
A few days had gone by and Kai had, had his appendectomy. After three days, the doctors cleared him to be discharged, but unfortunately, they were sending him home with staples on the side of his stomach to be removed later on.

"Come on babe, take it easy.", said Saya as she kneeled down, helping Kai slip his foot into his slides. "There you go, we just have to wait for the nurse to bring the wheelchair.", said Saya standing with a smile.

Forcing a smile, Kai let out a soft sigh, he was in a lot of pain, but it felt like the staples hurt more than anything.

"Alrighty Mr. Pak, are you all ready to go?", said a young nurse coming into the room, pushing a wheelchair.

"Mn.", Kai nodded as the nurse came over and slowly helped him stand.

"Babe, I'm gonna go ahead and have the valet bring the car around so when you get downstairs, the car will be there.", said Saya as she smiled, grabbing Kai's things and exiting the room.

"Okay, easy, easy, turn…turn a bit more, now sit nice and slow okay? It's okay if you lean on me.", said the nurse while she guided him down onto the wheelchair, Kai clenching his teeth as the staples stung as he sat.

"Okay, that wasn't so bad.", said the nurse kneeling down and slowly lifting his legs onto the footrest. After Kai was safely situated in the chair, the nurse pushed him out of the room, making her way toward the elevator.

"You have such a sweet girlfriend, I cannot believe she only left the hospital once since you've been here.", said the nurse.

"Saya is my best friend, to be honest she's more like family.", said Kai.

"Oh I see, how sweet.", said the nurse as they got onto the elevator.

When the elevator had reached the first floor, the nurse wheeled Kai outside and helped him get into the car where Saya was sitting and waiting with her blinkers on. "Okay, take care, do not forget your at home care and follow up instructions said the nurse as she walked away with a smile. Reaching over to grab Kai's seatbelt, Saya, clicked it, took her car out of park, and pulled off.

As Saya drove, the two rode in silence and Kai stared out the window. Unexpectedly rolling over a bump in the road, Kai groaned threw his teeth, closing his eyes for a moment until the pain passed.

"Sorry babe, I didn't see that dip in the road, almost there.", said Saya glancing at her best friend as she drove, and she couldn't help, but to sigh. She knew Kai had, had a lot on his mind prior to ending up in the hospital, but he was even more on edge afterwards being quite irritated with needing so much help and he was going to need it for a while.

When the two arrived home, Saya helped Kai walk up the stairs, the two cautiously taking their time. When they were in the house, Saya helped Kai sit on the couch so he could rest for a bit.

"Okay babe, I know you haven't had much of an appetite since your surgery, so the doctor suggested you eat light meals. I'm gonna make a big pot of chicken soup for you to eat and I'll help you upstairs when you're ready okay? I'll be right back.", said Saya as she looked at Kai, a sympathetic expression on her face. Only nodding, Kai didn't bother to say anything and Saya made her way up the stairs.

Letting out a sigh, Kai leaned forward to grab his phone from the coffee table, letting out a high pitch breath as the incision burned and the staples felt like they were digging into his side. "Ugh fuck.", he said softly as he sat back slowly, slouching backward into the chair. Unlocking his phone, Kai rolled his eyes to see that Jinn had been calling and messaging to see how he was doing nonstop. He had told the hospital staff that he didn't want any company, but Saya and since he had been ignoring Jinn, the man had no idea how he had been doing. Opening up his email app, Kai began sending a message to his boss Jane to let her know he was out of the hospital and at home recovering.

"Okay, I'm back, just let me know when you want to go upstairs Kai, the doctor wants you to stay off of the stairs for now.", said Saya as she came downstairs after changing into something more comfortable.

"Yeah, yeah I know Saya.", said Kai handing Saya his phone to put back on the table.

Taking the phone Saya sat down, but she held it instead of putting it back on the table, "Kai, have you talked to him yet? You could at least let the poor guy know that you're out of the hospital, he's the one who got you there for goodness sake. Besides, I was able to take off to be with you the rest of this week, but I'm gonna have to work this weekend, someone's gonna need to be here with you while I'm gone."

