"Get OFF him!" Jimin snarled at the vampire on top of Yoongi.

"Make me." The vampire smirked.

Jimin growled loudly with piercing red eyes before pouncing on the vampire. Jimin extended his lethal fangs and snapped the vampire's neck in two.

The other vampire that was on top of Hobi ran for the exit screaming in fear.

"Remind me not to piss you off Jimin." Namjoon said in shock.

"I got Yoongi. You both get Hoseok." Jimin said with a slight growl.

Yoongi's eyes opened slightly and he breathed in Jimin's scent while hugging Jimin.

"Minnie!" Yoongi slurred.

"Let's get you home." Jimin said.

"Ok." Yoongi smiled before passing out again.

Jimin carried Yoongi to his bedroom bridal style, dropped him on the bed gently, and slid in next to him to snuggle.

"I love you so much Yoongi. I will always love you." Jimin whispered in his ear while simultaneously stroking his hair affectionately.

When Yoongi awoke the next morning, he groaned loudly before jerking awake when he felt a warm body next to him. He relaxed when he realized it was just Jimin snuggling with him. What happened last night? He groaned as the memories started flooding in.

Jimin awoke with slowly reddening eyes. He looked pissed.

"Ok do you mind telling me what the absolute fuck you were thinking last night? You could've fucking died with those vampires on you like that! And god knows what those pills you took were!! They could've been so many bad drugs. So much could've happened if we hadn't of found you when we did! You really scared me Yoongi. Please don't ever do that again. I already hid my car keys because you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!! I could've lost you for real. I love you so much and can't lose you. Please don't do that again." Jimin sobbed hysterically eyes turning blue.

"I'm sorry Minnie. Please don't be mad. I wasn't thinking after I had that nightmare. It was of you saying you didn't love me anymore. It scared the shit out of me because I love you so much and I always wonder why you love someone like me when you could get way better than me. I'm sorry Minnie. I really am. I won't do that again."

"I love you for you. I don't want better. I want you. You're all I could ever want in a mate. You're so adorable without even trying, your gorgeous face and body, your cute but timid personality, your feminine side, your cute pouts, your grumpy face in the mornings, I love it all and I always will. I love you Yoonie. And I'm not mad. I've just never been that scared in all my years of living. I love you and I can't imagine losing you and me not being there to save you. Please don't block me off anymore. It kills me when you do that. I want to be by your side always because you are the love I thought I'd never find in my life. I've been alive for so long and haven't felt like this ever for someone."

"Really?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Yes baby. I love you." Jimin smiled.

"I love you too Minnie. Do I even want to look at the chat?"

"Probably not." Jimin laughed.

"What did I do?"

"You took my car first of all and went to the park while blocking me off. Then you went to a bar with Hoseok and got very drunk and took pills from vampires. Then when Taemin finally got you to talk we all teleported there since he could override you. Then I snapped a vampire's neck for touching you while you were passed out. I brought you home and tucked you in. Namjoon and Jin took Hoseok home."

"Good god I'm so embarrassed." Yoongi said covering his face with his hands.

"Baby don't be embarrassed. We were all freaking out over you. No one will think less of you after last night. I promise you that."

"Really? They won't?"

"They won't." Jimin assured.

"Can we snuggle? My head and body hurt too much to do anything."

"Of course baby." Jimin smiled.

Namjoon: Ok I'm dying for an update on Yoongi.

Jin: Do you have nothing better to do?

Namjoon: Nope. Spill Jimin.

Taehyung: He probably feels like shit with those pills and the amount of alcohol he drank.

Jungkook: Agreed. He did drink a shit ton.

Jimin: He feels embarrassed. He thinks you'll all think less of him.

Taehyung: MIN YOONGI!! I will never think less of you. I probably would've done the same thing if Jungkook pulled that shit. Don't worry I still love you Yoongles.

Jungkook: Yeah we would never think less of you. Shit happens.

