Chapter 04

Allison Clark's POV

I woke up in a sunflower field, the sky was blue, and there was an ant on my arm. The air felt refreshing, yet wrong, somehow. It gave me a weird feeling, making the hairs on my neck stand up. I shuddered, and looked around.

Isabella lay on the ground beside me, I could even hear her faint snoring. I nudged her, she didn't move, so I yelled her name.


She turned over and muttered, stupid alarm clock. Then I did what I had to do, I pinched her on the arm really hard. At least I didn't slap her.

She yelped and sat up, eyes wide and body tense as if she is preparing to fight something.

"Why did you wake me up?" Isabella demanded.

"Why? Do you even remember what happened?" I half-yelled while glaring.

Her eyes widened when I said that, probably noticing that we are not in her bedroom and in a field sitting on dirt.

"Wait, where are we?" She asked, saying out loud the question that had been in my head the second I woke up, only I don't have an answer for that and is making me cranky just thinking about it.

"I'm not this Kansas?" The only place I could think off the top of my head that was sunny and had sunflowers.

"If it is then we traveled, what? A thousand miles?" Isabella asked in astonishment.

"I think more." I replied. The distance between where I lived, Alberta, to Kansas is almost 2000 miles, I think.

"Hmm, we should look for people." Isabella said, standing up and stretching. I noticed she still had her necklace on when she stood up, and I checked to see if I still am wearing it. Sure enough, the necklace was on my neck, looking innocent and as if it had done nothing. If a genie or something comes out of it later, like those magical lamps, I'm seriously going to slap it for teleporting us here with no phone or money. Plus, I'm not even sure if this is Kansas, and not some place on another continent.

"Which direction do we go? Do you have a phone or compass on you? My phone was in my bag." I asked hopefully, because we can call someone if Isabella brought her phone.

"Nope, I left my phone on your desk." Isabella answered. "We can go forward and see what happens."

"Ok, sure."

We were walking for about an hour, ok, well, it felt like an hour, none of us were smart enough to wear a watch, and walking like this was kind of boring, so for all I know its been five minutes, when Isabella decides to trip.

"Izzy!" I yelled, I caught her before she could face plant and eat a mouthful of dirt.

''Can we rest? My feet are not even doing what I tell them to anymore!" She complained.

"Yeah, I'm tired too." I said before sitting down beside her.

We lay down and looked at the sky, there were some clouds now and all in the shapes of animals if you look closely. Isabella and I talked a little, about school and the funny TV shows we watch. I wonder what my dad will think when I'm not at home, will he think I disappeared like my mom? It hurts me when I think about what he will do, pack up my things like he did with mom?

I slowly drifted off in the shade of the sunflowers thinking of this.


"All-i... Oh my gosh, get up!!"

I quickly sit up, remembering were I was. The first things I noticed was the sunflowers around me were blowing in the wind, and the once blue sky now a grey colour, like when the clouds are very thick and you know rain is coming.

"What's happening?" I asked quickly, the only thing worse than being lost in a sunflower field was being lost in a sunflower field while it's raining, but I figured Isabella wouldn't wake me like this in a hurry for something as common as rain.

"I...crazy...animal!" Isabella stuttered, pointing to something moving in the distance. At first it seemed to be a hill, but then I thought Hills can't move, can they?, so, looking closer, the moving parts of the hill became wings, the tallest point became its head, and the grass became fur.

The 'hill' was a creature, and it's flapping wings was the cause of all this wind.

Both of us stared at it, speechless. The animal in the distance kept flapping its wings, and the blowing wind started getting stronger, but never to the point where it does any damage like uprooting sunflowers.

"Um," I gulped, "Kansas doesn't have these...giant...furry...winged animals, does it?" I managed, I had to put in an extra effort now to even breathe.

"Uh." Isabella said, sounding like she was trying not to puke, and I could say the same for myself.

Both of us were in shock, still as a statue as we continued to stare at the animal. I was afraid to move, in fear that the animal would see us and step on us.

I slowly recovered, and once I felt like my limbs were operating again, I tried to find a way to do the obvious thing; escape. I racked my brain for ways to escape, one of my first ideas was to distract it and escape, but I doubt I could outrun that thing in the distance. Shooting it with magic was out of the question, so the only thing I could come up with was to crawl amongst the sunflowers while the animal's back was turned.

I nudged Isabella, who looked all right now, and told her my plan with a secret sign language we developed and used during boring assemblies to communicate. There were a lot of pointing involved and I had to mouth some of the words, but in the end the general idea was more or less understood and we put the plan into action.