
After spending about an hour watching tv in silence, Saya soon brought up a bowl of soup for Kai and offered to cook something else for Jinn, but he was fine eating the soup as well. When Jinn had finished eating, he glanced over at Kai who was just holding his more than half full bowl of soup on his lap, his eyes were low although he was spacing out staring at the tv. Grabbing the medicine from Kai's bedside table, Jinn picked it up to read the label, seeing that it could cause drowsiness and disorientation, it should not be taken without food. Rolling his eyes and putting the bottle of medicine back, Jinn turned back to Kai who now had his eyes closed. Scooting over closer to Kai, Jinn grabbed the bowl of soup from his hands, startling him a bit as his eyes snapped open.

"Kai, Kai? Wake up, you need to eat some more.", said Jinn, but Kai let out a sigh.

"I'm not hungry.", he said softly.

"Kai, at least finish this okay and then you can…", Jinn began to say, but Kai cut him off.

"I'm nauseous, I can't eat anymore.", Kai said in a lethargic voice before he tilted his head backward and closed his eyes. Letting out a sigh, Jinn decided not to push him any further, Saya had given Kai the doctor prescribed pain medicine to take before he ate so it couldn't be helped that he was feeling this way.

"Kai, I'm gonna take the dishes downstairs okay, I'll be right back, okay?", said Jinn.

"Mn.", Kai responded with his eyes closed.

Leaving out of the room Jinn made his way downstairs to the kitchen where Saya was cleaning up the mess she had made. "Hey, how'd you like the soup?", she asked with a smile.

"It was pretty good.", said Jinn placing the bowls on the counter.

"Oh, he didn't like it?", Saya frowned.

"Nah, just make sure you make him eat something before he takes that medicine, he can barely keep his eyes open and it'll upset his stomach.", said Jinn.

"Oh crap, I should've read that better.", said Saya stretching one corner of her mouth to the side. "But just leave them there, I'll wash them.".

"Okay.", Jinn nodded turning to leave the kitchen.

"Jinn?", she suddenly called out, stopping him in his tracks.

Turning back around, Jinn raised both his brows, only answering with a simple "hmm?"

"I'm really grateful and all believe me I am, but are you sure that this is okay? I hope that you don't feel obligated to be here, there are other people that can help as we…", said Saya, but Jinn cut in.

"It's fine, there are no obligations when it comes to Kai, I'm here because I simply want to be.", Jinn responded with that same reassuring smile, dimples present. Smiling back, Saya nodded, and Jinn turned to leave making his way out of the kitchen and back upstairs.

When Jinn arrived in the room, Kai had fallen asleep, but it wasn't that peaceful sleep that he had missed waking up to. Instead of his usual pale rose tinted complexion, his skin was only pale, and he had fallen asleep with a pout on his cute, yet handsome face. Grabbing the remote and turning the tv off, Jinn cautiously placed himself on the bed, leaning over and pulling the cover up over Kai. Letting out a sigh, Jinn leaned closer, gently pushing Kai's hair back out of his face, placing a kiss on his forehead. Staying close, Jinn laid on his side, staring at Kai while he slept, and Jinn's eyes watered. His heart ached to see Kai in so much pain, he swore to himself that he would do whatever was within his power to help him get well.

The next morning, Kai opened his eyes to see Jinn beside him laying quite close, his long lashes hovering above the top of his cheeks. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Kai raised his hand to pat Jinn on the shoulder, but Jinn didn't wake up.

"Jinn…Jinn!", Kai raised his voice, although it was still gentle enough not to startle him.

Opening his eyes to see Kai in front of him, Jinn seemed to be confused for a second before he sat up squinting his eyes. "What's up? You okay?"

"Yeah, can you help me up? I have to pee.", Kai turned his head, embarrassed that he even had to ask for help to do so.

"Oh okay.", said Jinn as he jumped up, walking around the bed. Jinn proceeded to lift Kai the same way he had carried him up the stairs, but Kai stopped him.

"Just help me up, I can walk.", said Kai a bit of attitude in his tone, but Jinn only smirked.

"Okay.", said Jinn placing a hand under either of Kai's arm. "Grab onto me, ready?", said Jinn and Kai nodded as he held onto Jinn's arms. "One, two, three.", said Jinn as he lifted Kai. As Kai did his best to pull himself up, Jinn felt his arms shaking and the look on Kai's face was unpleasant.

"Shit!", Kai groaned threw his teeth, as the staples felt razor sharp in his skin.

"Deep breaths babe.", said Jinn as he stared Kai in the face.

Even though his face was still pained, Kai raised his head, staring Jinn straight in the eye. "Babe? Did Jinn just call me babe?", he thought.

Not acknowledging or maybe not realizing what he said, Jinn placed himself on the side of Kai to help him walk. "Okay, go as slow as you need to, I gotcha babe.", said Jinn and Kai stared at him again with his lips parted and his brows raised, only this time Jinn noticed. "You okay?", Jinn asked.