Namjoon: Jin and I would never ever think less of you Yoongi. Jimin would kill us if we did!

Jin: He's just kidding. We don't think less of you. You're an amazing person Yoongi. Please don't blame yourself. Blame Jimin!

Jimin: I take offense to that.

Yoongi: Thanks guys. And you're right Tae. I feel like I've been run over a million times.

Taehyung: You better spoil him Park Jimin. Or I'll send Jungkook on your ass.

Jungkook: I'm not opposed to that.

Jimin: Of course I'm going to spoil him. That's a no brainer.

Yoongi: Make me breakfast and my coffee drink?

Jimin: That pouty face will make me do anything I swear. But sure baby I'll go make it for you. You can all chat while I make everything

Yoongi: Thanks Minnie. <3

Taemin: So you guys are good again? If so thank god.

Yoongi: Yeah we are. I finally forgave him after everything that happened.

Jungkook: thank fuck.

Taehyung: ^^^^

Namjoon: ^^^^^^^^^^

Jin: Seriously? Type you idiots.

Taehyung: I'm not an idiot!!

Jungkook: Uhhh yes you are! But you're my idiot <3 <3

Taehyung: Not sure how to take that Kookie...

Yoongi: Hobi you awake?

Hobi: Yep. I'm bored aff and feel like shit.

Yoongi: Omg I called Jimin a grandpa {laughing emoji}

Jimin: I remember that! That was so rude! I'm still young and hot.

Yoongi: You're my hot sexy vampire <3

Jimin: Damn right. I'm not a grandpa!!!

Jungkook: Jimin you're a grandpa. Embrace it.

Taehyung: lmao

Taemin: lol

Hobi: lol

Namjoon: I'm dyingggggg!

Jin: {laughing emoji}

Namjoon: Who's too lazy to type words now huh?

Jin: You better watch it before I kick your ass.

Namjoon: yeah right.

Namjoon: That hurt Jin!

Yoongi: What did he do?

Jin: I punched his arm!

Yoongi: Don't mess with Jin!

Jimin: Come downstairs Yoonie. I made your favorite breakfast and I added an extra shot of espresso to your coffee to help with your hangover.

Yoongi: Bye!!!

Jimin: Gee I've never seen someone go that fast for pancakes and coffee!

Taehyung: It's cute!

Jungkook: Agreed!

Jin: It's adorable.

Namjoon: It's so cute.

Hobi: awwwww

Taemin: cute!

"Hey baby." Jimin smiled gesturing to the large breakfast and coffee on the table.

"Thanks Minnie." Yoongi smiled.

"Mmmm this is amazing Jimin." Yoongi said shoveling the pancakes in his mouth.

"Why are you pouting?" Yoongi asked.

"I thought you liked to call me Minnie." Jimin said with a pout.

"I do Minnie. I worry sometimes that you might get tired of it." Yoongi laughed.

"No I love it when you called me Minnie." Jimin smiled.

"Ok noted." Yoongi laughed.

"Wow Minnie this coffee is working wonders on my headache." Yoongi laughed.

"That might be me as well. I'm healing you as we speak." Jimin smiled.

"Thanks Minnie." Yoongi smiled.



"Can I move back into your room?"  Yoongi asked.

"Of course baby. And it's not my room. It's our room." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi blushed and ran to hug Jimin.

"Thanks Minnie."

"You wanna snuggle in our room and watch Netflix?" Jimin asked.

"Yes!" Yoongi grinned before running excitedly to their room.

                       ~A month later~

"Namjoon whats wrong?" Jin asked.

"I'm worried about Jimin for the next few days." Namjoon said in a grave voice.

"Why?" Jin asked.

"Because their bond is fucked up based on what Yoongi has told me and I'm worried about Jimin."

"Damn. What's going on with Yoongi?"

"He's felt the bond burn really bad on his wrist and the dreams are worsening and getting more intense."

"Damn that's bad."