"I don't need a babysitter Saya.", said Kai, slight annoyance in his voice as he let his head fall backward onto the couch while he furrowed his brows and closed his eyes.

"Look, I know you're use to being Mr. independent and all, but it is no one's fault that your appendix malfunctioned, so quit being so snappy with me and stop beating yourself up. We'll get through this okay?", said Saya, placing a hand on Kai's knee and squeezing it softly.

Raising his head, Kai opened his eyes and turned to look at Saya, "I know, I'm sorry.", Kai apologized, placing his hand over top of Saya's hand.

"You're forgiven, just imagine if you were still in Japan, who would have taken care of my baby?", said Saya, face palming for a second before she lowered her hand, and her face went from a pout to a stern expression and Kai noticed the change in her demeanor. "But babe I'm serious, you need someone to be here with you at least until you get those staples out."

"Seriously, I'll be fine, don't worry.", said Kai.

"Kai, you're not even allowed to go up and down the stairs right now, once I take you up, that's it. How are you going to get food when you're hungry?", said Saya titling her head and placing a hand on her hip.

"I..", Kai began to say, but Saya cut him off.

"Nope!", she raised her voice as she suddenly stood, walking away with her phone and Kai's.

"Saya, what are you doing? Who are you calling?", Kai whined as Saya began scrolling through numbers on her phone. "Saya! Seriously!", Kai narrowed his eyes and Saya turned around with a smirk.

"Remember my friend Rob who've I've been trying to set you up with? Well, I just remembered he's a bartender, he doesn't work until the evening. Rob can be here with you until I get home, he's been wondering how you've been doing anyway."

"Saya don't! I swear I will end you!" Kai playfully threatened, although he meant what he said.

"Oh please sir, you can't even get up off of the couch without me helping you.", Saya giggled, flagging her hand at her best friend.

"I'm serious, please don't do that!", Kai whined.

"Why? Are you afraid you'll fall for that strapping young tall and handsome lad? Shall I…carry you Kai?", Saya teased, changing her voice, so that she sounded manly. Although he tried his best to hold it in, Kai let out a giggle, with a groan following behind it as it hurt when he laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry babe, I forgot it hurts when you laugh.", Saya giggled.

"I hate you.", Kai chuckled, squeezing his eyes shut.

"Lies, you could never!", Saya laughed making her way over toward the couch, but a knock suddenly sounded on the door. Turning back around, Saya made her way toward the door and when she opened it, she was surprised to see Jinn. "Well hello.", said Saya as she raised her brows.

"Hey, I'm sorry to drop by, I just need to know...", Jinn began to say, but his words trailed off as Saya moved to the side so that he could see that Kai was sitting on the couch. With parted lips, Jinn just stared as his eyes watered, the last time he had seen Kai he was dosed asleep in that hospital bed. It eased his mind to see Kai sitting there although Kai did not look like he wanted to see him.

Taking his attention off of Kai, Jinn turned to Saya, "may I..", he began to say, but he didn't have to finish as she nodded with a smile. Saya didn't exactly want them to be close again, but even she understood that Jinn must have been losing his mind after seeing him in such a state. Rolling his eyes, Kai lowered his head as Jinn came over and sat down next to him and Saya made her way toward the kitchen to give them space.

Nervous at first Jinn just stared, Kai looked a little pale and tired around his pretty brown almond shaped eyes. Jinn could see that he was fine, but he definitely looked uncomfortable.

"So, I'm happy that your surgery went well, are you in a lot of pain?", Jinn finally spoke, but Kai only nodded. "I see, is there anything thing that I can do to..", Jinn continued, but he was cut off.

"You can see that I'm fine, so you can go now. I don't need you to do anything for me.", Kai interrupted, only raising his head to glare at Jinn.

As the two stared at each other for a minute, Saya walked back into the living room with a glass of water and a tissue with medicine in it. "Forgive him for being a jerk, he's been in a terrible mood during this whole ordeal, trust me I would know. Here take your meds Kai.", said Saya as she sat down on the other side of Kai, handing him the medicine and the glass of water. "Jinn, feel free to decline, but I wonder if you could…."

