A Little Jealousy Is Healthy

Kai sat with his legs crossed, gaming on his phone waiting in the lobby of the hotel for Jinn. The two were on their way to pick up dinner when Jinn realized he had left his phone in the apartment and went back to get it.

"Come on, come on!" Kai complained as the game on his phone began to lag. "Dammit!", he yelled as the game caused him to lose.

"My God, no way!", said a random voice. Kai looked up to see a tall brunette with hazel eyes, who was this gorgeous guy?

Kai looked back and forth, before pointing to himself, "You talking to me?", he asked with a brow raised.

With a smirk on his face the guy walked closer, "Yeah, I'm talking to you, where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in a long ass time.", the guy responded and sat down next to Kai, leaning over close, placing his chin on his hand.

Kai leaned back a bit, "I think you must have me mistaken for someone else.", Kai said nervously.

"No, I'm pretty sure I have the right person Kai. I don't think I could ever forget being on top of you, staring into those pretty almond shaped eyes all night.", the guy said, leaning closer as he winked flirtatiously.

"….", hearing this Kai said nothing, this had to have been one of his drunken night men from the past that he didn't remember going home with.

Leaning back the guy pouted, "God Kai, I can't believe you don't remember me, we spent the night together and you were gone when I woke up, but here you are. I just moved in and I'd like to think we've been granted another chance, give me your number this time?", said the guy, his cute pout turning into a smile, but as he did the elevator sounded and Jinn stepped off.

Kai jumped up out of his seat with an awkward smile, "Uh, no thank you.", he said as Jinn walked over eyeing the two carefully.

"Ready babe?", he said loud enough to make sure the guy heard. The guy raised an eyebrow, instantly putting things together.

"Yeah.", said Kai awkwardly nodding to the guy and making his way to the door, with Jinn following behind, as he walked backwards eyeing the guy, the two of them glaring at each other for a moment before Jinn turned around and exited the apartment. The guy shook his head and headed toward the elevator.

After the two got into the car and pulled off, Jinn kept glancing at Kai who was unusually quiet, and intentionally avoiding eye contact, staring out of the window.

"What happened?", said Jinn finally becoming annoyed with his strange behavior.

Kai snapped his head at Jinn, startled a bit, "What?"

"What did that guy say to you because you're obviously still thinking about it.", said Jinn fully directing his attention back to the road.

"Ah nothing, he just asked me out, told him I was seeing someone.", Kai lied, smiling nervously as he looked back out the window. Jinn knew Kai had a messy past, but if he could keep him from knowing about it, that's what he preferred.

When the two got to the restaurant, they waited in line to make their order, "Know what you want?" said Jinn wrapping his arms around Kai and leaning down to kiss him on the back of his neck.

Kai flinched a little, closing his eyes for a second, "Jinn.", he said softly, but Jinn did it again. Kai rolled his shoulders, signaling Jinn to let go, but again Jinn ignored him, placing another kiss on his neck. Kai let out a deep exhale, closing his eyes momentarily, as he felt himself getting aroused. "Jinn, cut it out.", Kai said firmly.

A smirk made its way onto Jinn's face, "why? Am I making you hard?" he whispered seductively in Kai's ear, as he slowly slid his arms below Kai's waist, but Kai suddenly jumped forward. Turning around to Jinn sucking his lips inward, Kai squinted his eyes and Jinn did the same, only he was holding in his laugh.

"Quit playing with me while we're out here or I'll take you in the bathroom and do bad things to you.", Kai leaned forward, whispering seductively in Jinn's ear.

"I might like that.", Jinn responded, not bothering to whisper this time with a grin on his face as he bit his lip. Kai smirked, as his face flushed a shade of pink, Jinn was growing bolder by the second.

"Next in line please!", the worker called out. Kai cleared his throat, widening his eyes for a second at Jinn and spun around, walking toward the counter with Jinn following behind still biting his bottom lip.

After the two said what they wanted on their burritos, Jinn paid and they left, getting in the car. Kai sat down, pulling his door closed and as he turned around, Jinn practically leapt on top of him, his lips crashing into Kai's.

"Jinn! Stop! We are in the parking lot! People will see us!" said Kai managing to pull his lips away for a second as he giggled.

Getting off of Kai, Jinn went back to the driver's seat, "You were talking all that shit in the store, we shall continue this when we get home.", said Jinn with a devilish smirk on his face. Kai smirked and began to put on his seatbelt.

As Kai got finished putting his seatbelt on, he looked up and saw a familiar face coming out of the restaurant. "Hey, it's Brandon…he was in the restar…", as Kai spoke, he realized what he was saying and stopped talking.

