They barely made it through the doorway before Yoongi pounced on Jimin.

"I want you." Yoongi moaned.

"Baby..." Jimin started already knowing what this was about.

"Please! I want you so bad." Yoongi begged trying to grind against Jimin.

"Fuck." Jimin gasped as Yoongi's hard cock rubbed against his own hardening length.

"Baby..." Jimin groaned.

"Are you sure? Because if you're still scared we don't-" Yoongi shut Jimin up with a needy kiss.

"Jimin please. I want you." Yoongi begged.

"Okay baby go lay on the bed while I go grab some things." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi obeyed and got comfortable on the bed. Every minute Jimin took felt excruciating to Yoongi with his throbbing erection. Jimin didn't say he couldn't touch himself...

Yoongi reached down into his pants, letting out a soft moan when he brushed against the tip of his leaking cock. Jimin returned with a small box full of what appeared to be sex toys.

"Is my baby being naughty?" Jimin asked sweetly.

"No I'm a good boy. Please Jimin, I need something!" Yoongi sobbed.

Jimin slicked up a light blue vibrator and made quick work of Yoongi's clothes leaving him naked on the bed.

"If at any time you feel nervous or scared say red." Jimin smiled.

"Ok." Yoongi moaned bucking his hips up.

"I'm going to handcuff you to the bed and blindfold you. Is that okay?" Jimin asked.

"Please Jimin!" Yoongi whined. Jimin quickly handcuffed Yoongi's arms to the bed and tied the blindfold over his eyes.

Jimin slowly ran his fingers down Yoongi's chest, to his abs, and finally to the spot Yoongi wanted him to touch.

Yoongi shivered at Jimin's innocent touches which were made even more arousing since he couldn't see. His fingers were setting a trail of fire in its wake. He wanted nothing more than for Jimin to fuck him roughly into the bed.

"Please Jimin. Do something." Yoongi begged.

"Do you want me baby?" Jimin husked in his ear.

"Please stop teasing. I'm sorry. Please I need you." Yoongi sobbed.

"Why are you sorry Yoongi?" Jimin asked.

"For getting jealous. And for touching myself." Yoongi shuddered.

"It's okay baby. I think it's cute when you get jealous. But you should know by now that I'm yours fully regardless if we're not fully bonded yet." Jimin said in a sultry voice.

"Please. I need something. Please." Yoongi sobbed with tears soaking through the blindfold.

"Shh baby I promise I'm going to make you feel so good." Jimin husked.

Jimin quickly slicked up the blue vibrator and teased the tip of Yoongi's painfully hard cock.

"Oh god! Please more! Please!" Yoongi begged. Jimin chuckled before spreading Yoongi's legs more and teasing Yoongi's pucker. "Please stop teasing!" Yoongi openly sobbed.

"Shhh baby. Let me take care of you." Jimin husked. Jimin carefully slid the slicked up vibrator into Yoongi's hole watching his hole swallow it greedily. "You're so adorable baby. So wonderfully sexy and beautiful. I'm hard just by watching you."

"Oh god right there baby. Don't stop." Yoongi moaned as Jimin hit his prostate.

"You're so hot Yoongi especially like this. Fucking hell Yoonie." Jimin husked in Yoongi's ear.

Jimin pressed firmly on Yoongi's prostate making him cry out as waves of pleasure cascaded over him.

A few minutes later, Yoongi's legs began to shake as he neared his climax.

"Please let me come Minnie!" Yoongi sobbed.

"You can't come yet Yoongi." Jimin husked.

"Please.." Yoongi begged.


"Why?" Yoongi sobbed.

"Because you touched yourself without my permission." Jimin smirked.

"I'm sorry baby. Please I promise I'll be your good boy. I promise!" Yoongi moaned.

"You'll be my good boy?" Jimin asked.

"Yes! Please Jimin. I wanna come. Please."

Jimin turned off the vibrator making Yoongi sob at the loss of pleasure.

"Shhh baby it's okay." Jimin soothed.

"I love you baby." Jimin soothed nibbling on Yoongi's neck.

"Ahh! I love you too!" Yoongi openly sobbed.

"Does my baby boy want to come?" Jimin asked.

"Yes please!" Yoongi begged.

"Ok. You can come anytime you want baby and as much as you want." Jimin smiled before taking Yoongi fully in his mouth.

"Oh fuck! Holy fuck Jimin." Yoongi whimpered.

Yoongi felt his climax nearing again as Jimin bobbed his head faster and faster.

"I'm going to come!"

Jimin circled his tongue on the tip of Yoongi cock before deep throating him again.

"Ahhh!" Yoongi screamed.

"You taste so fucking good baby boy." Jimin growled.

Yoongi whined at Jimin's dirty talk before tugging at the binds.

"Are you okay baby?" Jimin asked in concern.

