Tod, Copper, and Shaw

-Tod's POV-

It was the year 1951. It has been years since I've been at this house, 15 to be exact. Nothing about it has changed since then. The winter that's blowing through was the same as that incident of 1936. That wasn't the only thing that was the same. A grudge, born in that same year, like a venom, injected itself to me and someone that I used to be close with. It consumed us entirely, him more so. Today, of all days, is important to me. I came to see him for the first time in a while, not to fight (We fight every week), but because I am in need of help. It was awfully cold, snow was piling up around the entire house. I turn my head slightly over at the cemetery by the house. It has grown since I came here last. Yet, I was determined to come for another purpose. I force myself through the front doors. I was an unwanted presence in this place full of mutts. I stomp my way over to the main hallway, whilst shoving away mutts.

A lackey was standing by the door I knew he was in. "Hey, you!" He calls me out, "You can't be here!" His voice irritated me.

"Outta my way! I needa see him!" I slam him against the wall before preceding to march into the office. A cloud of cigarette smoke had hit my face before I could fully take the room in. The stupid mutt against the wall had run off, probably for some more 'significant' members. My eyes peered to the shadow in the center. Smoke was dancing all around him. His blue eyes, with the light hitting them the most, was the only detail I could see through the smoke. They held nothing but death. Soon, the rest of his face became more seen. His appearance held a calm, sleek look, though his eyes were a different story. There was a reason this man was so feared. Instead of installing fear in me, they only made me annoyed. I wasn't the only one.

"What do you want,..." He pulled out the smooshed cigarette between his gritting teeth. His voice growled out slowly. Another reason people feared him was the tone he used his voice in. A tone that guarantees the listener's death. "...Bastard?"

My eyes twitched as my blood boils at that name. I gave him a malicious look as I drew in closer.

"I don't want to be here either. Not even on my deathbed," I began as I raise the bulky briefcase I was carrying, "However, I came because I have a request for you." I slam the same case onto his desk.

The mutt glanced at it only for a second before turning his attention back to me. "I don't give a damn about your request." He grounded the butt of his cigarette on the case. "Get out, Bastard." He shoves the case onto the ground before lounging back into his chair, kicking his feet up on his desk. It made me furious. I bent down to grab it then threw it on his lap.

"I ain't leaving 'till you accept. I didn't come here to fight, but I will if I have to."

The lackey from before came back with two other persons, one of whom I knew.

"Chief. Slade." Mutt addressed them, "Get him out of here. I'm never want to see its face here again. Unless he's suicidal for the third time."

Why do I even bother to come here?

I can find them myself!

I take out my gun and slammed it on the table. My voice yells with anger, "I'm serious! You will accept. I already have the payment, in full, right here."

For a moment, it seemed as though he wanted to hear me out. I put it to my imagination. He looked down at the case in his lap.

"How much?" He inquired.

"Ten million," I say with no hesitation.

The three men behind me had all audibly gasped. One of them, not the lackey or Chief, had decided to inject into the conversation. A jackeen he was.

"H-hold it! There's no way… There can't be that much in that lil' thing!"

The mutt, wanting me to leave as soon as possible (as did I), unlocked the heavy briefcase. It held stacks upon stacks of bands. All of them, 'cept for the mutt himself, was amazed at such a sight. The man who had opened it kept on staring at me, a questionable look to him.

"Slade, take these two out of the room." Was all he said before slamming the top shut.

The jackeen brought me and the lackey outside the office before closing the doors and locking it. I huffed with loud impatience. I decided to act out my anger on the lackey beside me. I glare him down and made a snarl sound. He easily got scared and left.

Waiting and waiting is all I did for a couple of minutes. Finally, after what seemed like forever, I was let into the room. The smoke still pierced my lungs when I walked into the office again.

"What is it you want? It must be important if you're gonna waste this much."

"Wouldn't be here otherwise," I say as I cross my arms, "One of my members was sent for an… important job two months ago. I didn't think much of it at first, but after weeks of silence, I sent out some more. That was two weeks ago and nothing as of yet. I can't risk any more guys, even if it's crucial to me. That's why I came here."

"So you can risk my men too? Not going to happen. I'm not risking their lives just for you and your ankle biters." The mutt said coldly.

Before I could say anything, Chief interjected.

"Uh, I think Copper here means to say that we'll take it. It is a hefty amount after all."

The jackeen from earlier nodded as well. The mentioned mutt only looked at them both in disappointment, as if to say, 'that isn't what we discussed'. After a couple of eye-talking later, he turned back to me, "Take your money and leave. I'll be the one to decide when we'll do it."

