"Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm going to be so late! I can't be late!" Yoongi shrieked hysterically.

Yoongi pulled his white dress shirt over his head while running through his apartment. "Where is my black tie? Shit!" Yoongi cursed. He rarely cussed except when he was incredibly stressed. He finally found his black tie on his cheap brown dresser by his bed. He quickly put it on and ran to the nearest mirror in his bathroom, internally cringing at how disheveled he looked, especially with his blonde hair sticking out everywhere. He smoothed a few stray strands of hair over with some gel before scrambling out the door. He nearly missed his cab with him in his haste to not be so late.

"Hi I'm Jin where will I be taking you today?"

"To YM Enterprises please."

"You got it." Jin winked. Yoongi decided to check his emails to pass the time and found an email by his hopefully future boss Park Jimin.

~I'm going to be 10 minutes late for our interview this morning. Feel free to wait in the lobby when you arrive. The receptionist will ring you up when I'm ready.

Park Jimin.

Yoongi let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and sighed in relief.

"Thank fuck." Yoongi sighed in relief.

Jin chuckled upon hearing that and asked, "Do you have an interview or something?"

"Yes I'm applying for the assistant position at YM entertainment. I'm so nervous because I really really need this job." Jin seemed excited and smiled for a second.

"Oh really? I know the CEO there! We have actually been best friends since we were very little. He can be very intimidating but you shouldn't worry. He's very understanding and nice once you get on his good side."

"Uh... thanks Jin."

"Don't worry about it too much. He's not very picky with his assistants. This is your stop."  Jin smiled a sinister smile, that seemed at complete odds with his personality, and showed off his sharp, glistening fangs.

Yoongi flinched back in fear at the sight of fangs and quickly left the cab.

"What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Yoongi mumbled under his breath while walking into the mass building that was YM enterprises.