"I want to touch you. Please Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Ok baby." Jimin smiled.

As soon as Jimin undid the binds and took off the blindfold, Yoongi pounced on Jimin.

"Can I do the same to you?" Yoongi asked shyly.

"Of course baby." Jimin smiled.

When Jimin was situated and stripped, Yoongi ran his fingers across Jimin's body.

Jimin's breath hitched when Yoongi's thumb brushed across his sensitive nipple.

"You touch me so good baby boy." Jimin moaned.

Yoongi smirked before spreading Jimin's legs more and sinking himself down on Jimin's cock.

"Oh fuck!" Jimin screamed.

"You feel so good Minnie." Yoongi moaned.

"Fuck you're so tight baby clenching around my cock. You're gonna make me come so hard." Jimin moaned.

"Go faster please." Jimin whined.

Yoongi went faster until he was hitting his prostate with every thrust.

"Can I come Minnie?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes you can baby."

"Fuck! Jimin!" Yoongi screamed as he came.

"Fuck..." Jimin groaned as he came inside Yoongi seconds later.

"Wow that was amazing..." Jimin breathed.

"I agree!" Yoongi giggled.

"You're so adorable Yoonie."

Yoongi blushed before undoing the binds and blindfold.

"I love you Yoonie." Jimin said kissing Yoongi's neck.

"I love you too baby." Yoongi smiled.

Smut end

Namjoon: what's up guys?

Jin: seriously? Do you have nothing better to do?

Namjoon: What? :( But I finished the paperwork you gave me!

Taehyung: you guys are hilarious.

Jimin: they bicker like an old married couple

Yoongi: I think it's cute!

Taehyung: you think everything is cute! Lol.

Jimin: Don't come for my baby! He's adorable.

Taehyung: You're so whipped!

Jungkook: Aww he called him his baby! How cute!

Yoongi: probably because I am his baby! Hehehe.

Jimin: you sure are lovely. I love that giggle.

Taehyung: ok we get it you are in love! Does anyone want to go out for drinks tonight?

Namjoon: I'm in! Let's get shit faced!

Jin: So in!

Jungkook: In!

Taehyung: What about Yoongi and Jimin?

Jimin: Yoongi's upset again. He's scared.

Namjoon: I have an idea!

Namjoon: why don't we drink at Jimin's place. That way Yoongi isn't scared!

Yoongi: I'm ok with that!

Jimin: then it's settled. I have plenty of alcohol so no one bring any!

Taehyung: got it!

Jungkook: ok!

Namjoon: {thumbs up emoji}

Jin: seriously Namjoon? you're too lazy to type?

Namjoon: I am not!

Namjoon: see you soon Jimin! Can't wait to get shit faced!

Jin: {eye roll emoji}

Namjoon: why do you always use that emoji with me? I'm beginning to wonder...

Jin: probably because you're a dumbass but you're my dumbass.

Namjoon: I don't know how to take that tbh...

Yoongi was snickering at the incoming texts of the group chat until a hug from behind interrupted him.

"I love you Yoonie." Jimin said while nuzzling Yoongi's neck.

"I love you too Minnie." Yoongi smiled turning around in the hug to plant a kiss on Jimin's lips.

Jimin smiled at Yoongi's cuteness and enveloped Yoongi in a hug.

"Can we cuddle until the others arrive?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course baby."

Yoongi was about to nod off before the doorbell rang making Yoongi pout.

"We'll cuddle more when they leave I promise." Jimin laughed.

Jimin answered the door to a laughing Jungkook.

"What's so funny?" Yoongi asked.

"Taehyung. He backed into a tree!" Jungkook said laughing hysterically.

Taehyung appeared looking pissed.

"Quit laughing! It's not funny!!!" Taehyung pouted.

"Oh but it is!" Jungkook laughed.

"Hey Yoongles!" Taehyung said cheerfully hugging him.

"You backed into a tree?" Yoongi asked.

"I didn't see it!"

"It was a big ass tree!" Jungkook laughed.

"If you keep this up you aren't going to get sex tonight." Taehyung warned.

Jungkook stopped laughing immediately making Jimin and Yoongi laugh.

"What? I have to have my little Tae Tae." Jungkook grinned.

"Hey guys!" Jin and Namjoon said walking in.

"I'll get the glasses for everyone." Jimin smiled.

He grabbed 6 wine glasses for everyone and poured a fancy red wine in each one.

"What's in the bag Namjoon?" Yoongi asked.

"It's for you actually." Jin smiled.

"What? You didn't have to..." Yoongi smiled.

"Open it." Namjoon said bouncing excitedly.

"Woah... What is this?" Yoongi asked looking at what looked to be a golden vampire fang.

"Think of it as your safety net. Anytime you're in danger or uncomfortable it will let Jimin know since he has a matching one." Namjoon said.

"I'll demonstrate." Namjoon smiled.

