Eyes On Me

With an ankle in each hand, Jinn grinded his hips, taking long and deep thrusts as he stared intensely at Kai lying under him, his brows furrowed, and his almond shaped eyes closed as he bit his lip.

"Mmhmm, shit.", Kai moaned, his breaths shallow in between each word that came out of his mouth.

Letting go of his ankles, Jinn rested both of Kai's legs on either side of his shoulders as he leaned down further as he continued to thrust.

"Uh...ugh.", Kai continued to moan, his voice soft as he turned his head to the left. Still staring at Kai, Jinn, leaned down further, placing gentle kisses on Kai's long exposed neck.

"Louder babe.", Jinn whispered before he nibbled on his ear.

"Mmhmm…uhh.", Kai moaned, his voice still soft, but Jinn only smirked. Kai was used to having to be quiet being at Saya's house, but they weren't there, and Jinn wasn't going to stop until he had his way.

"Louder babe!", Jinn demanded, his voice firm but suave as the pace of his hips increased, each thrust a little harder then the last.

"Mmm..Jinn!", Kai moaned his voice a little louder this time and Jinn's little smirk turned into a grin.

"Mn…Look at me babe.", Jinn moaned before giving another demand as he stared down at his lover whose face was quite flushed.

"Jinn, Jinn.", Kai said softly over and over, not doing what Jinn had asked although it only turned him on more to hear Kai sexily saying his name continuously.

Placing most of his weight on his forearms, Jinn continued to thrust back and forth in Kai's throbbing entrance. "Fuck.", Jinn moaned before he placed his hands on either side of Kai's face. "Look at me babe!", Jinn said firmly, heavy pants in between each of his words as he turned Kai's head toward his own.

With Jinn's demand, Kai complied, opening his eyes, but Jinn's last thrust only forced him to squeeze his eyes shut again. "Oh shit, mn!", Kai moaned loudly.

"Mn…come on baby!", Jinn moaned loudly, unable to help himself from calling out himself from the pleasure he was feeling. Winding his hips, Jinn slowed down, once again taking deep strokes.

"Mmmm, uh!", Kai moaned louder this time as he opened his eyes, staring up at Jinn, his large brown orbs full of both hunger and intensity.

"Right there?", Jinn asked as he continued to thrust.

"Mn, right there, right there!", Kai moaned again, as they stared at each other.

Feeling moistness between their stomachs, Jinn tilted his head downward to see a sticky clear liquid seeping from Kai's manhood. Repositioning himself, Jinn put most of his weight on one side, continuing to thrust as he reached a hand down, grabbing Kai's length and stroking him quickly.

"Mn, shit!", Kai moaned, squeezing his eyes shut again, his voice loud this time. As if everything that Jinn was doing wasn't enough, he placed his thumb on the tip of Kai's manhood and began rubbing it in a circular motion, the precum seeping out providing enough wetness to send Kai over the edge.

"Uhh, Jinn. I'm gonna…I'm cumming!", Kai moaned, his voice reaching a high pitch as his insides contracted and his body released.

As Kai came, Jinn removed his hand from his length, licking his fingers first before he repositioned himself, turned on even more by the sound of Kai's continuous whimpering as he finished.

Leaning his head down, Jinn buried his head in the nape of Kai's neck, as he continued to thrust, his pace steady, hammering away at Kai's tender spot.

"Mmmhmm, shit.", Kai moaned, as he placed his hands onto Jinn's back, holding onto him for dear life as Jinn continued. "Right there, shit, mn…mn!" Kai moaned, the tone of his voice rising once more.

Letting out a soft moan, Jinn placed a soft kiss on Kai's neck before burying his head again, purposely aligning his ear next to Kai's mouth, and he loved hearing every minute of his voice. Raising his hand, Jinn placed it over Kai's throat, gripping it lightly, but Kai only continued to moan, and it was driving Jinn absolutely insane, he wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.

"Yess, mmmn!", Kai moaned loudly in Jinn's ear and with one last thrust Jinn, pulled out, tilting to his side and jerking himself quickly as he began to cum all over Kai's thigh.

"Ugh, fuck.", Jinn moaned as he came, and Kai smirked. After all this time, Kai knew that Jinn would never allow him to take full control, but as long as Jinn was lost to the sound of his voice, Kai had it.

After Jinn had finished, he laid down on top of Kai, his breathes shallow. "Well fuck, now I don't feel like going to work.", he cursed.

"You never feel like going to work when I'm around.", Kai giggled, wrapping his arms around Jinn.

"You wouldn't want to leave you either if you were me.", Jinn responded.


"What?", Jinn responded, a silly grin on his face.

"My God shut up, you're such a dork.", Kai chuckled.

"But you love this dork though.", said Jinn snuggling his arms under Kai.

"That I do.", said Kai with a smile, his eyes closed now.

"Are you gonna be here when I get back?", Jinn asked, a slight change in his mood as he thought about the fact that he did actually have to get up to shower.

"Remember I have that doctor's appointment today, I can't just leave your door unlocked babe.", said Kai.

"Ahh shit, I forgot, I should call out and go with you.", Jinn whined.

"No, you shouldn't, it's just a follow up. The doctor just wants to make sure I'm healing fine, which I am, there's no need for you to come."

