.

Jungkook punched Jimin in the nose making him let out a broken whine.

"Don't hurt him! Please don't hurt him!" Yoongi yelled trying to intervene.

"Shit the bond is getting much stronger for Yoongi to be getting this protective." Namjoon said.

"You can't hit him like that!! Stop!" Yoongi screamed.

Jungkook accidentally swung at Yoongi hitting him right in the jaw.

Jimin let out a possessive growl before lunging at Jungkook and biting down hard.

"Shit! Get him off!" Jungkook yelled.

It took Namjoon and Jin to get Jimin off of him and handcuffed to the bed.

"What the fuck is going on? I know you all know so tell me." Yoongi sighed.

"He wants to mate. When something really bad happens to an unbonded vampires mate, they naturally get very protective and some enter the mating phase despite knowing the couple might not be ready for that. He's currently a mix of wild and in mating. " Namjoon explained.

Jimin whined looking pleadingly at Yoongi.

"How long will he be like this?" Yoongi asked.

"It varies immensely. It could be a day to a week." Namjoon sighed.

"Yoongi please let me out. They're hurting my wrists." Jimin whined.

"Not until we're sure you're back to normal." Namjoon said.

"Let me OUT!" Jimin yelled his eyes turning dark red.

"Oh shit." The three vampires said in unison.

"Run Yoongi!" Jin yelled.

Yoongi ran and shut the door behind him.

"HE'S MY MATE!!!" Jimin screamed.

"I WANT HIM! PLEASE!!" Jimin begged.



Yoongi decided to open the door a little to peek inside. Jimin was pinned on the floor by the 3 vampires who were desperately try to calm him down.

"Is he ok?" Yoongi asked.

"No. You need to shut the door before I lock you out. Your scent is sending him in a frenzy." Jin said.

"Fine. But if you harm him anymore I will hurt you." Yoongi threatened.

Jimin broke free of the vampires' grip and chased Yoongi to the kitchen.

"Come here please." Jimin sobbed.

Yoongi stepped closer to Jimin until he was inches from Jimin's plump lips.

Jimin closed the space and kissed Yoongi forcefully against the wall.

"Get away from him Yoongi!" Jungkook yelled stepping closer until he heard Jimin's possessive growl.

"I want you." Jimin moaned his eyes glowing a bright gold.

"Later okay?" Yoongi mumbled.

Jimin's eyes turned blood red instantly and growled menacingly at Yoongi.

Before he could do anything to Yoongi, Namjoon tackled Yoongi to the ground while Jungkook and Jin grabbed Jimin.

They locked Jimin in the bedroom before returning to Yoongi and Namjoon.

"I'm sorry please don't be mad at me. I don't understand anything that's happening and I love him." Yoongi sobbed.

"It's okay Yoongi. But please don't do that again. It's dangerous for you to be near him right now." Jungkook soothed.

"Are you guys going to stay?" Yoongi asked.

"Definitely." The three vampires said in unison.

"Can I sleep in Jimin's bed?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah. We'll move Jimin out here." Jungkook said.


"Stand back Yoongi." Namjoon ordered.

The three vampires grabbed Jimin and brought him to the living room.

Yoongi walked back to the bedroom, tucking himself in, and falling asleep.

Yoongi knew he was dreaming but didn't want to himself wake up.

Jimin walked into the bedroom with glowing golden eyes smirking at Yoongi.

"Hey baby. How would you like to belong solely to me? Would you like to be my sweet baby boy forever? I love you so much baby. I won't let anyone take you from me." Jimin breathed.

Yoongi whined on the bed.

"Jimin I need you." Yoongi moaned.

"Not yet baby." Jimin smirked.

"Please." Yoongi begged rutting his hips against the bed.

"Shhh... I'm gonna make you feel so good and special." Jimin smiled while crawling on the bed.

"You're being very naughty Yoongi. Trying to come before I said you could." Jimin teased.

"No I'm a good boy I promise. Please Jimin. I need you so bad." Yoongi sobbed.

"You know I can't deny you baby boy." Jimin breathed before thrusting his hand inside Yoongi's pants and jerking the younger off.

