'Surely I didn't just see fangs. Maybe it was a trick of the light. There is surely no such thing as fangs or vampires.' Yoongi thought wearily.

Yoongi walked through the hall and looked around. He was shocked at how pristine everything looked, from the perfectly potted plants, to the perfectly clean walls, and the hand-upholstered leather chairs. Nothing was out of place or dirty by any means, it made Min Hyo feel rather uneasy and reminded Yoongi of his OCD friend. Yoongi was filled with dread with each step he took towards the receptionist. His heart was about to leap out of his chest, he felt like he couldn't breathe, and his palms were beyond sweaty.

The receptionist smiled at him and cheerfully said, " Hi Mr. Min! I'm Kim Namjoon.  I'm the receptionist here. Mr. Park will be right with you in just a moment. Just take a seat in the lobby here and I'll ring you up when he's ready." Kim Namjoon smiled a pretty dimpled smile and Yoongi found himself smiling back.

"Ok thanks," Yoongi mumbled under his breath.

Each minute that went by felt excruciatingly painful and nerve wracking for Yoongi. In what felt like ages later the receptionist called,

"Mr Min he's ready for you."

"Ok," he choked out.

Each step to the door, that he assumed to be Jimin's office, made Yoongi's heart pound harder until he reached for the door knob.

"Here goes nothing," Yoongi sighed in a shaky breath.

Yoongi would have never been prepared for what he saw that was Park Jimin. His plump lips, round face, cute button nose, and glowing skin made him that much more intimidating.

"Hello Mr Min would you like to begin?" He asked gesturing to the chair in front of him.

"Yes of course." Yoongi choked out.

"So Mr. Min tell me about yourself and your position as of right now." Jimin smiled.

"Well my name is Min Yoongi. As of right now, I'm a songwriter and have wrote for songs for many other music companies. I'm creative, a problem solver, and I can think outside the box when problems arise." Min Hyo said.

"Very good Mr.Min. What are your strengths and weaknesses?" Jimin asked.

"My strengths are that I think outside the box and I'm very creative and imaginative. My weaknesses would be that I'm shy around people and not good at casual conversation." Yoongi said.

"Hmm...Very interesting. Now tell me why you should work here. What makes you unique?" Jimin asked.

"I think I should work here because I have 5 years of experience in the music industry. While I have a lot to learn, I know the basics and how everything works and I'm prepared for any issues that arise. I'm unique because of my music and social experience and I'm sure I would do good here." Yoongi said.

"Last question and we're done. What are you passionate about? What drives you?" Jimin asked.

"I'm passionate about music and the music industry. It keeps me motivated and it drives me to do better each day." Yoongi said.

"Sign this and you're hired Hyo" Jimin smiled.

Yoongi signed the papers and noticed they were written in Latin.

A white light appeared and ropes of light wrapped around them roping them together.

"What the fuck just happened?" Yoongi whimpered in fear.

"You signed yourself into this company and to me," Jimin deadpanned

"What? What do you mean?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin signed loudly and simply said,

"It means I can feed from you and that you're my new assistant."

"Feed from me? The fuck?" Yoongi asked in confusion.

"I'm a vampire Yoongi." Jimin deadpanned.

"What?" Yoongi asked in horror.

Jimin sighed loudly.

Yoongi panicked. He didn't want Jimin to regret hiring him.

"I'm sorry Mr Park. I didn't mean to aggravate you. I honestly didn't know vampires existed" Yoongi sighed.

Jimin miled a fanged smile. "Thats quite alright Yoongi. We don't have to do anything until you are ready. I know it's a lot to take in at once." Jimin huckles.

"But don't you have to feed?" Yoongi asked fearfully.

"Yes I do but I have another donor on standby though. I love little Tae Tae but his husband gets jealous when I feed from him. He's a vampire just like me and doesn't mind as long it as it's temporary. This is going to be at your pace." Jimin smiled.

"Oh thank fuck." Yoongi breathes out in relief.

Jimin laughs, "What did you think was going to happen? That I would feed immediately? Drain you of your blood?"

The look of horror on Yoongi's face made Jimin laugh even harder.

"We're not savages Yoongi. Yes there are the very few feral vampires that kill but the majority of vampires don't feed without explicit consent."

"Oh thank god," Yoongi breathed out in relief.

"Now let's get to work Yoongi. I want you to organize these papers by date, color, and level of importance."

"Yes sir," Yoongi said.

Jimin smiled and sat by his desk watching Min.

Yoongi started off by sorting the yellow, pink, and blue papers in their own piles.  Next, he started sorting them by level of importance, and finally by date.

When he was finished he had three piles of organized papers and his back hurt miserably.

"Very good Yoongi! This is the most organized set of papers I've seen! Most people haven't sorted these as well as you did." Jimin praised.