"I can't find my tie! Shit!" Yoongi panicked while tossing clothes everywhere.

"Baby you're making a mess!" Jimin huffed.

"I can't find my tie!" Yoongi huffed going back through the nightstands.

"It's fine Yoongi. Just go without for today and I'll help you look for it when we get back."

"Fine." Yoongi grumbled.

"You're cute." Jimin grinned.

"No I'm not."

"What do you mean? Of course you are!" Jimin laughed.

"Shit! We have to go or we'll be late." Jimin said.

"But I need to grab my-"

"Later. We need to leave now." Jimin rushed.

"Ok." Yoongi grumbled while walking to Jimin's car and settling inside.

"Are you sure you're alright to come back?" Jimin asked while at a stop light.

"Yeah. I am. We've taken a month off. I feel bad for Namjoon." Yoongi sighed.

"Don't feel bad. He understands all this better than anyone because before he mated they went through hell."

"Really?" Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Yes. I'll tell you about it later. But trust me he understands. He asks about you a lot." Jimin smiled.

"Thanks Minnie." Yoongi smiled.

"No problem baby."

"We're here babe." Jimin smiled.

Namjoon greeted them at the entrance with a big smile on his face.

"Guess what guys!"

"What?" They both asked.

"I proposed to Jin and he said yes!" Namjoon smiled.

"Yay congratulations Namjoonie! I'm so happy for you!" Yoongi said while hugging Namjoon.

"We have to celebrate! We need to go out for drinks or do something!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"We were actually thinking of all going to the new bar down the street! Are you guys in?"

"Totally!" Yoongi said

"Yeah." Jimin smiled.

"I'm so happy for you Namjoonie! How did the proposal come about? I need details!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"Well I took him to his favorite restaurant which is the restaurant where we had our first date. I reserved the table outside by the riverfront, we ate our meal, I walked him beside the river and proposed. He was so happy!" Namjoon grinned.

"Yay! That's awesome Namjoon!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"I know. I've never been this happy ever. I can't believe he said yes." Namjoon said with tears in his eyes.

"Who wouldn't say yes to you Namjoon? And he loves you. I can see that and so can everyone else." Yoongi smiled.

"Thanks. I love him so much."

"Congratulations Namjoon. Really that's so great that he said yes! I better be the best man!" Jimin laughed.

"Actually I was wondering if Yoongi could be my best man."

"What? Me? But I'm terrible at planning. Wouldn't you rather have Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"He can help you Yoongi. Jin wants Jimin as his so you could both be our best men and work together."

"Wow thanks!" Yoongi said excitedly.

"Yeah seriously I'm so happy we could both be your best men." Jimin smiled.

"I love you guys." Namjoon smiled.

"Now I think it's time to get to work!" Jimin said.

2 hours later they filed all the necessary paperwork and signed off on all the paperwork for the day.

"It's time for drinks!" Namjoon said.

"Everyone is meeting us there since they're all already there." Namjoon smiled.

"That's great!" Yoongi smiled. 

"Yeah. I'm so happy!" Namjoon smiled.

"We're here!" Namjoon smiled.

"Hey guys!" Namjoon smiled.

"Hey my beautiful fiancé!" Jin smiled while kissing him.

"Can I see the ring?" Yoongi asked.

"Woah!! That's awesome!" Yoongi gasped at the large diamond ring on Jin's finger.

"I know. I was so surprised but so happy all at once! I'm so happy he decided to propose. I love this idiot with all my life." Jin smiled.

"Awwwww!" Everyone said.

"I love you too baby. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." Namjoon smiled.

"Let's get shit faced!" Taehyung said while running into the bar.

"6 shots over here please." Namjoon said to the bartender.

"Will do!" The bartender said pouring six shots for everyone.

Yoongi downed his without a second thought. He was happy for Namjoon and Jin. But he couldn't help but feel a little jealous. They seemed so happy and in love and it felt like Jimin and him were at an awkward stage since Jimin acted badly with the Taemin thing.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Yoongi told Taehyung. 

"Ok hurry back."