"Oh fuck Minnie!" Yoongi moaned throwing his head back.

"I won't let anyone take you from me. You're mine forever. I love you so much baby boy." Jimin moaned.

"Are you mine as well?" Yoongi moaned while thrusting his hips into Jimin's hand.

"Of course baby. I'm all yours."

Jimin let go of Yoongi's hardened length before reaching his neck.

"You want to be my mate? Fuck baby you're gorgeous like this. I love everything about you. I want all of you." Jimin moaned.

"Please Jimin. I want to be your mate." Yoongi moaned.

Jimin kissed Yoongi's neck before biting down.

Yoongi woke up screaming in pleasure.

He heard rushed footsteps coming toward him. He decided to hide in the bathroom out of embarrassment.

"Where is he?" He heard Jungkook ask.

"Must be in the bathroom." Jin said.

"Come out Yoongi it's okay." Namjoon said soothingly.

"No it's not. What the fuck is wrong with me?" Yoongi sobbed hysterically.

"You're body is just confused because it knows you belong to Jimin. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. All of us went through what you're going through. We've all been unbonded before. It's hell." Namjoon said.

"I'm not opening this door." Yoongi said.

"Come on Yoongi. It's okay. " Jin soothed.

"No it's not. They were right about me." Yoongi sobbed.

"No they weren't Yoonie." He heard Jimin say from far away.

"Yes they were." Yoongi sobbed.

"No they weren't. Those fucking idiots are fucking wrong. This is the bond not fully you. Please come out and let's all talk about this." Namjoon said.

"I can't. I'm so embarrassed." Yoongi said in shame.

"Can I at least come in Yoonie?" Jimin asked.

"Yes but no one else." Yoongi sobbed.

Jimin appeared and immediately held Yoongi in his arms.

"It's okay Yoonie." Jimin soothed.

Yoongi sobbed hysterically in his arms until he fell asleep again.

"Get out of the room so I can tuck Yoongi in."

"Ok." The three vampires said disappearing to the living room.

Jimin took Yoongi's clothes off, cleaned him, and quickly changed him into some comfy pjs.

He climbed in the bed with Yoongi and cuddled with him until he fell asleep.

Yoongi woke up to air being blown in his face and was met with the sight of a sleeping Jimin. Yoongi expected to feel the gross remnants of last night but strangely felt nothing in his dry underwear. That's when he realized he was in Jimin's's comfy silk pajamas. He loved the way the silk felt against his skin. Wait who changed him? Was it Jimin?

Before he could overthink any more Jimin groaned a good morning to Yoongi.

"Good morning." Yoongi smiled.

"God my face is killing me." Jimin groaned.

"Yeah you have Jungkookie to thank for that." Yoongi giggled.

"Damn I think my nose is broken. What happened last night?" Jimin asked.

"I think Joonie could explain it better than I could because I still don't understand what happened myself." Yoongi smiled.

"He's here?" Jimin asked.

"Well the whole vampire gang is here.." Yoongi giggled.

"Shit. I don't remember much from last night." Jimin said.

"I remember everything but Namjoon will explain it." Yoongi smiled.

"Can we cuddle Minnie?" Yoongi asked.

"Come here." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi jumped on the bed and crawled into Jimin's arms.

"How's my baby boy?" Jimin asked.

"Good since I'm with you." Yoongi smiled sweetly.

"You're so adorable. It should be a crime to be this cute." Jimin laughed.

"I love you Minnie." Yoongi sighed into Jimin's chest.

"I love you too baby." Jimin breathed.

"Do you want pancakes Yoongi?" Jimin asked.

"Pancakes!!! Pancakes! Pancakes!!!" Yoongi hopped off the bed yelling excitedly.

"Aish this brat!" Jimin laughed.

"Hey guys!! Hyung is making pancakes!!" Yoongi said.

"Only for Yoongi!" Jimin said at the vampires' hungry expressions.

"Awww come on Jiminie! Cook for your friends!" Jungkook teased.

"You better watch it because Yoongi said you were the one who punched me." Jimin laughed.

