Grandmaster Gu Dong

Bluestone market was full of big and small shops of medicinal herbs, Martial spells and weapons, throughout the way there were people either selling or buying things and then there were people like me.....

"hah I have only got seventeen spirit stones on me and everything here is super expensive"

"Let's find a bow for me first" was what she said but...

"Alex look at this bangle made of gems isn't it pretty" Rose's eyes were bright ​like stars

"yeah that's pretty but when are we going to look for a bow"

"There are mainly herbs and jewelry shops in this area let's go that way" as she pulled my hand

Along the way many young men can't shift

their gaze from us and yes I said 'us', gazes

Looking at her were of love and worship but the ones looking at me contained jealousy, envy and hatred but I didn't mind it because was already accustomed to it

After going through a hundred shops we finally saw a weapon shop, we entered the shop and asked for bows but all of them couldn't be compared to bows In weapon pavilion. They were simply 'trash'.

Asking some people we came to know about a weapon Smith called Grandmaster Gu Dong who was said to be the best in Black Pearl empire.

We reached a Place called 'Moonshine weapon palace' an old man seemingly 150 years old was hammering the metal. He stopped his work as he looked towards us.

"you two brats can you pass me that piece of iron close to you? " he asked

"Sure" before I could say a word rose replied and passed that piece.

The old man nodded and started hammering again....

Waiting a long time he finally finished his work and asked "what do you want from my moonshine palace?"

"we want to buy a bow"

"A bow huh, what kind of bow did you like to use"

Rose took out an old bow from her spacial ring and said "It is my family's bow that I practiced archery with, I want a bow like it"

"hoho seems like you lived long old friend" old man said to the... The bow!


"This bow was made by me a long time ago and it was custom made so if you want I can make a similar one for 75 spirit stones"

"I have to thank you then" Rose said smiling

"What about you young brat?"

"I want a weapon that is swift, durable, light weighted and sharp"

"ohh your taste sure is different, most of the brats that come ask for a weapon as heavy weighted as possible...."

"but I think I have something that suits you" old man suddenly said in a high tone while going inside and coming back with a box

"Take a look at this sword that I made 10 years ago"

A jade black colored long sword with a shiny surface was inside the box, it looked extremely sharp

Taking the long sword in my hand I was stunned, It was as light as a knife and was incredibly shiny as image of my face was being reflected on it.

I came out of the palace and swung it towards a Big Boulder..... It got cut in half... as if it was cut down by laser

I put the sword back in case with calm face but on inside I was dancing with joy but I didn't dare show my feelings as the hard part was about to come

"I think it will do, how much will you take?"

"hmm I can't give you any discount and don't even think of bargaining, my final price is fifteen spirit stones"

"what?" both rose and I said together

"Although it is a masterpiece, nobody wants to purchase it because they want heavy sword to show off" the old man sighed

"I accept the price" I hastily took the sword and ran out of the shop with rose

On the way I brought a manual named "shadow sword art" for two spirit stones. The only reason behind me wanting a light sword was because I always liked ninjas and now that I reincarnated in this world why not become like one

I finally came back home exhausted and took a short sleep of 3 hrs before I started cultivating my cultivation technique

The first step was to form the celestial wheel.

The second step was flowing spiritual energy through the wheel such that the spiritual energy rotated inside the wheel.

On my way back I made a shocking discovery that rose had already reached second stage of body condensing realm ten days ago

I couldn't lack off in my cultivation anymore so I started forming the celestial wheel according to the manual a bright wheel of white light appeared behind me after a day of rigorous practice

Then I directed spiritual energy in my body

Through the wheel, the wheel starting shining. It was nighttime and bright lights were emerging from the windows of my residence.

A week later I was successful in my breakthrough to second stage of body strengthening realm, my bones and muscles were already hard as rock

I would have to rotate the wheel 100 times before my breakthrough to third stage and I assumed it will take around a month.


In a plain grassland, Two figures were sparing with each other every time their swords collide, sounds of explosion could be heard

"Your speed is indeed extraordinary but it can't beat the sheer force of my Saber?"

"heh what sheer force, just look at yourself breathing heavily with that pale looking face, how long can you last? Whereas I can endure this for a day"

"You think you can stretch it that long?"

"nah who wants to stretch it? , this is enough warm up....

"Shadow sword arts first style- Untamed Tiger Fang"

The sword moved towards his opponent at such speed that only a black line could be seen in air

"Overlord Saber arts first style - doomblade smash"

The air was getting pushed by the Saber as it moved like an overlord that will erase anything that come its way


The grassland seemed like a warzone, birds hastily fled away from trees, the force got two other young men watching them fight blew away like dust

After everything got silent, the two young men walked back and looked towards them

Dust settled as a young man with blood flowing from his head was kneeling on land with his saber struck on the ground as the other young man had locked the sword on his neck

The two fighting were obviously Mike and Alex with Alex winning at the end.