Invite from Royal Tea Club

The Emperor have Two daughters and only one son, The Crown Prince Caspian Wayne was set to inherit the throne after Emperor Wayne

"No need to greet me, as soon as I came to know about one S grade and two A grade geniuses, I came here for congratulating them" Crown Prince said to elders

"Getting the attention of crown prince is already enough accomplishment for these young men" one of the elder flattered

"You are two A grade geniuses right? " Crown Prince said looking towards Claude and Rose ignoring the flattery of elder

"yes, your Highness"

"No need for being formal, I am here for congratulating you two for joining imperial academy, In future if you face any difficulties you can come to me for help"

"Thank you, I feel honored to meet his highness" Claude replied

"I have another purpose for coming here. As you are new Geniuses of our empire,I want to invite you to join my Royal Tea Club, if you join you can meet talented seniors like you and take guidance from them"

"Thank you for personally coming to invite, I will certainly give it a thought"

"Me too" Claude and Rose replied

"oh right your friends can join us too and with me present no one will bully them. Okay then I will take my leave" Crown Prince spoke while walking towards the carriage

The carriage moved passed us, it was going towards west. All of us knew he was going to invite Arthur next

He knew about appearance of Claude and Rose, He offered all of us to join because he knew Claude's nature, it can no doubt be said that there were Crown Prince's spies mixed in crowd watching our every moment

Sometime later We finally reach the Imperial Academy, The huge Iron Gate on the front of academy opened as we got inside

The academy was huge with separate residents for every disciple there were many pavilions all around us

"The academy consist of Weapon pavilion, Library, Cultivation Chambers, Battle Pavilion, main hall and lecture hall" elder explained

"For now you can go rest in your residences, tomorrow onwards instructors will start giving lectures in lecture hall, Lectures are same for all three areas"

"The only difference between three areas is the amount of resources given, if you challenge and defeat a disciple in inner area you will get his position, only hundred disciples can remain in inner area and five hundred in middle area you can see the ranking board of all areas in main hall"

"did you Understand?"

"yes" all of us replied

All of us were given jade pendants that can be used as an identity card, senior disciples have their ranks written on the pendant


After asking seniors we came to know that inner disciples got 100 spirit stones a month, middle got 10 spirit stones and outer disciples only got one each month

Absorbing the energy in spirit stones was a great help in Cultivation at first all of us were given a book named Cloud Cultivation Manual

It tells about basics of Cultivation, breathing techniques, how to calm your mind before cultivating, how to flow the spiritual energy from spirit stones through our body etc

All of us got into First stage of body strengthening realm in three months as it was the easiest to Cultivation even people with D grade talent can reach it in 4 months.

After we cultivated till first stage we were sent to select a weapon from the huge amount of weapons in weapon pavilion

Drake choose a pair of blades called 'Asura Blades' and Mike choose a 'Silver Saber'

"Are you still deciding?" Rose asked me

"I can't find any weapon to be my liking, what about you?" I replied

"I wanted a bow but here I can't find one of my liking maybe I will search for it in Bluestone Market at East of city.... do you want to come with me?" Rose asked nervously

"hmm okay we can go together maybe I will find something as well"


As we were talking Claude came out of weapon pavilion with a heavy looking rusty spear

"what the hell is that! "I exclaimed

"Hehe you will not get it, this rusty spear is actually a divine treasure" Claude said breathing heavily

"what divine treasure? It is just a rusty old spear that can break anytime"

"You would understand if you read any Cultivation novel, This is the oldest looking thing I found in a corner of weapon pavilion"

Claude was smiling at the rusty spear he can't even move, as if it was his wife




I opened my eyes and breathed out as rays of sunlight was entering my room by the window.

It was already Morning and I just pulled off an 'All nighter' to cultivate Cloud Cultivation Manual, I was already at peak of first stage of body strengthening realm

I washed my face, ate some breakfast and came to the lecture hall, Today was a special day as today we will get to choose martial spells and cultivation techniques from library

After coming to the library, everyone was instructed to choose one Cultivation manual and two martial skill manuals

Martial skill manuals can be changed next month but once you choose Cultivation techniques you can't change it

After going through all the Cultivation techniques I finally chose one, it was named 'Celestial Wheel Cultivation Manual'

'Absorbing spiritual energy by continuous rotations. The number of times the wheel rotates the more spiritual energy will be absorbed'

It is a bit hard Cultivation technique but using it could solve the problem of lack of talent and even more the wheel can store spiritual energy that can be used as a backup during battles.

After that I choose my two martial spells,

'wind chasing steps' and 'Burning Flame Fist'

Returning to my resident I started learning the basics of Manuals. I was the last one to came out of library, everyone else already returned to their residences

The next day, I just ended practicing my 'Burning Flame Fist' when Rose send me a voice transmission using jade pendant.