"What? Snitch." Jungkook pouted.

Jimin's eyes glowed red as a warning before continuing to make Yoongi's pancakes from scratch.

"Okkk... I wasn't being mean I was just teasing him." Jungkook laughed.

"Don't care. So do one of you want to tell me what happened last night?"

"Well ughhh we were all sleeping until Yoongi texted the group. You can see for yourself but he basically told us your eyes were a golden color and we told him to lock himself in a room just to be safe. Your mate is hard headed let me tell you. He had a major fit when you jumped Jungkook and he punched you. He was yelling at us to not hurt you or he would hurt us. We agreed Yoongi would sleep in the bedroom while us four would sleep in the living room. That was until Yoongi had an ugh dream waking us all up and he agreed to let you in and you ordered us out of the room so you could change and clean Yoongi for cuddles. "

"Damn that's a lot. I think you broke my nose Jungkook. " Jimin laughed.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Jungkook said.

"It's okay I'll heal it when I finish with Yoongi's pancakes."

"Heal it?" Yoongi asked in confusion.

"Vampires have healing abilities that humans don't have. We can heal ourselves or others. That's why a lot work in Vampire hospitals so they can heal the patients that come in." Jimin explained.


"Here's your pancakes and your coffee drink Yoongi." Jimin smiled.

"Thanks Minnie!" Yoongi smiled before digging in.

"Oooo that looks so good!" Jungkook smiled while trying to get a pancake.

"No they're my pancakes!" Yoongi laughed.

Jimin's eyes glowed red as a warning to Jungkook.

"Aww come on Chim Chim we're hungry too!" Jungkook pouted.

"Fine I'll make you 3 some. Leave Yoongi's pancakes alone though." Jimin laughed.

10 minutes later, the 3 vampires were digging in to Jimin's hot pancakes.

Yoongi tried to reach for one only for Jungkook to block him with his fork.

"Jeon Jungkook share with Yoongi!" Jimin snapped.

"Fine. Here kid." Jungkook grumbled.

"You're amazing Kookie!" Yoongi giggled

"Yeah Yeah eat my pancakes brat."

"I'm not a brat!" Yoongi said with mock hurt.

"Yes you are." The three vampires said in unison.

"I think he's adorable." Jimin laughed.

"Fine he's sexy." Namjoon teased.

At Jimin's loud growl he quieted down.

"Relax I'm just teasing. I love Jin more anyway." Namjoon laughed.

"What are we doing today Jimin?" Yoongi asked shoveling the last piece of the pancake in his mouth.

"Anything you want baby." Jimin smiled.

"Take me out for ice cream?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course. What ice cream shop would you like to go to?"

"Cold Stone?" Yoongi asked.

"Nice pick! That's the place where you customize what you want!" Jungkook said in excitement.

"I would offer for you guys to come but I really want to spend the day with Jimin." Yoongi said shyly.

"We understand!" Namjoon laughed.

"What's your favorite flavor Yoongi?" Jin asked.

"I like the 'Somewhere Over the Dough' ice cream flavor." Yoongi smiled.

"Nice! Mine is the 'Cookie Makes Everything Batter' flavor!" Jin said.

"What about you Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"I like just plain vanilla." Jimin laughed.

"That's boring!" Yoongi laughed.

Jimin pouted at Yoongi before everyone burst into laughter.

"Ok get ready Yoongi while I do the dishes." Jimin smiled.


"He's so cute." Jimin sighed.

The three vampires laughed at Jimin lovesick expression.

"You're whipped." Jungkook laughed.

"Chim Chim is in loveeee, Chim Chim is in loveee, Chim Chim is in loveee! " Namjoon sang.

"He's so whipped for Yoongi!" Jin laughed.

Yoongi came back downstairs and gave Jimin a hug from behind.

"Shit Yoongi you look good!" Jin laughed.

Jimin turned around and his breath hitched.

Yoongi was wearing his black ripped jeans, black shirt tucked in, with black boots.

"Fuck you're lucky they're here or I would rip that off you."

"Jimin! We don't need to hear that!" Jungkook said with a grossed out expression.

