A Little Misunderstanding

Kai was on his way to work, as he occasionally glanced at Jinn's drawling pad that was on the seat beside him. Kai pulled up to a red light, easing his foot down on the break peddle. He exhaled loudly, closing his eyes for a minute, "how am I gonna face Jinn at work today?" Kai thought. He had unintentionally stood Jinn up by crying himself to sleep after Dana had left. "Ugh!" Kai groaned, stepping on the gas, and continued driving as the light turned green.

When Kai made it to work, he practically ran to his desk, hoping to avoid Jinn as long as he could. Kai clocked in and when he turned around Jinn was standing there. Kai jumped, nearly falling out of his seat. Jinn had a straight face, that Kai couldn't read. Kai stood up lowering his head a bit, "I..", but Jinn cut him off.

"Tomo Kan is waiting in the conference room for your presentation. Japanese is on your resume right? Because they didn't bring a translator." Jinn said

"….." Kai nodded.

"Okay then." Jinn said turning around to leave.

Kai looked up at Jinn who was walking away, "wait!" he suddenly blurted out.

Jinn turned around with the same straight expression on his face, and that only made Kai even more nervous.


"I wanted to apo…...". Kai began to speak, but Jinn cut him off again.

"If it's not work related, then I'll be on my way." Jinn said turning around to leave. Kai sighed his face frowning, "he wasn't even going to give me the chance to apologize." he thought. Not thinking anymore of it, Kai grabbed the drawling pad and made his way to the conference room.

Kai made it to the conference room, walking into a room full of people including Jinn who was making it clear that he was hurt, he didn't bother to even look Kai's way. Kai took a deep breath to calm himself, made his way over toward the projector in the room and began to hook it up.

After Kai finished connecting the drawling pad to the projector, Kai made his way over to Jinn, and his boss Jane, who was standing beside Tomo Khan, the three of them smiling, giving off awkward, but friendly vibes since only Tomo Kan could speak Japanese.

"There you are." Said Jane with a smile. Mr. Tomo Kan this is Mr. Kai, and Mr. Kai this is Mr. Kan." Said Jane introducing the two.

Kai turned to Mr. Kan, slightly bowing and Mr. Kan smiled, gripping Kai's hand tight, "It's nice to finally meet you Mr. Kai." Tomo Kan said in Japanese.

"The pleasure is all mine." Kai said in Japanese and Tomo Kan smiled, nodding over and over. Jinn took a glance at Kai while he spoke with Mr. Kan. Kai was Korean but had "fluent in Chinese and Japanese" on his resume, "cute and impressive." Jinn thought.

Soon after, Kai had begun his presentation, explaining the layout and building to Tomo Kan who nodded saying "amazing.", to almost everything Kai had said. When Kai was finished his presentation, everyone clapped, Mr. Tomo Kan being the loudest.

"Excellent." Tomo Kan said loudly in Japanese and Kai nodded. Kai was a bit nervous from the attention, but he didn't let it show. Taking a deep breath, Kai let a beautiful smile onto his face, warming the room and Jinn's heart nearly stopped, as did his clapping hands. When Kai smiled, time always seemed to slow down, everything about him just screamed beauty as he was handsome yet cute, and honestly damn pretty for a man. Jinn exhaled heavily and stared at the ground. Although he had made it clear that he didn't want to talk to Kai at the moment, he didn't want Kai to end up avoiding him again, "What is wrong with me?" he thought to himself.

Mr. Tomo Kan walked over to Kai and they began to talk about his building and Jinn watched from afar. Mr. Tomo Kan was very touchy, placing his hand on Kai's shoulder often patting and squeezing it. Jinn groaned to himself, feeling a tad bit jealous.

"This will not be the last project you'll work on for me, I expect great things from you." Said Mr. Tomo Kan in Japanese.

Kai smiled again and nodded, "I'll be waiting." He responded in Japanese.

Mr. Tomo Kan smiled, rubbing Kai's arm, as he and his team then took their leave from the conference room.

When Mr. Tomo Kan and his team left, Jane rushed over to Kai, "Well, well! What did he say?" Jane urged.

"He loved it; he's most likely going to contact you again for his next project." Kai said happily.

Jane jumped for joy, "Wonderful! I knew there was something special about you when I hired you!" she explained.

Kai smirked, "Oh, about my computer."

"No worries, Jinn has already put in an order for you, it'll be here by Thursday, I'll lend you a laptop and drawling pad until then." Jane said with a smile walking away.

Kai looked up at Jinn who was eyeing him from across the room, Kai gave him a slight smile and Jinn nodded, exiting the conference room. Kai's smile suddenly faded as he brought the corners of his mouth tight, feeling salty. He could do without the awkwardness again, so he had to at least try to make things right.

The time was 4:51pm and Kai was cleaning up his desk area, getting ready to go home for the day.

"Can I have a minute?"

Kai looked up to see Jinn standing on the side of his desk, surprised at first, his attention went back to straightening his desk. "Sure." Kai said nonchalantly. Although it was petty, it was only fair to give Jinn the same treatment he had given him.

Kai stood up, and Jinn suddenly felt nervous, Kai's big almond shaped eyes glaring at him. "Can we talk?" he said nervously.

Kai exhaled, and smirked, "Is it work related?"

Jinn brought the corners of his mouth tight, "I suppose I deserved that." He said looking at the floor for a second, then back to Kai.

