It was already 5:00 pm and Yoongi was still getting ready much to Jimin's annoyance. "Babe come on we're going to be late." Jimin huffed tapping his foot to send irked messages to Yoongi.

"I'm almost done Minnie." Yoongi said behind the closed door.

"You've been saying that for the past 30 minutes!" Jimin laughed.

"Well this time I mean it when I say five more minutes." Yoongi laughed.

"Alright, but if you're not out in five minutes I'll drag you out of that room." Jimin huffed.

"Alright I'm done. Ready to see?" Yoongi asked.

"Yes baby." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi opened the door and Jimin had to fight the urge to take him then and there. Yoongi had put on a white jean skirt, with an oversized tucked in white, black, and red striped shirt, and black high heels. His makeup was so on point with black wings and a glitter cut crease.

"Do you like it Minnie?" Yoongi asked nervously.

"Fuck baby you're so gorgeous. My gorgeous mate." Jimin smiled before planting a kiss on Yoongi's lips.

"What restaurant did you pick for us Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Ahh it's a new one that just opened up. I hear good things about the food there and wanted to take you there. It's called Jungsik Seoul."

"Oh I've heard of that place! Kookie took Tae there to eat the other day! Tae said the the bibimbap is so die for!"

"Yeah Jungkook is actually the one who suggested this for our second date." Jimin smiled.

"I'm excited!" Yoongi smiled.

"You're so adorable baby." Jimin smiled back fondly.

"Let's go or we'll be late." Jimin said while opening the door and car door for Yoongi.

"Ok Minnie." Yoongi smiled.

The drive to the restaurant was pleasant but long to Yoongi, probably since the restaurant was on the other side of town.

"We're here!" Jimin said while smiling at Yoongi.

"Ok." Yoongi smiled back.

Jimin opened the car door for Yoongi to get out and grabbed his hand leading them to the front desk.

"Park Jimin." Jimin smiled waiting patiently.

"Miss could you show these lovely people to their seats?"

"Yes sir. Follow me please." The lady said gesturing for them to follow.

"Is this table ok for you Mr. Park?" The lady asked.

"Yeah it's perfect thank you." Jimin grinned.

"Your waiter will be right with you ." She smiled before walking away.

"So what do you think?" Jimin asked.

"This place is amazing. I love the atmosphere of the restaurant plus the people are so nice from what I see." Yoongi smiled.

"Hello....." Taemin said before trailing off once he realized who he was serving.

"Taemin?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah it's me." Taemin said sheepishly handing them their menus.

"How are you?" Yoongi asked.

"Pretty good actually. Once Jimin fired me, thanks to you, I had to be a waiter and serve shitty people like you." Taemin said with sarcasm and bitterness.

"Taemin I know...."

"No you DON'T know! You think you know it all but guess what you don't. You're with a rich CEO who could give you anything you could ever dream of. While I'm here serving tables barely making ends meet."

" I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but you don't know a damn thing about me Lee fucking Taemin! My so called father kicked me out of the house when I was 13 after nearly killing me with a beating since I was gay! After that I lived on the streets!! Yeah the god damn streets until I was 20! I floated from job after job not making ends meet! Not barely! Don't go off on me because of your stupid decisions when you don't know shit about me." Yoongi ranted.

"Oh shit I'm sorry. I didn't.."

"Yeah you don't know do you? You don't know anything but how to be a fucking jackass!"

"Yoongi calm down." Jimin soothed.

"Don't tell me to calm down! That fucking hurt!" Yoongi sobbed.

"Taemin you need to get another waiter because obviously you aren't good at being one since you can't keep your shit together." Jimin snapped.

"Yoongi I'm..."

"Leave me alone!" Yoongi yelled.

"Yoongi please.."

"Get away from me." Yoongi said coldly.

"Leave him alone because you've already done enough damage. Get another waiter now!" Jimin yelled eyes glowing red. 

Taemin scrambled away from the table to get another waiter from the kitchens.

"Hey baby it's okay." Jimin soothed sliding into the both next to Yoongi.

Yoongi sobbed into Jimin's chest not caring who could see them or what they thought of them.

"It's okay baby. Shhh.. it's okay. I love you baby." Jimin soothed.

"Our deepest apologies for our waiter's behavior. It will be handled. You can eat free of charge." The lady said.


"What can I get you?" She asked Yoongi with a sympathetic look.

"I'll have the bibimbap please."

"Ok what can get you sir?"

"I'll have what he's having as well." Jimin smiled.

"Ok I'll have that right out to you!" She smiled.

"Are you okay baby?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah." Yoongi sniffled.

"I'm sorry that happened to you Yoongi. Just know I'm here now. That life is over. Plus I'll rip anyone's throat out who wants to hurt you. I love you Yoonie."

"Thanks Minnie. I love you so much." Yoongi smiled.

"I love you so much too." Jimin grinned.

"You're so adorable Yoonie." Jimin sighed.

"You're the best boyfriend ever." Yoongi grinned.

"I love you so much Yoongi. You're truly the best mate ever."

Yoongi kissed Jimin on the lips and smiled at him.

"I love you too."

"Here are both of your bibimbaps. Enjoy!"

That's when Jimin noticed a note on one of the bibimbaps. He grabbed it and read it.