"Saya!", Kai slurred as his mouth was full of water.

"Sir hush! It's either that or I will call Rob!", Saya threatened, instantly shutting Kai down and leaving him with a pout on his handsome face. "As I was saying, is it at all possible for you to spend this weekend with Kai? He has staples in his stomach and he's not supposed to go up and down the stairs. I took off to be with him this week, but I have to go back to work. If you can't I completely understand, I can always call my frie…."

"I can stay with him.", Jinn interrupted before Saya, could even finish.

"Great! Thank you so much for taking care of my poor baby this weekend! My friend Rob can come during the day next we…", Saya added, but Jinn cut her off again.

"I can be here.", Jinn said firmly.

"…" Surprised, Kai turned his head toward Jinn, just what the hell was wrong with him?

"Great! Thank you so much! I'm going to go get your soup made so you can eat something Kai. Will you help him upstairs so he can lie down Jinn?", said Saya, bubbly walking away with a smile on her face. Not having to worry about Kai being home alone was one weight lifted off of her shoulders.

After Saya had made herself scarce, Jinn was left in the living room with Kai glaring at him. "Why are you bothering?", said Kai rudely.

"You are no bother to me Kai.", said Jinn.

"Really? I could have sworn you said that I upse..", Kai began to say, but Jinn placed a finger over his lips. Caught off guard, Kai instantly became quiet, both his brows raised.

"Stop talking Kai.", said Jinn as he stood, leaning over Kai and placing both hands under both of his arms.

"Jinn just…", Kai whined, but Jinn spoke over him again.

"On the count of three ready? One…two…three.", said Jinn and Kai complied as he helped him stand, only Kai let out a high pitch gasp when he was all the way up.

"Are you okay? Shall we stop for a minute?", said Jinn, worry written all over his face.

"It's just these fucking staples.", Kai said, closing his eyes, clenching his jaw hard and talking threw his teeth as the pain passed. Taking a quick glance at the stairs, Jinn looked back at Kai. The poor guys face had gone bright red he was in so much pain. Taking a deep breath, Jinn removed one hand from Kai's back, kneeling down and suddenly lifted Kai off his feet.

"Jinn!", Kai yelled, snapping his eyes open as he felt himself being lifted into the air. With one arm placed on Kai's back and the other under his knees, Jinn pulled Kai closed.

"Does it hurt too much if I hold you this way?", asked Jinn, ignoring the fact that Kai was completely flustered.

"…" Unable to say anything, Kai lowered his head, shaking it 'no' while he bit his bottom lip.

"Okay then, hold on to me.", said Jinn as he made his way toward the steps, with Kai's arms wrapped around his neck. Turning his body sideways, Jinn maneuvered up the stairs so that Kai would not hit his head or feet as he carried him up the steps.

When the two had made it upstairs, pushing the door open with his foot, Jinn entered Kai's room, it being exactly the same as it was the last time he was here.

"Alright, I'm gonna put you down okay?", said Jinn as he gently lowered Kai onto the bed. Back first, Jinn laid him down, and Kai furrowed his brows, letting out a heavy breath as he went down. When he was safely on the bed, Jinn propped a few pillows behind him so that he could sit up a bit. He then proceeded to taking off Kai's slides and grabbing the tv remote from the bedside table, observing, but not acknowledging the fact that the new necklace he had given him wasn't there before he sat on the other side of the bed.

"Do you want to watch anything?", said Jinn turning toward Kai, but Kai was already looking at him.

Turning to look down at his lap, Kai fiddled with his fingers, "You really don't have to do this Jinn, I'm sure Ric…"

"Shhhh. I'm not doing anything, I don't want to do Kai.", said Jinn as he turned away from Kai, flicking on the tv. Looking back at Jinn for a moment, Kai directed his attention back toward his lap. Of course, Jinn was just doing this because he felt bad, but could he really just stay here all weekend on top of being over next week? What about Richard? Surely, he wasn't going to be okay with that. Letting out a soft sigh, Kai stared at the tv although he wasn't really paying attention, Jinn was only going to respond the same way if he asked anymore questions.