Confronting an Enemy

-Copper's POV-

Slade locked up the room. The man was once in my life, the one who helped raise me, was now going where Friday, Monday, and Wednesday lie. Soon, a cross will lie above him as he rests in the hands of God. Soon, he will be avenged. Saturday is his day, and Saturday he will be.

"Boss, what are we going to do? How did he even get in? Chief was still alive when he left for good!" Slade said, stating such softly at then raising his voice.

Silence rang through the empty hallway. I couldn't stand being here any longer. I led the way back to my smokey office. As we paced down, he continued asking me (though it sounded more to himself than me). It was just like him to question the unquestionable.

"Boss!" Slade shouted at me to answer.

"I don't know how! Stop asking me stupid questions! I know he did it! It's just like that Fox-bastard to do this, and it won't be long before I'll kill him too!" I yelled back at him. Once I did, he immediately quieted down. My ears were bleeding.

We reached the smoke-filled room with only one light source. It came from that one big window I was standing at. The light that was shown from it was cascading the room in a deep red. Night was coming upon us. The once white, pure snow that traps this city will soon stain a deep red. The red will spread, and I will finally breathe fresh air again. Smoke will not follow me once this red falls. Until then, I will never stop hunting for that red.


Time has passed. My fifth cig was burnt out. I crushed it to be with the other four. The stress I felt at this moment was an understatement. I was waiting for the night to appear as it was the only time where I come alive, where I feel open to fighting. That bastard will soon end up in its grave, and I will gladly become its gravedigger. Slade had come back into the room (while coughing) and told me the time. 5:30 P.M.

"Good. Bring as many men as you can, but don't bring them all. No doubt he'd bring some company as well."

"Yes, Boss!"

Standing up, I roll up my sleeves and tug my gloves down tightly. My hands then clench into a fist. I was ready, oh so ready, to finally breathe. It would be just me and him, one on one. I want to be the one to eradicate him.


We had rounded up some members. I had Slade tell them the plan:

'Enter the Fox territory and snuff out every last fox.

I want them all dead, especially him. Time is all that's standing in my way.'

I whisper to my right-hand man, "Are they ready?"

"Yeah. I made sure they are. I don't want to ruin this day for us. Hounds are meant to hunt and kill foxes anyway."

"Yeah…" Was all I could say before I lit the last cig in the pact. This time, it didn't calm me. Instead, it elevated me. The thrill of the chase is what they always say. Once the smoke leaves, so do we. Slade opened the door before me as we walked out. I gather up my men as we head out of the house. I split each up into groups, six to a car, and we ride away. Slade drives the car that used to be Chief's… Saturday's.


We arrive on its territory That bastard was already outside it looked like, bet some foxes informed them or maybe he knew we would come. He knew and wanted us to come. We gladly did, as he can see. I hop out and rip my glove off my right hand. The Fox-Bastard came closer as well. He was beginning to say something.

I don't want to hear anything you have to say.

You're gonna die here and now.

I punch him with my ire running through me. He lost his balance and shuffled My knuckles were stained with the blood coming from his nose. It's not gonna end with just that. He gets back up, his eyes full of surprise and anger.

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled back.

"You know what! I'm gonna kill you and all the foxes!"

He grabs hold of my collar and was just about to land a blow back.

"Hold it!" A familiar old voice yells out. We hear sirens and look over. It was the chief of police, Emmett Dolion. "Hiya Copper, Tod, Imma have ta stop ya both from finishin' each other off."

"What are you doing here, Emmett," I growl.

"Got a call from a concerned citizen sayin' you hounds were drivin' off ta fight. Made it in time, didn't I?"

"It's my territory!. Get out, bodach." The bastard shouts at him.

"Hey! I'm just here to do my job, Tod. If you boys continue, Imma haveta arrest y'all." He says back.

I shove away Tod's hand and look directly at the old chief. He could help me bring down the foxes… I know it has all sorts of foxes running throughout the area underneath us, hiding.

"I'll go with you. I was the one who came here for a fight," I tell him.

As if on cue, the bastard right next to me, the old man in front of me, and my own gang all turn and gawk at me.

"You-" The Fox-Bastard audibly gasped out. He was taken aback the most.

"But, Boss!" Slade fussed.

"Oh, okay," Emmett let out dumbstruck.

I puffed out my last hit before I spat out my cigarette and stumped on it. I turn to Slade and whispered to him, "Non ti preoccupare. Tornerò domani mattina. Capish?"

He nodded. Emmett and I walk back to his police car and we hop in. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bastard angrier than when I punched him.


