"Thanks Jimin." Yoongi said.

Just then the phone rang on Jimin's desk and he picked it up.

"This is Jimin." Jimin said.

There was a long pause until Jimin ubbed his temples irritatably with his short fingers and sighed.

"Bring him in. I'll take care of it." Jimin growled.

Before Yoongi could even attempt to ask what was going on. His idol Lee Taemin stepped into the office.

"You wanted to see me sir?" Taemin asked.

Jimin looked pissed.

"It has come to my attention that you were threatening other idols who work for us. Is that correct?" Jimin snapped.


"Well?" Jimin prompted.

"Who's this cutie?" Taemin asked licking his fangs and stepping closer to Yoongi.

Jimin stepped in front of Yoongi extending his fangs for good measure.

"You will not touch him. He is my new assistant." Jimin growled.

"You mean your new blood bag?" Taemin sneered.

"No I haven't fed from him. Not until he's ready for it." Jimin growled.

"That's a shame. I would drain him if I got the chance." Taemin sneered.

Yoongi whimpered loudly in fear. This made Jimin extend his lethal fangs and hiss at Gwan.

"Don't do anything stupid Taemin. I will hurt you if you try anything." Jimin growled.

"Fine fine. I won't touch the boy geez." Taemin said.

Jimin calmed down and retracted his fangs back to their normal size and resumed their meeting as if nothing happened.

"Taemin you know you can't be threatening other idols. And you especially can't use the fact that you're a vampire to scare them. If I hear another word of you threatening an idol I will fire you. Do I make myself clear?" Jimin sked.

"Yes sir." Taemin grumbled.

"You're dismissed." Park Jimin snapped.

"Whatever." Taemin grumbled.

The minute the door closed Jimin rushed to Yoongi.

"Are you ok? I know that was a lot." Jimin sighed.

"Yeah I'm ok. I was just scared." Yoongi said.

"There's no need to worry Yoongi. You're safe. He can't touch you." Jimin assured.

"Thank you." Yoongi said.

"I'll allow you leave early today. Are you sure you're alright?" Jimin worried

"Yeah I'm okay. Thanks boss." Yoongi said.

"No problem." Jimin smiled.

Yoongi quickly made a hasty exit, nodded to the receptionist, and took the bus home to his dingy apartment.

'What the have I gotten myself into?' Yoongi thought. He was about to fall asleep when his phone started dinging like crazy. It was Hoseok he seriously loved that crackhead.

Hobi: Did you get the job Yoongi?

Yoongi: Yes I got the job!!!!

Hobi: YES!!!!!!!!!! We totally need to celebrate! Meet me at the bar by my house at 8:30.

Yoongi chuckled and snuggled into the covers, falling fast asleep.

Yoongi woke up and stretched his back before checking the time on his phone. 8:00.

'Shit!' he thought.

He hurriedly got ready and headed out the door to the bar. Once he arrived at the gay bar he met Hoseok at sometimes, he took a seat in one of the booths by the window. Hoseok smiled at Yoongi and hugged him.

"Hey Yoonie what's up man?"

"Not much just a lot of paper work," Yoongi joked.

Hoseok laughed.

"Congrats on getting the job man. I know how much you needed this. Say I'll buy the drinks for tonight. What do you say?" Hoseok laughed.

"I say what are we waiting for?" Yoongi laughed.

Hoseok laughed and flashed Yoongi a grin laced with mischief.

"Excuse me I'll have two shots of vodka please." Hoseok told the bartender.

"Vodka shots? You do realize I have to work tomorrow?" Yoongi laughed.

"Yeah yeah let's have some fun Minnie. You deserve it." Hoseok said.

Yoongi laughed and said,

"Alright Hobi but if I get the worlds worst hangover it's on you." Yoongi laughed.

Hoseok laughed and threw his hands up in mock surrender.

Their drinks came and they both downed theirs without a second thought. By their fourth shot Yoongi was drunk.

Hoseok laughed,

"You're such a lightweight."

A look of horror appeared on Yoongi's face Taemin entered the bar and smirked at them.

"What's wrong Yoongles?"

"Oh nothing I just need to go to the bathroom real quick." Yoongi said.

"Ok hurry back." Hoseok grumbled.

Yoongi went to the bathroom and quickly locked his stall. He heard footsteps and he knew it was Taemin.

"Come on out pretty. I won't be too rough with you." Taemin said.

"No answer? I'm disappointed. Might as well get this over with." Taemin shrugged.

Without another word, Taemin broke the lock on Yoongi's stall and pushed Yoongi against the bathroom wall.

Yoongi openly sobbed begging Taemin not to bite him.

"A little taste to make up for what I missed." Taemin smirked. Before his lips could even touch Yoongi's neck, Taemin was shoved hard against the bathroom wall.

" I thought I told you NOT to touch him," Jimin snarled in pure rage.

Taemin hissed at Jimin and lunged at Yoongi. Jimin caught him and bit down hard on Taemin's neck, causing blood to gush out. Taemin screamed in pain. Yoongi briefly wondered in horror if Jimin could crush Taemin's neck with such a strong bite. Jimin latched his lips on Taemin's neck and sucked up mouthfuls of blood until Taemin was unconscious.

"Come here," Jimin said in the softest voice he could muster. Yoongi rushed to Jimin and sobbed in his arms. "I was so scared Jimin. I thought I was gonna die. I thought he would kill me." Yoongi whimpered in tears.

"Since we're connected I knew you were in trouble. That's how I knew to come here. You're safe now Yoongi. Deep breaths that's it." Jimin soothed

"Is he dead?" Yoongi choked out.

"No he isn't. I just stunned him with my venom. He won't be going anywhere for a couple of hours." Jimin soothed.