"Oh please! Like you don't fuck Tae?" Jimin asked.

"I do but you don't hear me saying how I'd like to rip off his clothes in front of you!" Jungkook laughed.

"You guys probably shouldn't have sex for a few days at least. Just to be safe. We don't want Jimin going wild again. Vampires are much stronger than humans is why." Namjoon advised.

"Fine I'll keep my hands to myself." Jimin laughed.

"Good. We'll all be going now. We have work to get to. If you need anything Yoongi text the group." Namjoon smiled.

"Ok I will."

When the door shut Jimin leaned forward kissing Yoongi on the lips.

"You look so hot baby boy. I want to take you right here on the wall." Jimin groaned in Yoongi's ear.

"Then why don't you?" Yoongi asked sweetly.

"Don't tempt me sweetheart. We still have ice cream to go to." Jimin husked.

Yoongi pouted but let Jimin lead him to the car.

Yoongi giggled at Jimin opening the door and doing his seatbelt for him.

30 minutes later they were in line for ice cream.

"What's your name pretty?" A blonde woman in her 20's asked Jimin.

"Ugh Jimin. Park Jimin."

"Well Park Jimin you're awfully cute. My name is Jihyo. Buy me ice cream?"

"I'm sorry but I'm actually here with someone." Jimin said shyly.

"Ditch them. You would have a lot more fun with me cutie." Jihyo winked.

"I really like who I'm with. Thanks for the offer though."

"What's so special about him?" Jihyo asked gesturing at Yoongi in disgust.

"He's my boyfriend." Jimin said as a matter of factly.


"I'm sure you'll find someone else to buy you ice cream." Yoongi said sweetly.

"Shut up. You don't get to talk to me you ugly bitch." Jihyo snapped.

"Don't talk to him like that. He's my boyfriend not yours mine. You should leave."

"Not until you buy me ice cream cutie." Jihyo said sending a smirk Yoongi's way.

"I'm not buying you ice cream." Jimin deadpanned.

"Why not? I'm not attractive?" Jihyo asked.

"I'm into guys not girls. Sorry not sorry." Jimin smirked.

"You didn't answer my question."

"No is my answer." Jimin said in annoyance.

"I'll go sit by the table." Yoongi sighed.


Yoongi: Taehyung are you there? :(

Taehyung: yeah what's wrong?

Yoongi: I'm being stupid.

Taehyung: You are NOT being stupid Min Yoongi. Tell me what's wrong.

Yoongi: Jimin is talking to a girl who finds him attractive.

Taehyung: I'm sure he's not interested.

Yoongi: He's talking to her though. :((

Taehyung: What?! Where are you?

Yoongi: Cold Stone ice cream shop. Come get me.

Taehyung: That's right next door to our apartment building! I'm coming. We're on the bottom floor!

Yoongi: Hurry. :(


"Hey Yoongi! Don't cry!" Taehyung soothed.

"I don't know why I'm so upset. It's just ice cream right?" Yoongi sobbed.

"No you should treat it like a date." Taehyung frowned.

"Hey Yoongi what's wrong?!" Jungkook asked.

"That son of a bitch." Jungkook stormed off to Jimin.

"PARK JIMIN!" Jungkook yelled.

"HOW DARE YOU MAKE YOONGI CRY!" Jungkook yelled.

"What? But I wasn't even interested in her."

"Try convincing that to Yoongi. Listen Jimin, Yoongi is more sensitive than the rest of us especially since you both aren't fully bonded. He's wondering why he's not good enough for you right now! Get your ass over there and make him feel better. Or I will break your nose for real." Jungkook snapped.

"Hey Yoonie."

"Leave me alone. You liar." Yoongi sobbed.

"What did I lie about?" Jimin asked.

"That you were gay."

"I promise you Yoongi that you're the only one I want ever. I love you in more ways than you could imagine. I was only talking to her to get her to leave us alone so we could enjoy our date in peace." Jimin smiled.

"Really?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes now ice cream?" Jimin smiled.

"Yeah." Yoongi giggled.

'God how is he so adorable?' Jimin thought.