"What?", Jinn asked as he put his car in drive and pulled off.

"He saw us.", Kai responded.

"So what? I saw him too.", Jinn responded nonchalantly.

Kai furrowed his brows, "You saw him and you still…", Kai raised his voice a little, but was suddenly cut off by Jinn.

"I did, and? I'm not ashamed of you Kai, but if you're ashamed of me that's a problem.", said Jinn, his voice a little snappy.

"That's not what I…you know that's not what I meant Jinn. We work together, what if he tells someone?"

"I told you I didn't care, it's you who wanted to keep it a secret.", said Jinn.

"…." Kai clicked his tongue, and rolled his eyes deciding not to say anything, the last thing he needed was people treating him differently because he was dating the manager.

When the two got home, they ate, and Jinn went to lay down in the bed room to watch tv. He had been rather quiet on the drive home, including dinner and Kai was beginning to feel bad. Pouring himself some juice and gulping it down, Kai took a deep breath and went toward the bedroom. Peeking his head in the dark room only lit up by the light of the tv, Kai did his best to see if Jinn was still awake or not.

Letting out another exhale Kai walked into the room, "Jinn." Kai said softly.

"What?", Jinn responded, his voice somewhat deeper than usual as he was most likely on his way to sleep.

"Are you still mad at me?", said Kai, somewhat whining as he spoke. Jinn was quiet for a moment, before he extended his arms out toward Kai. Kai smirked, hurrying over and hopped in the bed with Jinn, only to be caught and flipped over on his back.

"told you we were going to finish what we started.", said Jinn with a smirk before he leaned down and kissed Kai, teasingly, his lips placed gentle pecks on his lips, pulling away before Kai wanted them to.

"Mn, don't tease me.", Kai moaned. With a smirk on his face, Jinn slid down, sliding up Kai's shirt kissing his thin, yet toned chest and swirling his tongue around Kai's nipple that began to bud from the pleasure.

Kai arched his body forward, holding his head all the way back, as his face began to flush a shade of red, "Mnn.", he moaned softly, but Jinn was just beginning.

Kissing his abdomen all over, Jinn went lower, and lower, sliding off Kai's pant's and underwear to reveal his hard length, already able to stand up on its own he was so aroused.

Kai waited for Jinn to go down on him, but it never happened, so he opened his eyes to see Jinn waiting there between his legs with a smirk on his face.

"You want something?", Jinn played with the tip, each time he rubbed his finger over it Kai's body flinched. Jinn then leaned down, kissing and licking on Kai's inner thigh, only making him harder. Kai bit his lip, little moans escaping here and there as he waited patiently for Jinn to take him in his mouth, but Jinn was enjoying teasing him too much. Spitting in his own hand, Jinn proceeded to lightly stroke Kai, but just the tip with a smirk on his face. Squeezing his eyes tight for a moment Kai opened them back and let out a heavy exhale as Jinn began to stroke his length to the base, Kai couldn't take it anymore.

"Please baby.", he whispered coquettishly, but loud enough to for his lover to hear. Hearing those words sent a chill through Jinn's body and as he was asked, he took Kai all the way into his mouth.

"Mnn." Kai moaned, throwing his head back, pressing it hard against the pillow beneath him as he squeezed the sheets. Slowly Jinn sucked, his head bobbing up and down, slowly taking Kai all the way to the base. Gagging for a second, Jinn cleared his throat as Kai unexpected jerked his body forward. Getting up from between Kai's legs, Jinn leaned down and kissed Kai, passionately, his tongue entering into his lovers' mouth for a moment before pulling away. Reaching over into his drawer, Jinn grabbed the lube, and laced himself back between Kai's legs, only this time he was sitting. Licking his own fingers first, Jinn squirted the lube onto his fingers, before he placed them into Kai, with his legs open facing him, Jinn could see everything.

Pulling one leg over his shoulder, Jinn began to thrust his fingers back and forth slowly, "mnnn!", Kai moaned, a little louder this time and Jinn bit his lip, as he watch his lovers beautiful face full of pleasure before him.

After a few moments, Jinn slid off his own boxers, tossing them onto the floor. He then positioned himself back in front of Kai, lathering his own hard length, stroking it a few times. With Kai laying on his back, and Jinn sitting upright, Jinn moved forward slightly, guiding his impatient member into Kai, he began to gently thrust his hips forward.

"Mnn!", Kai moaned, as he felt all of Jinn sliding in and out of him.

"Fuck." Jinn cursed; this may have been his favorite position yet. Grabbing each of Kai's thighs, Jinn pulled him closer, thrusting a little harder as he sat on the bed. He then spat in his hand, reaching forward, grabbing Kai's member in his hand, stroking it quickly.

