Brother Art

Kai stood in the kitchen shirtless in boxers, half asleep, sipping his coffee, he had, had trouble sleeping the night before and woke up before his alarm clock went off. Kai turned around, startled to see a shirtless Jinn silently in the dimly lit apartment walking up behind him, "Christ!" Kai yelled and a smirk made its way onto Jinn's face.

"Quit sneaking up on me!" Kai whined as Jinn moved closer, taking Kai's coffee out of his hand, placing it on the counter. He then wrapped his arms around Kai, pulling him close, and kissing on his neck.

"Mn, Kai moaned softly, "Is there time for this?" said Kai as he was becoming lost in the gentle kisses that were being placed on his neck.

"There is." said Jinn as he moved on to Kai's collarbone, licking and kissing before he moved down, swirling his tongue around Kai's right nipple.

"Mn!" Kai moaned as his body suddenly jerked from the sensitivity. Running his hand down Kai's abdomen he caressed the small definition of ab's that were forming, before bringing his hand further down and slipping it into Kai's boxers. Pulling out Kai's hardening length, Jinn began to stroke, playing with the tip as he did.

Mn." Kai moaned again, the feeling of Jinn's tongue on his chest and large warm hand on his length was too good.

Removing his mouth from Kai's chest Jinn slowly got down on his knees, kissing Kai's abdomen on the way down. Still stroking with his hand, looking up at Kai who had his eyes closed Jinn smirked, "Kai." He called seductively and Kai looked down to see Jinn smirking looking up at him. Biting his own lip Kai watched his lover take all of him in his mouth, Jinn's eyes watching Kai's reaction as he did. Kai's mouth opened as he moaned, exhaling heavily he held his head back closing his eyes.

Slowly at first, Jinn's head bobbed as his tongue swirled around with every suck.

"Mn!" Kai moaned, as he placed his hand on the back of Jinn's head, gently moving his hips at the same time. Faster Jinn's head began to bob, and Kai dropped his head, biting his lip, his legs began to quiver.

"Uhm..shit." Kai moaned as he opened his eyes to see Jinn going to work. Placing his hand at the base of Kai's length, Jinn began to stroke, his head and hand meeting from opposite directions.

"Fuck!" Kai moaned as he felt his body giving in, but Jinn only sped his pace. Biting his lip again Kai threw his head back, as he squeezed his eyes shut. Breathing heavily, his body tensed, as he suddenly released into Jinn's mouth while he continued to suck. As Jinn removed his mouth, sliding his head back ever so slowly, a shutter ran through Kai's body, his member quite sensitive from the orgasm he had just had.

Kai's alarm suddenly sounded in the bedroom, bringing him back to reality, he opened his eyes to see Jinn staring up at him with a smirk on his face. Standing up Jinn licked his own lips, leaning forward like he was going to kiss his lover and Kai closed his eyes, melting before him, waiting for the kiss, but it never came.

"Better get ready for work." Jinn said with a smile, kissing Kai on the forehead and walking away, leaving him in the kitchen. Kai exhaled heavily; Jinn certainly knew how to play with people's emotions didn't he? After a shower, the two got dressed and made their way to work.

Today was Kai's first day back to work and his boss was overjoyed, not to mention as was his manager and everyone else. They were happy to have Kai back full time and asked him all day for his opinion and ideas.

After a while, the day had gone by quite quickly and Kai leaned backward in his chair, closing his eyes, yawning quite obnoxiously as he waited for five o'clock.

"Gotta get back in the groove huh?" said a familiar voice and Kai looked up to see Jinn with a smile, dimples present.

Startled, Kai sat up quickly, "Must you scare me like that every chance you get." Kai said with a smirk.

"I can't help it.", said Jinn letting out a chuckle. "I came to let you know I'm not going to be able to go with you to Art's, I have to stay later with Jane, there's some stuff she needs me to do."

Kai's face instantly turned into a pout, "Then we can reschedule."

"No, no don't reschedule, that wouldn't be professional.", said Jinn.

"It's only Art.", said Kai still pouting.

"But it's also your first side project, you'll be fine, you don't need me to tag along, I'll text you the address.", said Jinn giving Kai a smirk, a wink and walking away. Kai slouched back in his chair, lightly banging his head back on the top of the chair multiple times. The original plan had been for Art to stop by Jinn's apartment again so that he and Kai could go over the details. At the last minute Art said that he was going to have to work later and wouldn't be able to get there in time. Being a kind younger brother, Jinn said that he and Kai could meet Art instead, that way by the time Art got off work and home, they would already almost be there, but now Jinn couldn't make it either. Kai exhaled heavily, not thinking any more of it, clocked out and left work.

After getting into his car, Kai typed the address into his gps and made his way to Art's apartment that was about thirty minutes away, he didn't live in the same town as his parents or Jinn, but the next town over.

Kai had made it to Art's place in twenty minutes, as he had accidentally driven faster wanting to get this over with. Texting Art, with his drawling pencils and large sketch pad, Kai waited outside the large apartment building that was similar to Jinn's. After a few minutes of no response, Kai rolled his eyes, figuring he would just turn around and leave if he had to wait any longer, but he suddenly heard his name.

"Hey Kai, sorry I took so long, come on in." said Art with a smile as he stood halfway out the door of his apartment. Rolling his eyes, Kai walked into the apartment following Art to the elevators.

