Jimin kissed Yoongi tenderly until he reached his neck.

"This is really your last chance. Do you want this?" Jimin asked.

"Yes please." Yoongi gasped.

"Ok baby."

Jimin extended the mating fangs he never thought he'd extend in his lifetime. He nibbled at the raised flesh before sinking them in with a gasp. Yoongi screamed at the pleasure that engulfed his body making his cock go hard in seconds.

"Oh god!" Yoongi gasped in delight as he felt the bond surround him and Jimin while pulling them closer together. Jimin continued drinking until Yoongi was leaking precome.

"Jimin please I want to feel closer to you. Please can we strip?" Yoongi asked.

"Of course baby." Jimin smiled before stripping them of their clothes.

"Please. Don't leave. I want you now." Yoongi gasped while rutting his hips against Jimin's.

"Ok. If it hurts too much let me know." Jimin smiled.

Strangely, the stretch of Jimin's cock didn't hurt but actually felt wet and pleasant.

"Oh god Jimin!" Yoongi moaned.

"Ahhh!!" Jimin gasped as he felt the bond inside him.

"Please move faster baby." Yoongi begged while placing his hands on Jimin's hips.

Jimin moved faster but kept it at a gentle pace until they both felt the bond snap and completely seal them together.

They both came seconds later with the tingling of the now completed bond.

"I love you." Jimin moaned.

"I love you too baby." Yoongi smiled kissing Jimin softly.

"Round 2?" Yoongi asked.

"Mmm of course baby."

Namjoon: Did you fucking find Yoongi!

Jin: Did you?

Tae: Is he ok?

Jungkook: Did you find him?

Hoseok: Wait he's missing! Did you fucking find him!!!

Taemin: Is he ok?!

Jimin: He's fine. Guess what?

Yoongi: We're fully mated now!!

Namjoon: What???? I need details!!!!!!

Jin: As do I!

Yoongi: He marked me. It's on my neck now.

Namjoon: Omg!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm glad you finally sorted it out.

Jin: Same!

Taemin: Fuck you Yoongi.

Taemin left the chat.

Yoongi: I'm so excited guys! I'm so glad I'm with the person I love.

Jimin: I love you too baby. You're mine forever. I can't believe we're mates now. I love you so much.

Yoongi: I love you so much baby. You're mine too! Hehehe! I love you so much.

Namjoon: And we have entered the PDA phase.

Jin: lol

Jungkook: yep lol

Taehyung: lol

Yoongi: Huh?

Namjoon: Typically after mating you're both attached much more than you normally are.

Jimin: Come back Yoongi! I want cuddles!!!

Jungkook: what's he doing?

Yoongi: I'm going to the bathroom nosy.

Jungkook: Hey I'm entitled to be nosy since you are now both fully mated!

Jungkook: How did that come about?

Namjoon: Yeah I want to know too!!!!!!

Jin: Same!!!!!!!

Yoongi: Do you want to tell them or should I tell the story?

Jimin: I'll tell it!

Jimin: Well I found Yoongi in a ditch by the bar crying. I asked what was wrong and he told me that he loves me and wanted to be my mate. He also said that he really wanted to be close to me like you and Jin are and that he was jealous. Then I told him why I've been avoiding him because I've been wanting to mark him and mate and that it was getting painful to deny it. He said he really wanted to be my mate and to stop holding myself back. I brought him home and he still felt the same way so I mated with him.

Jungkook: Awwwww!

Namjoon: Cute!

Jin: Awwww!

Taehyung: So sweet!

Hoseok: Cute!

Yoongi: I love you Jimin! <3

Jimin: I love you too baby <3

Jimin: Come back please! I want snuggles!

Yoongi: I'm coming baby <3

Jimin: Yay snuggles!!!!!!!!

Namjoon: Is he with you now?

Jimin: Yes he's finally giving me snugglesss!!

Jungkook: You both are hilarious.

Jin: Agreed.

Jimin: How are we hilarious?

Namjoon: You both are so in love with each other that it's funny to watch.

Yoongi: That is true. I love my sexy vampire.

Jimin: Are you trying to get me in the mood? Because if so it's working.

Yoongi: Maybe...

Jungkook: Ok we don't need to hear about your sex life. Geez.

Taehyung: Yeah! Keep that in the bedroom!

Namjoon: Yes keep it in the bedroom.

Jin: yes please keep it in the bedroom and not in our chat!

Jimin: lol

Yoongi: lol

"Hey Minnie can we put our phones down? I really want to cuddle and watch Netflix." Yoongi smiled.

"Of course baby." Jimin smiled.

"Can I have a kiss Minnie?" Yoongi asked shyly.

"Of course baby." Jimin smiled while leaning over to kiss Yoongi on the lips.

"Can I have another?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin kissed Yoongi but this time Yoongi opened his mouth to allow Jimin to explore. Jimin moaned against his lips and pressed him firmly into the bed.

"Please." Yoongi begged.

"Please what?" Jimin asked teasingly.

"Please ride me." Yoongi begged.

"Ok baby." Jimin soothed.

Jimin quickly crawled on top of an impatient Yoongi and sunk himself down on Yoongi's already hard cock.

"Minnie!" Yoongi gasped throwing his head back.

"Does it feel good baby?" Jimin asked.

"Yes! God yes." Yoongi moaned.

"Please faster.." Yoongi whined while wiggling his hips so Jimin would get the idea.

"Ok baby." Jimin husked while slamming his ass down on Yoongi's cock.

"Oh Minnie! I love you!" Yoongi moaned.

"I love you too baby. You feel so good baby. I love you so much."

"Hurry Jimin. I wanna come." Yoongi whined.

"Ok baby." Jimin groaned.

Jimin went faster until the sound of skin against skin resonated in the room.

"Ahhh!" Jimin groaned coming over Yoongi's stomach.

"Come on baby come for me." Jimin grinned.

"Minnie!!" Yoongi gasped as Jimin went faster.

"Oh god! Jimin!!!" Yoongi screamed as he came inside Jimin.

"Wow..." Yoongi gasped.

"Did that feel good baby?" Jimin asked.

"Yes. God yes." Yoongi breathed.

"Let me clean..."

"Later I want snuggles!" Yoongi giggled snuggling up to Jimin.

"I love you so much Minnie." Yoongi smiled while nuzzling Jimin's neck.

"I love you so much Yoonie. You're the best mate ever." Jimin smiled.

"You're the best mate and boyfriend I've ever had. I love you so much." Yoongi smiled.

"You're everything I could ever dream of in a boyfriend and mate. I love you baby." Jimin smiled.