"Oh fuck!" Yoongi moaned bucking his hips up.

Jimin moaned around his neck before sliding his hand down around Yoongi's cock to slowly jerk him off.

Jimin stripped them both before climbing back on top of Yoongi. Jimin moaned when his hard cock brushed against Yoongi's hardening length.

"Please Minnie. I want you so bad." Yoongi moaned.

"Okay baby. Shhh..." Jimin soothed while positioning himself at Yoongi's entrance and thrusting himself inside with a loud moan.

"Minnie.. go faster!" Yoongi moaned in desperation.

Jimin bit his lip and slammed himself inside of Yoongi making both of them moan. Jimin kept up with the brutal pace until Yoongi moaned for him to go harder. Jimin slammed himself in harder making Yoongi scream in pleasure at the feeling of Jimin inside him.

"Ha~rd~er" Yoongi sobbed.

Once again Jimin complies going much harder than he was originally going.

"Fuck baby! Just like that! Ahh!" Yoongi moaned.

"You're so gorgeous.. my beautiful mate." Jimin panted. 

"Minnie~ ahhh! Please let me come! I need it."

"Come for me baby boy." Jimin panted.

"Jimin!!!" Yoongi screamed as he came all over himself.

"Please come for me baby!" Yoongi sobbed.

That was Jimin's undoing as he came hard inside Yoongi groaning Yoongi's name through it.

"Wow! That was amazing baby." Yoongi sighed with a smile.

"I agree Yoonie." Jimin smiled.

"Geez What are they talking about? My phone is blowing up like crazy." Yoongi giggled.

"Maybe we should see." Jimin laughed

Taemin: it's not my fault he was so cute!

Taehyung: you know he's Jimin's mate right??

Jungkook: Don't be stupid.

Yoongi: uhhhh guys what are we talking about?

Taemin: Nothing!

Jimin: Even I know that you're lying.

Taemin: it's really nothing.

Yoongi: just come out with it Taemin god.

Taemin: I think Yoongi is my mate! There I said it!

Yoongi: Sorry but I'm taken! But thanks  though.

Jimin: He's mine Lee Taemin. Back off.

Yoongi: Relax Minnie. You know I want you and only you right?

Taemin: you wouldn't want me?

Jimin: Back off before I hunt you down.

Yoongi: I'm sorry Taemin but no.

Taemin: why not?

Taehyung: Because he's in love with Jimin you idiot.

Taemin: is that true Yoongi?

Yoongi: yes it is.

Taemin: but why not me?

Jungkook: Look you dumbass he's in love with someone else. Accept it and move on!

Taemin: Why should I? He's obviously mine!

Jimin: No he's not! I highly recommend you back the fuck off. He's mine. Why can't you accept that! You're a jackass. If you think for a second you can come for my mate you are mistaken.

Taemin: Because he's mine.

Namjoon: You know they're bonded right?

Taemin: Damn it! Why are all the good ones taken?

Jimin: Remove him from the chat Yoongi.

Yoongi removed Taemin the chat

Yoongi: I'm so sorry Minnie I had no idea. I'm really sorry. I'm an idiot.

Jimin: I love you Yoongi. You aren't an idiot. Even I didn't see that coming.

Namjoon: holy shit.. well let me be the first to tell you that's not possible.

Jimin: How so?

Jin: Everyone has their own designated mate. It's decided by the creator. It's unheard of for one person to have two vampire mates because it doesn't exist.

Jimin: thank fuck

Yoongi: ...

Jungkook: What is it Yoongi?

Yoongi: he sent me a dick pick.....

Jimin: I'm going to kill that bastard. Block that number NOW.

Yoongi: ok just did.

Yoongi: where are you going Jimin? I said I was sorry.

Jimin: I'm going out.

Taehyung: Jimin you cant blame Yoongi! He didn't know!

Yoongi: I'm sorry Jimin. Please come back.

Jimin: no.

Jungkook: Jimin you are being stupid.

Jimin: you're stupid.

Namjoon: Jimin calm down.

Jimin: shut up.

Jin: respectfully Jimin you're being an ass.

Yoongi: come back Jimin. Let's talk about this.

Jimin left the chat.

Jungkook: Damn...

Taehyung: don't worry Yoongi we'll get this sorted out.

Yoongi left the chat.

Yoongi decided to pack his things and leave. He went back to his apartment to find Hoseok inside reading one of his horror books.

Yoongi started sobbing not caring what Hoseok had to say. Or the I told you so that would be said.

"Yoongi? Shit! What's wrong? What's happened?"

"He-he doesn't want me anymore." Yoongi sobbed hysterically.