"…", Relaxing his face, Kai nodded as they began to walk. There it was again, that word 'babe', perhaps old habits die hard.

After Kai had gone to the bathroom, Jinn guided him back to the room, gently helping him sit down on the bed.

"Could you pass me the water bottle and medicine?", said Kai as he tried his best to make himself comfortable.

"It'll make you sleepy, so you'll have to eat something first. What are you hungry for?", said Jinn with a smile.

Letting out a sigh, Kai stared down at his lap, "I'm not hungry."

"Saya said you haven't had much of an appetite, but maybe it's because you haven't been eating what you wanted. I can cook something special for you.", said Jinn his smile widening, revealing those deep adorable dimples.

Glancing up for a minute, a smirk momentarily made its way onto Kai's face, before he directed his attention back at his lap. "Well then surprise me.", Kai finally responded.

"Coming right up.", said Jinn as he got up exiting the room. When Jinn was gone, Kai cautiously pushed himself up at bit, groaning threw his teeth. Although Kai didn't want to admit to himself that he needed help, he did appreciate having people by his side during this rough time, he just didn't understand why Jinn was here? To be honest it was confusing, and then there was Richard, surely, he was not okay with this.

When Jinn returned, Kai had his eyes closed, with his head back against the headrest.

"Hey, did you fall back to sleep on me? I got your breakfast. Egg's, toast, bacon and pineapple, this time. I haven't forgotten your allergy to strawberries", said Jinn with a smile as he placed the tray onto the bed. Looking down at the tray, Kai closed his eyes momentarily although this breakfast wasn't anything fancy, he couldn't help the urge to cry as his eyes watered. The first time Kai had spent the weekend at Jinn's apartment, he had made this same breakfast although, he had prepared strawberries before he found out that Kai was allergic, hence the reason he had just said pineapples this time. Letting out a sigh, Kai finally, opened his eyes, looking up at Jinn who was already looking at him.

"What…what's the matter? Does it hurt that much?", said Jinn, worry written all over his face.

Letting out a sigh, Kai stared down at his lap, wiping the tears streaming down his cheeks, "I can't do this.", he finally spoke.

"What do you mean?", said Jinn, sort of confused.

"I mean with you, I'll call Saya and tell her to send Rob.", said Kai as he picked up his phone, but Jinn snatched it out of his hand.

"You can't just keep kicking me to the curb because you don't want to deal with me Kai.", said Jinn, his tone firm, but calm. Quickly glancing up, Kai narrowed his eyes as they kept tearing.

"I am sorry! Okay?! I am sorry that I left you! I'm sorry that I hurt you, but I don't want to keep reliving it every time that I am with you!", Kai shouted.

"Kai, calm down, I didn't say that to hurt you.", Jinn said calmly although his brows were furrowed.

"Just go home, I'd rather not cause any trouble between you and Richard.", said Kai, turning away and staring down at his lap.

Grabbing one of Kai's hands, Jinn squeezed it tight, "I know I have been quite the flip floppy prick to you since you've been back, but I…", Jinn began to say, but Kai cut him off.

"I don't need your apology, please just go Jinn.", said Kai as he stared at Jinn's larger hand that enveloped his own.

"Kai let me fini…", Jinn tried to speak, but Kai cut him off again, pulling his hand away from Jinn's.

"You don't need to explain things to…", Kai began to say.

"Dammit Kai, shut up!", Jinn finally shouted, this time cutting Kai off. Quickly directing his attention from his lap, Kai turned to Jinn, a surprised look on his face.

Seeing the look on Kai's face, Jinn lowered his head for a moment, letting out a deep breath before he glanced back up at Kai, his piercing blue eyes intense. "Since you left me, I dealt with confusion, and depression. I've tried to change myself thinking it was me and my stubbornness or my possessiveness that drove you away. I even called myself moving on, but…but one thing remained. I've been scared and confused so I did my best to keep you at a distance, but I've been the one struggling to stay away from you. Perhaps I should have just come out and said it that morning after you did, but Kai I…I still…", said Jinn, but Kai began to shake his head.

"No! Don't say it!", Kai interrupted, quickly covering his face, but Jinn only leaned over, pulling his hands away from his face. As Jinn forced Kai to reveal his face, the tears wouldn't stop pouring from his pretty brown eyes and his face, his handsome yet baby like face was beat red as he pouted, God why was he so damn cute?

With a smirk, Jinn got up on his knees, positioning himself so that he and Kai were face to face, "Kai, I love you, I have never stopped loving you either.", Jinn said softly, his voice suave and soothing, sending a shiver down Kai's spine, as he spoke. Although Jinn had said something Kai would never admit he wanted to hear, Kai couldn't help it as his face balled up and he began to cry harder. With a smile, Jinn pulled Kai into a gentle embrace as his own eyes watered, "I love you so much.", he whispered over and over.