Winter of 1951

-Copper's POV-

It was the winter of 1951 that was the harshest. It had begun without warning and settled down as quickly as it appeared. The air was toxic with the smoke and snow mixing together. No one had left their homes except to buy food, emergencies, and to go to work (though many did not). A similar winter had hit once before, years ago when a gruesome tragedy had happened. Though people have forgotten it, I will not. It had implanted itself into my mind, never leaving and never letting me escape. Every night I have the same dream of it and every night I wake the same. The past comes back over and over again from the dead to remind me. It haunts me like a ghost in the night. This is why I shall never forget it.

Betrayal led to the pain the tragedy brought on me. Betrayal ruined everything, everything I would never get back. It had ruined me. It had made me who I am now. And now, that too comes back. It walked right through those doors and in front of me, and it spoke back to me. Help it declared and help it wants, help I would never give even if I were shot in the leg. No longer will I meet that bastard. No longer and never again. That was the last time. If it walks in again, I will gladly shoot it dead.

I had squeezed my cigarette tight without realizing it. When I did, I placed it back into my mouth. The feeling I receive calms me. The smoke never bothers me, though others like Chief complain. Outside the window also helped calm me. Snow fell like a feather onto the trees where it will lay. White was everywhere you looked. It was a nice color to look at. How easy it is to defile it and yet it still looks flawless. It looks pure and untainted, it doesn't experience the same emotions as other colors or people. It doesn't know anything about pain or sadness; not even betrayal. If people could be colors, if it was as simple as that, I would be the color White with emotions deflecting off of it.

Another hit of the cigarette and I am once again calm. The smoke streams through my lips into the air. It flows into a river of smoke at the top and backs down into a lake. I leave the window to sit back into my chair. Placing my legs on the bare desk, I lounge back and close my eyes. It's been a while since I've talked to it; a normal conversation instead of threats and slurs. I want to forget it, everything, and all things. The only thing keeping me alive is the hatred, venom, that's in my blood. If I can just kill it then maybe I will finally be at peace. If I can just… Yet I can't. That bastard deserves it. I can't believe it would show up here all for some help, just for one person, and give up ten million then walk away silently.

I knew that he would never "walk away silently" as we share the same venom for each other. It doesn't add up to me. It's out of the ordinary, this whole situation. It's making me more stressed than usual plus I'm running out of cigarettes. I need to relax. If I don't, then I'll go crazy.


My thoughts were cut off at the moment the door slammed open. My anger is already rising, it doesn't help that Slade, the one who burst in breathless, had interrupted me. I reluctantly unclench my eyes open to send him a glare.

"What do you want, Slade? Can't you see I'm trying to relax?" My voice shot out like the harsh cold that waged on outside.

He brought himself closer to my desk only to have a place to stable himself. He looked like he ran across the country and back. Slade tried to speak but it only came out in a stuttering murmur. It took him a few minutes and a raised eyebrow to gather himself.

"Chief is dead!" He broke out in a cry.

Chief… dead? He was the only family I had since… The words didn't, couldn't, sound real or even be real. It shouldn't be real. Chief… had been friends with my dad and helped raised me. The one person who stuck by me all these years, the only person who didn't betray my trust, my loyalty, my love, and my friendship is…

"What?" That was all I could say. The other words ("What are you saying? Don't lie to me. Where is he?") couldn't bring themselves out of my mouth. They, along with my mind, stayed behind to process it. My body grew stiff.

I don't believe it.

Slade yelled back once again clearly in agony, "He's been shot!"

"Where? Where was he shot?" I blurt out. If it was it then there's only one place where Chief would be… shot.

"S-s-somewhere around his c-chest! You gotta come to see!" As he said so, he rushed out the door. I had to follow him. I need to see him. I need to see if I've been betrayed once more.

I leaped out of my chair and ran towards the place I've seen him last. The cigarette I had been smoking fell out when I did. I can't think… I need to see him alive, okay. I need to see him as I've always done. He has to be alive. I can't be alone again… I'll go crazy! I run past the various hallway doors and straight to the end at the hidden door. It was hiding behind a special painting only my family and those close to us knew how to open. Slade was waiting for me right by it. I, just like him, had a cold sweat. I stopped right before the door, and I frantically try to open it. I held my breath as it open. My heart had given out at the sight before me…

On the cold floor was… a lifeless body. The room was empty and void. The room was like me… I stumble down towards him. His eyes were looking up. They looked so afraid. They were so full of fear of what's to come. His eyes were unnaturally glazed as was his expression. I couldn't stop staring into them. I was desperate for an answer.

Who did this?

"Boss, the money!"

I gulp down the knot present in my throat before speaking, "What about it?"

"It's… missing. The entire case of money was taken!"

I turn my head slightly, wondering if what he said was true. The room was entirely empty save for them and Chief. There were only a few people who knew about the money. The one who gave it up, the one who took it, and the two who advised to take it. That leaves only one person in this room that's missing. That person is...

"That Fox-Bastard!"

I slam my fist against the wall. My blood boiled so that all I can see is red.

"He tricked us! He did this!" I shout at the top of my voice. Slade dropped the case behind me. The room wasn't filled with smoke anymore… it was filled with my ire.