Kai's smirk faded; he knew he seriously needed to apologize to Jinn. "I'd still like to go to that restaurant if you're up for it. I'll meet you there at 6:00pm?"

"Sure." Jinn said, as a smirk forced it's way onto his face even though he couldn't help but to feel awkward.

Kai clocked out as did Jinn and the two of them silently made their way out of the office building. Jinn made it to his car and stared at Kai who was on his way to his car as well, he hoped Kai was going to show up this time.

Kai made it home, putting all his things down, brushing his teeth and spraying himself with two pumps of cologne. He looked at himself in the mirror, turning his head to the side and decided to pull the hair tie out of his low ponytail. Kai ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it upward, putting his hair into a topknot. Satisfied with himself he nodded and made his way to the restaurant.

Jinn had made it to the restaurant first and was sitting there nervously waiting, his right leg tapping under the table over and over. About fifteen minutes had gone by since Jinn had got there and suddenly in walked Kai. Jinn hadn't noticed early, but Kai looked good. Wearing a black slim fitting dress shirt and skinny black slacks, Kai looked like he was stepping into a photoshoot. His hair had changed, and his demeanor was different than it was at work, it was no wonder he turned so many heads when he walked into the restaurant. Kai stopped at the hostess station and she greeted him, somewhat flirtatiously, I guess the young girl was just as floored as everyone else. She then nodded and made her way over to where Jinn was sitting, and Kai followed her. When he saw Jinn, his face lit up, that pretty smile making its way onto his face. Jinn took a deep breath, as he watched Kai walking over toward him, why did he suddenly become do dumbfounded when Kai was near?

"Here you are sir." The hostess smiled and walked away leaving the two.

"You made it." Said Jinn with a smile on his face.

"I did." Said Kai, squinting his eyes as he smiled hard.

"Is the wine good here?" Kai asked opening up the menu, turning the pages to the beverage section.

"It is, but don't forget you have to drive home." Said Jinn.

Kai looked up at Jinn, smirked and put his hand up to his forehead making a salute, "I swear to drink sensibly." He said his face serious as was his voice.

Jinn smiled, shaking his head. "….."

"You are such a Mother hen." Said Kai chuckling.

"Only for you though." Said Jinn, with a smirk not bothering to look up at Kai.

Kai held his smile back as best he could, and it showed up as a smirk. Only Jinn knew how to say things to make him speechless.

After the two ordered their food and drinks, it was silent for a minute, until Kai cleared his throat. "I suppose I should get to the point."

Jinn exhaled heavily, not saying anything. "...."

"My wi…Dana was there at my apartment when I got home. Things got a little ugly as we argued and then I laid down to relax my mind, I don't even remember falling asleep. I'm sorry that I stood you up, I should've at least texted you."

Jinn looked up at Kai, his face was apologetically cute as he was nervous staring down at his hands. Honestly, it didn't really matter what Kai said, Jinn would have probably forgiven him anyway.

"You're forgiven." Jinn said with a smile.

Kai quickly looked up at Jinn with a surprised look on his face, "Just like that?"

Jinn let out a chuckle, the look on Kai's face playing a major part in that. "Well no ones perfect, things happen. Just don't make it a habit."

Kai's face went from surprised to a slight smirk, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you sound like you'd want to see me again."

"Excellent hypothesis professor." Said Jinn gripping his chin with his thumb and index finger, with an eyebrow raised.

Kai let out a soft giggle, "Well, I look forward to it."

After dinner Kai and Jinn drove to Kai's apartment because Kai had forgotten to bring Jinn's drawling pad, he didn't want to hold onto it any longer than he had to. They pulled up to the apartment, parked and made their way up the stairs.

"Now my apartment is nowhere near as nice as yours but it's clean." Kai said almost as if he was nervous as he unlocked the door.

"What's important is that it's clean, no worries." Said Jinn as Kai opened the door and went in, Jinn following behind him.

"I'll be right back." Kai said walking away to grab Jinn's drawling pad. Jinn began to look around, Kai's apartment was indeed smaller, yet it felt homier than his own place. Jinn walked over toward the wall where several pictures hung. Jinn smiled as there was a picture of cute little Kai and his parents, Kai was quite the chubby kid. Next, Jinn's eyes went straight to the picture of Kai and a woman, "that must be Dana." Jinn thought. Dana was a pretty brunette with green eyes and a gorgeous smile. The two made a nice couple, but Kai didn't look happy in the picture at all even though he was smiling. It was almost as if he was forcing himself to make Dana happy.

Jinn walked over, having a seat on the couch and noticed a long golden colored envelope sitting on the coffee table with Kai's name on it. Mire Law was printed on it and Jinn's eyebrows twitched. It wasn't hard to guess what was in the envelope, Dana really had come over and had a fight with Kai the night before. Jinn closed his eyes for a minute feeling guilty for doubting Kai. The poor thing was going through a divorce all by himself and all Jinn could think about was his own feelings.

Kai walked into the room, "Are you thirsty? I hav…." He said, suddenly becoming quiet as Jinn quickly stood up grabbing him tight within his arms. Kai's eyes had grown wide, surprised by Jinn's sudden display of affection. Kai patted Jinn's back, awkwardly hugging him, although he smelled good, what was this for?

"What's gotten into you?" Kai asked softly.

Jinn lifted his head up, staring Kai deep into his eyes, "let me stay with you tonight."