"I'll be waiting." With that, I took the briefcase and left, not looking behind me.


My mind keeps on revisiting that memory. It has been a while since I last been to that house. That scene happened only just last week. Now, I got my men back with his help, yet over some obstacles. This was the first time in a long time since we worked together. It isn't just that scene that keeps flashbacking, the whole thing is. Luckily for me, he isn't one to question things. Can't say much about that jackeen though. I'm just glad to be back home again sitting on the window seat, surrounded in nothing but pitch darkness, in a room filled with empty bottles. This home is everything to me.

The moonlight is the only light shining in this room (the lightswitch ain't working). The entire week has been stressful. I called in one of the men out in the hallway talking to others. Unlike that stupid mutt, I don't hire lackeys to do my bidding. These men are men like me, men who feel and think the same as me.

"Howya. Whatcha need, Tod?"

"I need ya and the others over there to get more scoops. My head's startin' to hurt."

"Thinking of becoming ossified?"

"Welcome to join on the tear. I just want to forget this week happened."

He and the other men walk downstairs. For what seemed like peace for a couple of minutes was quickly ruined by the sound of running footsteps.

"The hounds! They're coming! Everyone! Get your guns ready! The hounds are coming!" The voice was ranging through the entire place along with the immediate sweep of panic. I leaped out from where I was sitting and sprint downstairs. I wasn't the only one confused as to why they were coming.

However, as the voice said, I hear distant car engines. I and some others went out to see. There they were, the smell of rotten cur, ridding up on my territory. Out of all of them, one familiar face stood out the most to me. I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong now or rather what he thought I did wrong now. Just as he hopped out, I drew in closer making sure none of my members got between us just as he did with his own. Noticing his right glove was taken off, I was about to ask what happened. Life and this mutt had other plans. He socked me with such force (plus my surprise), my body lost its balance and almost collapsed. Luckily, I don't go down hard and only shuffled backward. I could feel blood pouring from my nose. The anger I had felt from going back to that house came running back to me in an instant.

"What the hell was that for?" I demanded.

"You know what! I'm gonna kill you and all the foxes!" He spat back.

Once I regained myself, I flew at him, grabbing hold of his shirt collar and was going to take revenge.

"Hold it!" A voice I knew well yells out. We hear sirens and look over behind to the other mutts. Great. It was that bastard of a man, the chief of police. "Hiya, Copper, Tod., Imma have ta stop ya both from finishin' each other off."

His voice angered me more than this accusing mutt that punched me. The same mutt who growled out my exact thoughts, "What are you doing here, Emmett?"

"Got a call from a concerned citizen sayin' you hounds were drivin' off ta fight. Made it in time, didn't I?"

I want this bastard out of my face.

"It's my territory! Get out, bodach," I shout at him. The mutts don't matter to me with this rotten filth here.

"Hey! I'm just here to do my job, Tod," he smirks as he drags out my name. Disgusting. He has no right to after what he's done. Still, he continues, "If you boys continue, Imma haveta arrest y'all."

I yank my hand away to look directly at him. Who even told him to be here? No one except for foxes live around here. There must be a reason why.

"I'll go with you. I was the one who came here for a fight."

That was when everything froze. I turn my attention to the man next to me.

He didn't just…

Copper wouldn't…

"You-" I was stupefied. I couldn't even think properly. Everything around me just stopped. I could sense others talking but my eyes were pinned in place.

"Non ti preoccupare. Tornerò domani mattina. Capish?"

I knew instantly what those words, the only words, meant. 'Don't worry. I'll be back tomorrow morning. Understand?'


He's staying with… that bastard… all morning?

I never let the mutt with that thing out of my sight. I should go after them.


-Copper's POV-

I was awoken by a soft buzzing noise. It's been a while when I dreamt of nothing. It must be a good sign or something. Footsteps came up beside me. It must be Emmett.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I say with a splitting headache.

"Here, got ya some coffee after your little nap," he hands me the mug before continuing, "Figured ya might need the sleep. Plus, I got someone who can help us. He's comin' by later on"

"What's the time?"

He looked at his watch before sipping his own coffee cup. "6:27."

I groan. I place the coffee mug onto the tabletop as I stand up to stretch.

"Take the coffee. Slade and the rest are going to throw a fit if I continue staying any longer. When is this, uh, guy coming?"