Namjoon pushed Yoongi against the wall with such vampiric force that it knocked the wind out of Yoongi.

Yoongi tried to get some air in but couldn't and started freaking out.

"KIM NAMJOON!! I'm going to kill your ass!" Jimin yelled immediately going to Yoongi.

"Can't breathe." Yoongi gasped.

"Shit! I didn't mean to..." Namjoon panicked.

"This is what I tell you Joonie! You need to be aware of your strength." Jin said also rushing to Yoongi.

That was until Yoongi's world went black.

"Shit he's unconscious thanks to you Namjoon!" Jimin yelled eyes glowing red.

"Take it easy there." Jungkook tried.

"Take it easy there? Are you for real right now? My boyfriend is unconscious thanks to him!" Jimin fumed.

"He'll come around!" Jin soothed.

"I'll heal him." Jimin said.

A glowing light came from Jimin's hand and floated over Yoongi's body before sinking in to his skin.

Yoongi jumped awake gasping before flinching away from Namjoon.

"If you weren't my friend Namjoon you'd have your fucking ass kicked by me." Jimin fumed with raging red eyes.

"Sorry Jimin." Namjoon said with tears in his eyes.

"Jimin please stop yelling at him! He's crying. He's obviously sorry and didn't mean to hurt me. I forgive you Namjoonie." Yoongi smiled before hugging Namjoon.

Jimin appeared to relax at his mate's words and assured Namjoon that it was okay.

"Can we get back to our drinks?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course." Jimin laughed.

Barely one drink in, the doorbell rang with loud knocking.

"Who is that? Did anyone invite somebody else?" Jin asked.

Everyone shook their heads at Jin's question.

Jimin immediately stood in front of Yoongi to protect him.

"I'll answer it. " Jin said standing up and walking towards the door.


"Umm is Yoongi here?" Hoseok asked.

"No he's not. Fuck off!" Jin yelled.

"Why do I have the feeling that you're lying?" Hoseok asked.

"Yoongi doesn't want to see you. He's said so numerous times." Jin spat.

"Who's at the door Jin?" Namjoon asked.

"It's Hoseok-ssi." Jin spat.

"You need to fuck off Hoseok." Namjoon fumed.

"But I'm sorry." Hoseok sighed.

"You're sorry? You're sorry?? Is that some kind of sick joke?!" Namjoon asked angrily.

"You need to leave." Jungkook said glaring daggers at the boy.

"What's the matter? You finally realized what a fuck up you are?" Jin fumed.

Hoseok spotted Jimin and Yoongi hiding behind him.

Hoseok stepped forward, "Yoongi I'm sorry. I was an asshole and was going to ask if you could forgive me and be friends again?" Hoseok asked with a hopeful tone in his voice.

"I'm sorry Hobi but I don't want to be friends with someone like you ever. You hurt me more than you could imagine but I've moved on. It's time for you to do the same." Yoongi said.

"What the hell do you mean with someone like me? Wasn't I good enough for you? You were begging underneath me like the little slut you are. You would've fucked me if Jimin hadn't interrupted wouldn't you? I know you would have because you're nothing but a slut." Hoseok laughed.

"I'll admit I probably would have fucked you because I was hurting but I'd never fuck you in a million years now. I love Jimin and he loves me. You're just a fucking asshole. I don't know why you came here to apologize but it didn't work out for you did it? Now leave before I set four vampires on you." Yoongi smirked.

"This isn't over." Hoseok fumed.

"Leave." Yoongi spat.

"Fine. But you can all fuck yourselves." Hoseok spat before storming off.

"Geez what an asshole..." Jin spat angrily.

"Agreed." Jimin said.

"I say we get shit faced finally." Namjoon laughed.

After several drinks, everyone was more than a little tipsy from the wine and passed out in various spots throughout the house.

When Jimin awoke it was to a throbbing headache and a Yoongi by his side still sleeping. That was when he noticed everyone passed out in various spots throughout the house. Jimin shook his head before starting breakfast for everyone.

Everyone awoke to the smell of pancakes, bacon, sausage, biscuits, hashbrowns, kimchi, and some sticky rice cakes.

Yoongi was first in the kitchen wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist. Jimin let out a low rubble akin to a purr.

"What would you like Yoonie?" Jimin asked.

"One of everything please!" Yoongi said excitedly.

Jimin kissed Yoongi's forehead before fixing his plate of breakfast. "Mmm... this is so good Jimin really." Yoongi smiled.

"Glad you like it! I thought everyone would want some." Jimin laughed.

"Fuck these rice cakes are so amazing." Yoongi said.

Jimin laughed at Yoongi's reaction to his breakfast.

"What do you want to do today Yoonie?" Jimin asked.

"Snuggle in bed and you take me out for dinner?" Yoongi asked.

"I would love to!" Jimin smiled.