3 days later, Yoongi was fully moved back in at Jimin's place, while still avoiding Jimin in favor of his space. Jimin gave him his own room and let him decorate it accordingly.

Yoongi came home holding his phone with a smile on his face. When he saw Jimin the smile fell into sadness. To Jimin it felt like a punch to the heart and stomach. He's supposed to make Yoongi happy not sad and hurting.

"Yoongi can we talk?" Jimin asked.

The sad expression morphed into confusion and then fear.

"Sure." He squeaked.

"Yoongi I'm so sorry for my stupid decisions and how I hurt you. I know I should've listened to you and talked to you about it but honestly I just wasn't thinking. I was just insanely jealous because you're such an amazing mate who could get way better but I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please forgive me? I love you Yoongi. I always will no matter what."

"I still love you Jimin. There's no doubt about that. I can't forgive you yet through. I need more time. I accept your apology though and understand through your perspective but there's still the fact the you hurt me and broke my trust. But I still love you Minnie and I still want to be your mate." Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded not quite trusting himself to speak as tears filled his eyes.

"It's ok Minnie. Don't cry. I understand what happened. It's not entirely your fault. Part of it is mine for even adding him."

"It's not your fault at all Yoongi. You couldn't have known. I was the one who acted childishly." Jimin said in a strained voice.

"Can you cook dinner? I need to change." Yoongi asked.

"Of course." Jimin smiled.

By the time Yoongi had changed and gotten ready for the night, Jimin had dinner ready on the dining table waiting.

Yoongi sat in the chair farthest from Jimin and ate in silence. To Jimin, the tension in the air couldn't even be cut with the sharpest chainsaw.

"I'm going to bed." Yoongi sighed.

"Ok. Goodnight." Jimin said while trying to smile. Jimin wasn't met with a smile but was instead met with an expression of great sadness. Damn he really fucked up. Yoongi wasn't supposed to be sad because of him. He was supposed to make Yoongi happy and spoil him not make him sad. Dreams were once again not on Yoongi's side with the nightmare of Jimin saying he didn't want him anymore. Yoongi woke up and started sobbing hysterically until he calmed down.

Yoongi: Hobi are you there?

Hobi: yeah what's up?

Yoongi: Can you meet me at the park that's on the other side of town?

Hobi: Ok no problem. I'll get my car and drive there. Do you need a ride?

Yoongi: No I'll use Jimin's car.

Hobi: Ok.

Yoongi quickly grabbed Jimin's car key and drove off to the other side of town hoping no one would find him.


Tae: What's wrong?



Jin: Seriously are you both too lazy to type words?? What's wrong Jimin?

Taemin: What's wrong?

Jungkook: How did you get back in here?

Taemin: Yoongi added me back. Didn't you see? He called me a short while ago and was sobbing really bad. I tried to comfort him but he hung up. He didn't say anything through the entire call. Is he ok?

Jimin: He's gone. He took my car and has blocked me off. I'm beginning to hate it when he does that.

Taehyung: fuckkkkk

Jungkook: Damn

Namjoon: Are there any places that mean something to him? Somewhere he'd go to forget everything? Think everyone! Anything he said could be a clue as to where he's at.

Taehyung: no clue. He hasn't mentioned any places he goes to me.

Jungkook: Same.

Taemin: idk

Taemin: he's texting me kissy faces and is texting like crazy. He's definitely drunk.

Yoongi: wassssupppppo

Jungkook: Are you drunk????

Jimin: Where the fuck are you???

Yoongi: dunnooooooo it's darkkkkk oooooo the screen is spinnnning. Oooooooo.

Jungkook: Fuck. Where are you? And why did you go to a bar???

Yoongi: Toooooo forhet apout nightmare.

Jimin: What nightmare???

Yoongi: The one where youuuuu said you didnttttttt looooovee meeee anymor and Hobi's here too sayyyyty hiii

Yoongi: Hahahaha heyyyyyy suppo peeps.

Jimin: shit. Where are you? What bar are you at?

Yoongi: cantttttttr telllll shhhhhhhg it's secretssssss

Jungkook: hughhhh Jimin if I were in the same room with you I'd kick your ass.


Jimin: I'm facepalming wait vampires??

Jungkook: Stay away from those vampires Min Yoongi!!

Tae: This is entirely your fault Jimin you fucking dumbass.


Jimin: NO!

Tae: Holy fuck.

Jungkook: good god...

Namjoon: holy fuck.

Jin: ....

Yoongi added Hobi to the chat.

Hobi: Voice message (Heyyyyy part-y pee-ps)

Yoongi: Voice message(Sayyyy hiiii to my friends vampiresssss!)

Hobi: Voice message (Hey Don't worry we won't be too rough on your friends! But they have to go now for a nice fuck and blood sucking session)

Jimin: Oh my god...

Hobi: Ooooooo this fellafg is hot afffffff

Yoongi: Fuckkkkn yeaghbb we vibin.mfgb

Hobi: you wannna do a fourssomce Yoongiib?

Yoongi: Fuckhgb yesgh!

Hobi: video message (heyyy sayyyyty hii Yoongi!)

Yoongi video message (Supp guys! Look at my new friendsss! They're so hot fuckkk)

Jungkook: Are you for real right now! Fuck Yoongi is so drunk.

Tae: Good god this isn't going to end well is it?

Jungkook: There's no way in hell this will end well. I wish they would send more videos or sound so I could get an idea of what bar they're at.

Jimin: I'm really regretting my life's decisions.

Jin: You should because this is entirely your fucking fault.

Jimin: I know. But how are we going to find him? Seriously.

Jin: I tried to teleport too and I can't either.

Namjoon: this is worse than I thought.

Jimin: What do you mean?

Namjoon: He can block us all off now when he couldn't before due to the bond. Fuckkkkk.

Yoongi: wioioooooooooo the roommms spinngm. They GC just orderessc ussss mordxse drinkesd!

Jimin: please don't drink anymore.

Yoongi: fuckkkhc offfddf I dooooo whatgg I wants grandpasdd

Jimin: did he just call me old!

Jin: Focus you idiot!!!

Hobi: ooooo they're givinggggg us a pill!!!!

Yoongi: I just Todd toook it.

Jimin: NOOO! Fuck.

Yoongi: video message( Yoongi showing off the vampires and another pill)

Jimin: Don't take that fucking pill!

Yoongi: I dooooooo what's I wantses

Hobi: Yeaggghg Don't nme a psrrty pooperssdf

Jimin: come on guys! GET OUT OF THERE!

Yoongi: Taemin you cannnn comeeee

Taemin: Where the fuck are you?

Yoongi: It's a secrestdc

Taemin: Let me in on the secret baby. I won't tell anyone {winking emoji}

Yoongi: Ok babbhygy i seesddx you. immmmm at thevbb newwwew bar by Hobi's housesssssas

Jimin: can someone translate that?

Jungkook: Ok baby I see you. I'm at the new bar by Hobi's house.

Taemin: I teleported there! Shit...

Jimin: What?

Taemin sent an image. (Vampires sucking on an unconscious naked Yoongi and Hobi)

Jimin: Can you give us the power to teleport there?

Taemin: Yeah. I can override Yoongi since he gave me permission to teleport.

Taemin: ok now.

They all teleported to Taemin and gasped at the sight before them.