"So sorry you had to come all the way here by yourself, shame on my brother.", said Art as he eyed Kai too comfortably, he had never seen Kai so dressed up. A slim fitting black dress shirt and slim fitting black slacks suited him well. As the elevator door opened Kai stepped on first, rolling his eyes, he most certainly had a bad feeling about this.

Stopping at the thirteenth floor, the two got off the elevator. Art led the way, the back of his shoulders much broader than Jinn's. Suddenly stopping, Art opened his apartment door, stepping out of the way and with a smile, he waited for Kai to enter first. Not acknowledging Art's gentleman like gesture, Kai simply walked into the apartment and stood in the living room while Art followed, closing the door.

"Welcome to my humble abode." Art also said, but like Jinn's this apartment was far from that, what was with these brothers downplaying their richness?

"So tell me, what kind of things are you looking for specifically?" said Kai getting right down to business. Ignoring Kai's question, Art simply made his way to the kitchen, "have you eaten?"

Kai let out a deep exhale, "look, can we start this? I still have to drive back.", said Kai following Art into the kitchen, after he placed his large sketch pad and pencil case down. When he got there, Art had pulled out two plates and had begun filling one with pasta he had made.

"You like salad, right? Do you want some of that too?" said Art as he began to put plethora of mixed greens and veggies on to the plate.

"Art!" Kai said, a bit of agitation present in his voice.

"What's the hurry? I haven't had dinner yet either. Why don't we eat first?", said Art with a smile.

Kai squinted his eyes at Art, "I'm not going to sit down and have dinner with you Art." said Kai.

"Why not? I promise we'll get straight to it, if you eat with me first.", said Art with that same reassuring smile Jinn usually gave, just without the dimples.

"Fine.", said Kai, letting out a heavy exhale.

After Art had made both plates, the two sat down to eat in the dining room. Art watched Kai for a minute while he ate and a smirk made it's way onto his face. "how is the pasta?" he asked.

"It's really good." Kai responded, not bothering to look up.

"Good, I have something else I'd like you to try as well." Said Art getting up from the table, grabbing a bottle of wine from the cabinet, and two glasses. Art walked over, sitting in a seat beside Kai. "This is my own brand, a new taste my company has just got finished developing. Won't you taste it for me?"

Swallowing his pasta Kai looked up at Art, a hopeful expression on his face, "Your company?" Kai asked somewhat surprised.

"Family owned yes, but I run it. Jinn wanted no parts and Jenna simply profits from it.", said Art.

"I see, but I can't. I promised someone I wouldn't drink."

Art's expression changed immediately, "What a pity, my brother has you so wrapped around his little finger." said Art shrugging and pouring himself a glass of wine.

Kai snapped his eyes at Art, "it's nothing like that."

"Really? Well why don't you taste it then?" said Art, handing Kai the glass he had been sipping from.

"Just pour me a little." said Kai giving in and rolling his eyes.

A familiar smirk made its way onto Art's face, "Wonderful, you are not as whipped as I thought you were.", said Art pouring Kai a glass. Rolling his eyes again, Kai somewhat snatched the glass of wine and sipped it once, swallowing and gulping down the rest of the glass. Placing the glass down on the table, Kai looked at Art who wore an odd smirk on his face.

"Are you done now? Can we get to work?" said Kai, growing tired of Art and his shenanigans.

"Well you could at least tell me your opinion, I'm deciding if this is going on the market or not, you are the first one to taste it other than me.", said Art.

Kai raised an eyebrow, somewhat flattered that Art would give him such an honor. "Well it's good. It has a nice flavor, strong, but goes down smooth."

"Yes, my thoughts exactly. Good looking and he has good taste," said Art sipping his wine as he smirked.

Kai awkwardly cleared his throat, "well…I think we've wasted enough time, why don't you show me what you like?", said Kai getting up from the dining room table and going to sit into the living room. Art smiled, finishing his wine. He then got up and went into the living room to sit next to Kai on the couch. Pulling out his drawling pencil and ruler, Kai was ready to write down whatever was said. With a smile art began to talk, pulling out his phone to show Kai bits and things he had saved that he wanted in his house. Listening for a while and taking glances at the pictures Art had saved on his phone, Kai closed his eyes, imagining the image he wanted to design in his mind, he began to sketch.

About a good thirty minutes had passed and with his brows furrowed, biting his bottom lip, Kai was quite enthralled in his drawling. Sitting next to Kai, Art had become lost in watching Kai work, this was a side he had never seen of him before and to be honest, it was quite something to look at. Kai's hair from his bun fell messily along his baby like, yet handsome profile which stuck out to Art the most, his perfectly arched yet thick brows, his perfect sharp nose and his lengthy veined neck.

Kai had finished part of his simple design and sat up, arching his back. He stretched his hands, cracking his fingers, and turned his head to the side to get a different angle of his drawling.

"This is a rough draft, based off of what you showed me. I have a lot more I have to do, but what do you think so far?" said Kai as he held up the drawling.

"Absolutely perfect.", said Art, not exactly answering Kai's question. A smirk made its way onto Kai's face as he turned his head toward Art, but as he did, Art leaned in close, startling Kai. Quite close, the two were face to face as Art stared at a panicked Kai with lustful eyes, leaning in closer, Art placed a kiss on Kai's lips.