"So… been a while since I've seen ya last, Coop."

"Call me that again, old man and this car ride will be your last."

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry. Forgot you're 35. Ta me, you'll always be good ol' Amos' son at 15."

I look out the window. The sky is now pitch dark. You could hardly see anything besides the lights in the houses. I ignore him the best I could by dreaming up songs in my head. My favorite always popping up now and then helped calm me in the absence of another camel box.

"Got any more cigs, Emmett?"

"I got cigars back at the station. Is that good enough?"

"Whatever…" I mutter out. In truth, I didn't care. The only reason I'm with this stupid cop is so I can use him and the other cops. Bribery isn't a problem and using threats… is a specialty I have. A long car ride later, and we arrive at the station. I was thankful for now that the small talk Emmett was trying to do was ruined.

He pulled up into the parking lot at the back of the building then we both get out. He heads over to the back door to unlock it for us. Entering the place felt weird considering I never come here, by choice or force.

"My office is just over here. I won't lie, I dinnit expect ya to join me. If I'm honest, I thought I'd have ta bring in Tod! That boy… always a troublemaker for us cops."

"I didn't come here for idle chat. I came for a reason." He opens his door, and I walk in only to sit back down. I prop my legs up onto the desk, not caring about the stare he gave me.

"You two and your bickering. After a whole decade of fighting, I figure y'all would become friends again."

"I want him dead. I want all the foxes dead, and you with your police force are going to help me hunt every last one down." I said. I stare him down as he sat. He looked uncomfortable underneath my death stare, as anyone is.

"What did he do now to warrant the Hounds and the cops?"

"He stole money from us. Ten million."

"That's it?"

"He murdered Chief just as he did my grandfather! He deserves nothing less than death itself!" I yell back. My anger was beginning to rise again.

"Chief and... He killed them? Tod?" He yelped, flabbergasted. He paused for a minute to carefully choose his words. "Alright, I get what you're angry about, but maybe…. Take a step back and think about this calmly? I mean, what if he just stole the money? I don't think Tod has the hatred in 'im to kill someone, 'specially not Chief! Not over money. What made you think such a thing?"

"He murdered him the same way as he did to my grandfather. In the chest. It was the same, Emmett. I know it was him."

"Okay okay. I get it. Don't kill me over this, Copper, but you're the kinda person to act over emotions than with thought. Now, think with your mind. Ignore your feelings. Why did he give the money in the first place?"

"He gave it to me to find his missing members. It happened weeks ago when he sent one of them for a job. He never came back, so Tod sent more to bring him back. After two weeks of silence, he came to me for help. Chief and Slade accepted, but I declined."

"Okay. So when you did find them, what happened after?"

"Well, he left without a word. Nothing happened but the money was left on the desk. I had given it to Chief to look after safely. Then, everyone went back to their duties."

"Did you tell Chief to look after it after Tod had left or when he was still in the room?"

"After? Why would…."

"There ya go. Tod couldn't have known ya let Chief hold onto it! Therefore, he wouldn't have known where the money would be held. He didn't kill Chief."

"If he didn't, then who did? No one else would've known except for Slade, Chief, the bastard, and me."

"What if… there's a rat in your gang that knew? They could have eavesdropped on y'alls conversation, followed Chief into the room, and killed him."

"But the placement of the bullet hole was the same as my grandfather's. Can't have been a coincidence, could it?"

"Maybe it could. Do you know what kind of gunshot Chief?"

I shake my head. I didn't want to stay long in that room.

"Well, what 'bout the gun that killed your grandfather?"

"I… don't remember, but I saw Tod's gun by his body, initials and all. It was a Smith & Wesson .44. My grandfather gave it to him as a gift for joining. I figured it was him who did it."

"I see. Is there anyone else in your gang that also uses the same gun?"

"I don't know. Slade might. I don't pay attention to that stuff anyway. I got more important things to look at."

"Get Slade to check then. If there is indeed a rat, then maybe it's someone with the same gun as Tod's."

"If what you're proposing is true, then who is the rat working for? I would know if I smell a fox."

"They could be working for Tod or maybe someone else. Is there anyone else who's targeting your gang like another rival?"

"Lots. I forget some of their names, though. They're insignificant anyway. None of them would dare challenge me. I have members at every turn since 1936. Where's the cigars?"

"I'll get them. Want some coffee as well? Seems like you're gonna be here for a while."

"Black, please. And hurry up. My head's starting to ache."

Talking about him always does that. The past is not always fun to think back upon. Especially when you're running from it.