As soon as Yoongi locker his stall he pulled out his phone and texted Hoseok.

Yoongi: can you talk?

Hobi: yeah what's up?

Yoongi: I know I shouldn't feel jealous or be upset but Namjoon and Jin are getting married. I don't know why I'm so upset. I should be happy for them right? I feel like Jimin and I are at an awkward stage and I'm beginning to wonder if Jimin will ever come around or if he loves me at all.

Hobi: First off you have no reason to feel bad. This is perfectly normal. Trust me it is google it. That will be your proof. Anyways you should probably talk to Jimin. He probably needs some time. But it doesn't hurt to talk about how you're feeling with him.

Yoongi: He'll think I'm being stupid which I probably am.

Hobi: no he won't. I'll kick his ass if he thought that.

Yoongi: I'm going to leave. But thanks I'll talk to him.

Yoongi crawled through the window of the bathroom and shut it so no one would realize. He dropped his phone but decided to leave without it. He ran for what seemed like forever. He had no idea where he was. He was just grateful to be away from everything for a while. He walked by a ditch and hopped in like he always did when he was homeless. It made him feel safe and secure knowing it was his safe space.

"Where the fuck is Yoongi?" Jimin asked panicking.

"What do you mean? He's in the bathroom."

"No he's not! His phone was on the floor by the sinks. He's gone!" Jimin sobbed in panic.

"And he's blocked me off. I thought I told him not to fucking do that!" Jimin sighed.

"What do you think happened? Is he upset?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't know." Jimin sobbed.

"Look through his texts. I have his passcode." Taehyung said.


"What?" They all asked.

"He left according to his text to Hoseok. Where did he go!" Jimin panicked.

"Damn he's upset. And it's all my fault." Jimin sobbed.

"How is it you fault Jimin?" Namjoon asked.

"I've been semi avoiding him. According to him we're at an awkward stage and he wonders if I love him at all." Jimin sobbed.

"Hey we'll find him Jimin. He couldn't have gotten far. He left on foot. He must be close by." Namjoon soothed.

"Wait. I feel something." Jimin said.

"What do you feel?"

"An urge that isn't mine."

"He's unconsciously calling you. He has no way to contact you so the bond is doing the work for him."

"He's in a ditch. I just saw a ditch!" Jimin said running out of the bar.

Jimin ran until he spotted a ditch where he heard loud sobbing and sniffles.

"Yoongi?" Jimin called.

"Go away." Yoongi sniffled.

"Not until you're safe and you talk to me."

"Do you even love me anymore? It's been a month since the whole Taemin thing happened and you're still acting weird towards me. I still love you Jimin. I want you. I want to be your mate. Do you even want that?" Yoongi exploded into sobs. Jimin's eyes turned gold.

"Of course I want that baby. But I want you to be ready for that. I don't want it to be an impulse. I want you to really want it."

"I do want it." Yoongi sobbed.

"Let's get home and we'll talk about it some more okay?"

Yoongi nodded.

Jimin teleported then home on the soft bed.

"Now talk to me. I want to know how you're feeling. Please talk to me." Jimin pressed.

"Well I was excited originally for Namjoon and Jin but then I thought about it more and about us. I started to get jealous of their closeness. I feel horrible about it but I just couldn't help it. I wanted that with you. I wanted you to feel that way about me. I wanted it. I texted Hoseok to talk to him about it. He said it's normal. I just want to feel that with you so bad." Yoongi finished lamely.

"Oh baby. I do feel that way about you. I've never stopped loving you. I love you so much. I want to mark you every day and it's gotten painful to hold myself back because I wanted to make sure you were ready for it. I see I was wrong to avoid you but that's why. I just want to mark you so everyone knows you're mine and only mine."

"I want it. Please Jimin?" Yoongi asked.

"Are you sure baby? It's a big deal." Jimin said.

"Yes I'm sure. Please?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin's eyes turned bright gold while he pinned Yoongi to the bed.

"Last chance. Do you want this?" Jimin asked.

"Yes please!" Yoongi begged.

"Ok baby." Jimin purred.