Lifting up his head, Jinn narrowed his eyes, "why are you always trying to send me away?"

Opening his eyes to see a cute pout on his boyfriend's face, Kai smirked. "Oh, stop that, I will be fine, just come pick me up from Saya's after work.", said Kai tilting his head up to kiss Jinn on his already puckered lips from his pout. "Now get up, I won't let you blame me because you ended up being late.", Kai teased, poking Jinn on the tip of his nose.

"God you're so damn mean, you're lucky you're cute.", said Jinn as he got up, a smirk on his face as he made his way toward the door.

"I love you.", said Kai, a smirk on his face as well, as he watched Jinn and all his naked glory leaving out of the room.

"Whatever.", Jinn shouted, flagging Kai off as he left out of the room to shower.


After Jinn had showered and left for work, Kai slept for another two hours before getting up to shower, leaving out of Jinn's apartment for his doctor's appointment. Waiting in the doctor's office, Kai sat with one leg crossed over the other, playing a game on his phone to pass time.

"Kai Pak?", said a nurse coming out of the back room. Nodding, Kai stood, following the nurse into the back and into an empty room.

"So how are you today Mr. Pak? Any pain, swelling, or hardness around the wound?", the nurse asked, looking through his chart.

"No.", Kai responded, placing himself up on the exam table.

"Good, and any new symptoms? Headaches, nausea, constipation, vomiting?"

"No, everything's fine."

"Alrighty then, the doctor will be in shortly.", said the nurse with a smile as she made her way to the door and exited the room.

Sitting on the exam table, Kai swung his bowlegs back in forth, staring down at his pigeon-toed feet, the doctor sure was taking his time today. He would not have minded having his boyfriend come along, but the way Jinn was always willing to hop, skip and jump for him, bothered Kai a bit, he was a grown man for goodness sake.

After the doctor's appointment, Kai slowly made his way toward the bus stop, texting as he walked, Jinn had had been a little anxious not being able to go with him. "Hey, I'm about to hop on the bus, just left the doctor's office and everything is fine, I'm healing just fine babe.", Kai sent, with a smiley face emoji following it.

Finally making his way toward the bus stop, Kai stopped, standing beside the seating area already full of people waiting for the bus. With a quick response from Jinn, Kai's phone buzzed, before he even had the chance to glance up at his surroundings. "I can send you an uber, where are you?", Jinn's message read.

With a smirk, Kai shook his head, "I'm already at the bus stop, there's no need, you worry wart.", Kai responded.

Face deep in his phone, Kai was completely unaware of what was going on around him, and he had not noticed that Richard was present and glaring at him a few feet away. Kai had to be texting Jinn smiling like that, Richard thought to himself before rolling his eyes and staring at the ground.

Still texting Jinn, Kai hadn't noticed the car pulling up in front of the bus stop, "hey you!", a familiar voice called out and Kai looked up to see Rob, his tinted window rolled down in his all-black mustang.

"Oh, hey yourself.", Kai responded with an awkward smile, Rob was just popping up at this point.

"Where ya headed love? Get in, I'll give you a ride.", said Rob, pressing the button to unlock his car door.

"Uh no, it's fine, I don't want to trouble you, I can just get the bus.", Kai politely declined, but Rob raised a brow, momentarily bringing one corner of his mouth tight.

"You don't think it's a little ridiculous that you think you'd be troubling me when I just offered you a ride?", said Rob with a smirk as the light turned green.

"…", not saying anything, Kai rolled his eyes, why did he always have to see someone he knew whenever he went out?

With the loud horns of other cars starting to beep behind him, Rob continued to sit still while he simply stared at Kai. "Look, I'm holding up traffic for you now, just allow me to take you where you're going, I promise I won't bite.", he chuckled.

"Just go away!", Kai grumbled under his breath, feeling quite embarrassed and anxious all at once as he could feel everyone at the bus stop staring at him, plus it felt like all the honking horns were being directed at him even though he wasn't actually the one holding up traffic. Groaning under his breath, Kai made a rash decision, accepting Robs offer, after all, it was just a ride home.

"Okay, okay, I'm in now go!", Kai said, hurrying Rob to drive.

"Waiting on you.", said Rob, raising his brow with a smirk on his face, not minding that the horns behind them being honked were growing more and more aggressive by the second. He hadn't been able to bluntly stare Kai down this often, and God was he pretty, Rob never knew a person could be this cute even though they were anxious as hell.

"What? Go!", said Kai, as he couldn't understand why they were still sitting still.

"Put your seatbelt on love and we'll be on our way.", Rob chuckled, tugging on his seatbelt strapped across his chest.

"Oh…", said Kai awkwardly, rolling his eyes. Quickly pulling the seatbelt down over his head and clicking it, Kai let out a heavy sigh, if he had to listen to all the cars behind them frantically beeping any longer, he was surely going to lose his mind. "My God Rob, could you please go?!", Kai raised his voice.

"As you wish.", said Rob, his smirk turning into a grin as he put his car in drive and pulled off.


As Richard watched the black car that Kai had just got into pull off, he shook his head, feeling himself becoming aggravated. He would be willing to bet that Jinn didn't know that Kai had options.