"Later this afternoon at like…" he gestured his hands trying to think of when the guy is coming, "Three-ish."

"Alright. You don't need to ride me back. I'm gonna hit the store."

Emmett nodded. I turn my back on him and head to the back door. Unlocking it, I walk out into the cold to wake me up. It wasn't even a few seconds before I was dragged off into the alley right next to the station. The back of my head was slammed against the wall. The person being the Fox-Bastard.

"Why did you come here?" He shouts at me.

I didn't bother talking. All I did was glare back at him..

This had only made him angrier. He gritted his teeth at me. He was always like this when it came to cops. Hates them with a passion after what they did to his family. After what he has done to my family, he deserved it.

"Answer me!"

"Why should I tell you?" I bark back. I push him away and turned so my back was to him. I began to walk away after I yell, "A bastard like you shouldn't be here!"

He grabbed hold of my shoulder and-


An intense pain shot through my head. Everything turned red then to black, I couldn't see! I clench my scar, where he had punched, and doubled backwards.

Aching, agonizing, excruciating, burning,

scorching pain!

My right eye vision gradually faded in though everything is blurry. My left eye, the one where my scar was wrapped around, was still blinded. The bastard who did this was frozen in place.


I storm off cursing under my breath. The scar, as old as it is, still hurts the same as when he that bastard first caused it.

I need to smoke...

I need to relax!


The moment I reach my own territory, Slade was the first to take notice of my appearance. He was also the one to announce me return. Soon, I was quickly bombarded with unnecessary questions. My mind couldn't deal with that and the pain all at once. It was too much. I pushed my way through to my bedroom. It's there I had more pacts. It is also there were I would sleep through the pain (whenever it reacts like today). I don't know if sleep would help right now as the pain is the worst it could be in a long time. Still, I should try.

After going through various hallways, I finally reach the place. The door is locked as it should be and always has been. I use my keys to unlock it, walk inside, then relooking it. I never trust anyone in this room, a room I've lived since I was a kid and a room where I keep my secrets. There's barely anything in here; only a bed, a closet, a dresser, and a nightstand. No windows, no lights, nothing. I strode over to said nightstand and opened it, feeling around for another pact. Didn't have to look very far. I've grown accustomed to this dark room that light would only ruin it. It's also great for when I've had the occasional pain from nightmares and what not. I take one of the cigarettes out to immediately light it. It was as if a blanket of solace was wrapped around me, holding me in place until I had found relief and peace.

Soon, after a couple more cigarettes, the pain from before was now an itch behind the scar tissue. It doesn't bother me now as it did fifteen years ago. I can now rest with ease. I had hours to go anyway before this new guy Emmett vaguely and briefly talked about comes. I took up the chance and laid down.

I hope to not dream again.


It was time. I left with an excuse, an excuse to be alone and get away. This time, I made sure I wasn't being followed. I don't want a certain fox to get in the way. The police station was straight ahead now. There, I saw two men, whose details I couldn't yet make out. As I got closer, one of them was familiar. It was Emmett in his usual black uniform, adorned with his hat (to cover the grays in his hair). Though, the other man was someone completely different. Someone in their early twenties no doubt with a clean appearance; his honey brown hair was slicked back, little to no facial hair, and his own black uniform was ironed to have no wrinkles even in the harshest weather.

Emmett waves at me, a motion to catch the other's attention towards me. "Copper! You're here! Was wonderin' when you would show up. This is the guy I mentioned to ya earlier."

The young man reached his hand for me to shake, "Nice to meet you! The name's James Shaw but you can just call me Shaw! Emmett's been filling me in on this 'case' you got going on."

I just looked down at his hand. His overly enthusiastic personality was somewhat… unexpected. After realizing I wasn't going to shake his hand, he placed it in his pocket. The smile he had on didn't fade away either.

"He's a rookie from upstate. I got him sent down here so he could help. Heard he was amazing finding people," Emmett whispers to me in a cheerful tone, "I didn't think his personality was bubbly either."

I only nodded before muttering back, "How much did you tell him?"

"Oh, only the important parts. Just be glad I got someone who isn't afraid of ya." Then, after saying so, he walked back into the station. Seems like he still has work. Now, it's just me and the rookie.

I turn my attention elsewhere and addressed this Shaw guy. "What can you do to help me? I'll need to make sure you're capable if you're going to be working with Emmett and me."

"Well, based on what Emmett has told me, I already narrowed it down. If there's a rat who knew where you hid something valuable, then they must know the ins and outs of the place. It must be someone who was close to your family."