Dear Yoongi,

I'm so so so sorry. I'm sorry for everything I said I was an idiot and there was absolutely no excuse for my behavior. I was way out of line and I sincerely apologize. I'm really sorry about what happened to you. If it helps I'm gay as well and I'm the laughing stock of my family because of that. My parents kicked me out as well but I was 16. I've been on my own ever since and it's been incredibly hard. I'm so sorry I took it out on you. I really am sorry. Please forgive me.

Here's my number. Please text me. I would love to be your friend and get to know you better if it's okay with Jimin.

I really am so sorry I hurt you.

Lee Taemin.

"You should read it Yoonie. He seems really sorry. It's completely your decision though." Jimin assured.

"I'll read it. " Yoongi smiled.

After reading it he added the number to his phone to text later.

"Is this okay Minnie?"

"Of course. As long as he's sincere than I don't have a problem with it." Jimin assured.

"Ok. Thanks Minnie." Yoongi smiled.

'God he's so adorable' Jimin thought.

Yoongi added ***-***-*** to the chat.

Yoongi: Hi everyone this is Taemin! Be nice!

Taemin: hello lol.

Namjoon: the same Taemin that attacked you?

Yoongi: we sorted it out. He knows he can't do that anymore because Minnie would kick his ass. He's definitely changed.

Jin: that's awesome! As long as Jimin is okay with it then I'm ok with it!

Jimin: I'm okay with it. But if you lay a hand on my Yoonie again or scare him in any way, shape, or form I won't be so forgiving.

Taemin: Noted!

Yoongi: hehehe

Taehyung: Hey Taemin!!! Welcome to the crazy!!!

Jungkook: ^ Yeah we're all crazy

Taemin: lol!

Jungkook: I'm bored afffff

Taehyung: talk about me being bored all the time!

Jungkook: I'm entitled time be bored sometimes!

Taehyung: hugh.....

Jungkook: love you sweetie {kissing emoji}

Taehyung: yeah yeah I love you too.

Yoongi: you both are so cute. You bicker like an old married couple.

Taehyung: We're not old! I'm still young and fabulous! {Winking emoji}

Jungkook: right...

Jimin: you are right. You are both two big babies!!

Jungkook: I'm insulted!

Taehyung: Same!

Taemin: hehehe

Yoongi: I agree hehehe!

Taehyung: Min Yoongi! This is betrayal on your part!

Jungkook: We're young but we aren't babies!!

Jimin: oh I must be mistaken. You two are crybabies. {eye roll emoji}

Taemin: ooooo you just got burned!

Yoongi: ^^^^

Jungkook: Don't you be taking sides Min Yoongi I'll kick your ass!!!

Yoongi: hmmmm I don't think so! Minnie would kick you ass if you tried anything!

Jimin: Damn right!

Jungkook: I could take him! :)

Jimin: you sure about that? {Contemplating emoji} Because I'll kick your ass to oblivion if you even touch my Yoonie.

Jungkook: ok I won't touch your mate geez.

Jimin: hehehe

Jimin: come snuggle with me Yoongi! I want snuggles.

Jungkook: What is he doing?

Yoongi: I'm in the bathroom removing all my makeup and changing into my pjs.

Jimin: Hurry Yoonie. I want cuddles and kisses.

Yoongi: I'm almost done {Kissy face emoji}

Jimin: {Pouting emoji}

Taemin: you two are literal couple goals.

Jimin: thanks! Come on Yoongi. I'm getting more and more lonely by the second!

Yoongi: ok lol. I'm almost done.

Jimin: Almost?? {Pouty face emoji}

Yoongi: Jimin I love you but please stop whining.

Jimin: as soon as you come out and snuggle with me

Yoongi: Ugghh this glitter wont come off!!! I look like the bride of Frankenstein.

Taehyung: do you have some mineral oil Yoongi?

Jimin: In the closet Yoongi.

Taehyung: ok just apply it to a cotton ball and wipe and you'll look normal again lol.

Yoongi: holy shit how did I not know about this?!! Good god it's coming off. Thank god. You're a lifesaver Tae. {kissy face emoji}

Jimin: hey only I get the kisses!

Yoongi: Lol

Taemin: lmao

Taehyung: relax Jimin I'm not coming for your mate lol.

Jimin: yay snugglessssss!

Jimin: Snugglessssss!

Jungkook: we're laughing at you Jimin.

Namjoon: Same!

Jin: it's cute. Give him a break he's never felt like this.

Yoongi: he's literally the best mate ever. I love him so much.

Jungkook: awwwwwwwwww

Taehyung: aewwwww. My heart just ughhhh

Taemin: so cute!

Namjoon: awwwwww

Jin: So adorable.

Jimin: you're the best mate I could ever ask for Yoonie. I love you.

Taehyung: My heart just ahhhhhhhgg

Jungkook: awww

Namjoon: shit you are both so adorable

Jin: agreed!

Taemin: y'all are legit mate goals!

"Yoonie can we snuggle and put our phones down?" Jimin asked.

"Of course baby. Fuck this is so nice." Yoongi sighed.

"Can I drink?" Jimin asked.

"Yes." Yoongi moaned.

"Is my baby needy tonight?" Jimin asked.

"Yes please Jimin. And no teasing please." Yoongi whined.

When Jimin bit down, it was pure ecstasy for both of them because in that tender moment nothing else mattered to them.