"Mnnn, fuck!" Kai moaned, as with every thrust Jinn hit his spot over and over again, while he stroked his length, it was all too much!

Still watching Kai who was now biting his lip with his face flushed red, Jinn began to thrust harder, "Mmmh!", he moaned "God you're so fucking cute!", he cursed. Faster and faster Jinn began to move back in forth in Kai, all while increasing the speed of his hand that was still stroking Kai to the base.

"Ugh..fuck…fuck, I'm gonna…I'm coming!", Kai said loudly as his voice rose several pitches.

As Jinn stroked, a warm liquid came bursting out onto his hand and on Kai's belly, but Jinn kept at it, still stroking it slowly until no more seeped out.

After Kai had come, once again Jinn grabbed Kai's thighs, holding them both up to his chest as he continued to thrust back and forth.

"Mnn!" Kai moaned over and over, his body quivering as his spot was being hammered even after he had just finished.

Jinn tilted his head back and closed his eyes, "uh…uhh!", he moaned over and over as well.

Kai opened his eyes to see Jinn's body in front of his, his perfectly chiseled abs tightening each time he moved, "fucking daddy shit.", Kai said seductively as he reached down to stroke himself again.

"Fuck!", Jinn cursed as he brought his head down to look at his lover, Kai's words and sexiness giving him all the encouragement he needed to finish. With a few last thrust Jinn pulled out, quickly getting up on his knees and stroking himself as he came onto Kai's hand who was also stroking himself.

When Kai saw that Jinn had finished, he removed his hand from his length and pulled Jinn down onto the bed next to him. Lifting his arm, Jinn pulled Kai close to him. "I love you.", Jinn spoke panting, as he was still catching his breath.

"I love you too.", said Kai and the two laid there until they drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, the two got up and showered, heading to work, Jinn had convinced Kai to ride with him since they were now riding to and from the same place.

"Give me a kiss.", said Kai leaning over toward Jinn, placing a peck on his lips before getting out of the car to go into work. Jinn smiled, dimples present as always, too getting out and followed Kai in. When they got in they separated, Jinn going to his office and Kai going to his desk. When Kai got there, there were flowers sitting on his desk again, Kai rolled his eyes, looking at the note card that was still empty, "At it again huh?", Kai sighed to himself before placing the bouquet of roses on someone else's desk before Jinn randomly popped out of nowhere.

The time was about 10:45am and Kai had been yawning way too much, Jinn had worn him out too much the night before. Kai stood up to stretch, thinking a cup of coffee would help, but when he turned around Brandon was standing there with two cups of coffee in his hands.

"Iced Mocha with less ice.", said Brandon with a smile on his face, handing Kai the coffee.

Kai screamed internally, but didn't allow it to show on his face, why on earth was this kid so damn stubborn? "Oh, you shouldn't have, remember?", said Kai making an awkward face with wide eyes.

"Oh no, I didn't pay for it. It was buy one, get one free, and you've been yawning all morning, so I thought you could use one.", said Brandon. Kai furrowed his brows for a second, how did this kid know he was in need of a cup of coffee? It was indeed a little strange, but cute at the same time.

"Well, if you don't want it, I underst….", said Brandon seeing the look on Kai's face.

"Oh no, no. It's fine, I'll take it, thank you!", said Kai with the same pretty smile as he took the cup of coffee, but Jinn happened to be walking over as he took the coffee. Growing nervous, Kai put the coffee behind his back, although it didn't matter, Jinn had already saw him take the coffee with that pretty smile, and his face said it all.

"Mr. Wilkins.", said Brandon nodding awkwardly as he quickly hurried away. Jinn glared at Kai for a minute while Kai smiled awkwardly.

"My office.", said Jinn as he walked away. Rolling his eyes and pouting, Kai whined internally following Jinn to his office.

As they walked in, Jinn immediately shut the door, walking up on Kai so that the two of them were really close, "why did you accept that from him?", said Jinn, his voice quiet, but firm.

Kai furrowed his brows, "Are you really upset about a cup of coffee? He didn't even buy it for me."

"But he thought about you, didn't he?" Jinn snapped at Kai, his voice still firm, but quiet.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you being like this? He saw us together, he knows I'm off limit's.", said Kai growing increasingly irritated.

"Because people obviously don't care that you're in a relationship Kai, I saw the damn roses! I'm tired of feeling like whenever I leave you alone, someone's going to take you from me!", Jinn finally raised his voice.

Kai's eyes grew wide, the Jinn he knew never allowed his emotions to get the best of him like this and especially not at work, where was all this coming from?