"Shhh it's okay."

"I fuck everything up Hobi. I'm sorry for not listening to you. You were right." Yoongi sobbed.

Taehyung added Yoongi to the chat

Yoongi: I'm with Hobi. Fuck off all of you.

Yoongi left the chat.

Jungkook: This isn't going to end well is it?

Jungkook added Jimin to the chat.

Jungkook: If you fucking leave one more god damn time I will kill you myself.

Jimin: What?

Taehyung: Enjoying yourself are we?

Jungkook: Are you happy now?

Jimin: fuck off.

Namjoon: What the fuck is wrong with you Jimin? He's your MATE for gods sake!

Jimin left the chat

Jungkook: I'll sort this out starting with Jimin.

Taehyung: I'll deal with Yoongi.

"I don't understand how I'm not good enough for anyone." Yoongi sobbed until he fell asleep.

Hoseok carried Yoongi to bed before snuggling with him.

"I promise you won't hurt anymore with me." Hoseok whispered before falling asleep himself.

Dreams weren't on Yoongi's side that night. Yoongi woke up screaming in pleasure due to another sex dream of Jimin. That's when he noticed his problem and Hoseok staring at him with hungry eyes.

"Can I spoil you baby?"

"But you called me a slut just a few days ago!" Yoongi weakly protests

"You're so pretty. You can be my little slut if you want." Hoseok husked.

" Hobi~" Yoongi whined from the intense tingling running through his body. He knew it was something to do the bond but fuck Jimin.

"What is it baby?" Hoseok asked running his hands over Yoongi's clothed chest to his pants.

"Make me forget him." Yoongi sobbed.

"Ok baby."


Jungkook: Calm down. What do you mean?


Namjoon added Jimin to the chat.


Jungkook: CALM DOWN!


Jimin: I cant teleport to him. What does that mean?

Namjoon: Ugghhh I might've taught him how to block you off....


Jimin: I'm headed to my place I'll check there.

JUNGKOOK: Don't bother. He moved his stuff out. We already checked.

Jimin: What!

Tae: You were quite an asshole... just saying. I would've left too.

Jungkook: He said he's with Hoseok. And to tell Jimin to fuck off.

Jin: WHAT!!!!!


Jimin: Shit I don't know his address!

Jin: Did anyone check his apartment??

Namjoon: No no one did. What's the point? He said he's at Hobi's place.

Jin: He could be lying to get us not to come. I bet they're fucking already. Just saying!

Namjoon: Totally I would bet it too. Why else would he go back to that prick!?

Taehyung: I know that's the move I'd go for.

Jungkook: Why Tae?

Tae: To hurt Jimin as much as he hurt him. Or to get him angry to see if he even cares. That's why.

Namjoon: Who has their bets on them fucking?

Tae: me

Jin: me

Namjoon: me

Jungkook: me

Jimin: Can you people stop betting and actually HELP me find him?

Tae: If he blocked you off he probably doesn't want to see you don't you think? Oh wait! That requires too much common sense which you clearly lack.

Jimin: I need to see him though.

Jin: I would wait a bit. He's probably pissed with you as he should be.

Namjoon: I wouldn't wait. Believe it or not the bond can get damaged Jin.

Jin: We'll all go to his apartment. I want to see if they're fucking.

Tae: Jin!!

Jungkook: You have a dirty mind.

30 minutes later, they were all at Yoongi's apartment.

Jin knocked but there was no answer that was until he heard footsteps.

Hoseok appeared. "What the fuck do y'all want? Yoongi says he's done with Jimin and doesn't want to see him."

Jimin pushed Hobi hard and called for Yoongi.

"What do you want?" Yoongi asked in tears.


"Do you have any idea how much you hurt me? Or my trust?"

"Oh wait! It's because you clearly don't want someone like me! A logical person would've realized I still loved you and wanted you as my mate! But you don't get that do you? You don't get that I love you so fucking much it hurts. I didn't want Taemin! I wanted you! I don't give a fuck about Taemin because I have you. But now if you ask me Taemin might be a better option. At least he didn't shut me out and treat me like shit at the first sign of trouble!"

"Yoongi I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking. I still love you and want you to move back in. I know I was an asshole but it was because I was scared of not being good enough for you and you leaving me for Taemin. I know I acted rather stupidly and that I should've talked it out with you but I made a dumb decision that hurt you and I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I know I fucked up. I'm really sorry." Jimin said in sobs.

"I need some space. I'll move back in but you need to respect the fact that I need space from you."

Jimin nodded with a sad expression on his face before driving them both home.