To Be Wanted

For a moment the two stared at each other, before Kai looked away, and Jinn could see that he was on edge. Removing his hand from Kai's back, Jinn pulled Kai off of the dance floor, holding his hand tight as they made their way onto the deck of the ship. Letting go of Kai's hand, Jinn placed his elbows over the railing, leaning over a bit as they sailed. Letting out a deep exhale, Kai walked over on his side and joined him.

"Jinn..", Kai began, but he paused as he felt his heart beating rapidly, he hated bringing this up, but he couldn't pretend like it didn't happen either.

"I'm listening babe.", Jinn said calmy as he stared out at the water.

"Jinn, remember how…how I told you that I was adopted?", Kai began.

"Of course.", Jinn responded turning his attention to look at Kai, and the poor guy didn't look any less nervous.

"Well, I've been using the seventh of February as my birthdate because I had to put something down on paper my whole life, but the truth is that I don't actually know the day I was born on. I was abandoned as a newborn, left out in an alley to die. Somehow, I survived and was found almost a week later. The woman who raised me accidentally blurted it out when she got angry at me one day, so I don't like having to think about how my birth Mother didn't want me, that's why I never celebrate it. I always wondered what she was thinking in that moment after I was born. She must have been young or maybe my Father had left her to take care of me on her own, but just what kind of woman wouldn't want to at least make sure that her child was safe, even if she didn't want him?", Kai finished talking as his eyes watered. Letting out a sigh, Kai stared down at the water, but he suddenly felt Jinn's strong arms wrapping around him from behind.

"I'm so sorry babe.", Jinn whispered as he buried his head in the nape of Kai's neck. Squeezing him tight, Jinn let out a heavy exhale. It was no wonder that Kai was so damn stubborn and independent, what Richard referred to as a flight risk. Kai never wanted to put himself in a position where he would have to face being abandoned or rejected again, it also explained why he had been so torn up over his ex-wife in the past, she had left him. The poor guy always took it upon himself, making the hard decision to take his leave first before things went south.

"You are wanted Kai.", Jinn suddenly spoke.

"Huh?", Kai responded, turning his head toward Jinn who was still standing behind him, holding him tight.

"You are wanted, and you are loved Kai. I understand if you don't want to be reminded of that day, but you should at least celebrate the fact that you were blessed with another year of life with the people that love you most, don't deprive yourself of that Kai.", said Jinn before placing a kiss on Kai's neck.

"Jinn.", Kai whispered as the tears that were swelling in his eyes finally streamed down his face.

"…", not saying anything else, Jinn squeezed Kai tighter and the two stayed that way for a while, watching the ocean as they sailed.

After the cruise had ended, the ship docked, and everyone began to take their leave.

"My that was quite the brunch, Kai did you enjoy yourself?", said Mr. Wilkins as the group of three made their way back toward the parking lot.

"I did.", said Kai, he and Jinn glancing at each other for a second as they walked, a smile on both their faces.

"Wonderful, then we must do this again soon!", said Mr. Wilkins, stopping in front of his car. "Well, it was so good to see you both, do not be a stranger Kai and Jinn, do not forget that we have a family dinner on Friday.", said Mr. Wilkins.

"I haven't forgotten Dad.", said Jinn with a smirk.

"Alright then, we'll see you then.", Mr. Wilkins nodded, patting his son on the shoulder and getting into his car.

When Mr. Wilkins had pulled off, the two made their way toward Jinn's car, Kai placing himself under his boyfriend's arm. "Are things still a bit rocky with you and your Mother?"

"Eh, not really, I make sure I call or visit my parents more often, she really appreciates that.", Jinn responded.

"I'm glad to hear that! What changed your mind?", Kai asked, excitement on his handsome, yet baby face.

"You.", said Jinn with a smile on his face as they stopped, finally making it to his car.

Turning toward Jinn, with parted lips, Kai stared up at his boyfriend who was smiling back at him, his dimples present per usual. "Me?", Kai asked, his surprised expression unchanging.

"You only get one Mother in this lifetime, right?", said Jinn as he leaned closer, placing his hand on Kai's lower back, pulling him close and kissing him on the lips.

As Jinn pulled away, Kai couldn't help, but to smile. "I love you!", he blurted out rather quickly, completely impatient, like if he didn't get it out fast enough, he would burst.

"Cute.", said Jinn as he smiled, but it only grew wider, as he pulled Kai closer, burying his face in the nape of Kai's neck, "I love you more.", he said softly.

There they stayed like that, hugging in the parking lot for a while and Jinn hadn't planned on letting go any time soon. Even though things had ended badly between them over a year ago and they still had a long way to go, this time around it felt as if they better understood each other, and that was all he wanted, was to get to know the side that Kai was too afraid to reveal.


"What have you got to eat love? I'm like super hungry.", said Rob as he followed Saya into the kitchen, walking past her and opening the fridge. "What is this? Smells like hot sauce and garbage.", he asked pulling a large container out of the fridge.

"Please put that back! That is Kai's and a gift from his boyfriend, he will absolutely have a heart attack if anyone touches it, I'll make ya something.", Saya responded. Putting the large container of Kimchi back in the fridge, Rob made his way over, leaning on the counter while Saya went to the fridge to see what ingredients she had. "What do you want to eat?"

"Eh, I'll eat just about anything, as long as it fills me up before work.", said Rob placing his chin in his hands, both elbows up on the counter. "How's he doing anyway?"

"Kai's doing fine Rob, you didn't have to come all the way here to find out.", Saya chuckled, as she pulled a large bag of jumbo shrimp from the freezer, coming back over and placing it in the sink, turning on the hot water so it could thaw.

"I didn't come all the way here to see him Saya, are we not friends?" Rob asked, a chuckle also slipping out with his words.

"I mean I would've believed that if you hadn't kept on texting me to ask if he needed someone to be with him." Saya responded.

"Woman, it was you who had asked me if I could stay with him during the day, but after that you said nothing else, I was just wondering if he got along okay."

"Well yeah, but that was before his boyfriend popped up and persistently said he would stay with him. Funny thing is that, that was before they were even back together.", said Saya as she turned the bag of shrimp over and at the same time the front door opened.

"Oh hey babe, you're back!", said Saya as Kai walked into the house to see the two in the kitchen.

"Heya beautiful.", Kai responded as he walked over, he and Rob staring each other down for a moment before Kai nodded to him, Rob had streaked his usually brown hair with blonde and it brought out his large hazel eyes, his new look suited him nicely. Turning his attention back toward Saya, Kai hunched over, placing his elbows on the countertop. "Whatcha making?"

"I'm not sure yet, maybe alfredo or something to fill this guy's stomach, you hungry?"

"Nah, I ate a lot today.", Kai responded as he kept his attention toward Saya, and he could feel Rob's gaze stuck to him like gorilla glue.

"Where's Jinn?", Saya suddenly asked.

"He's in the car on the phone. We stopped here so I could pack some things, I'm gonna stay out tonight, don't miss me too much.", said Kai with a smirk as he turned to leave the kitchen, making his way up the stairs.

"Don't flatter yourself babe!", Saya raised her voice and after letting out a cute giggle.

As Kai had gotten farther away and disappeared up the stairs, Rob lowered his head as he couldn't help the smirk that was making its way onto his face. "God he's so damn pretty.", Rob commented.

"Yeah, he is, I swear if he wasn't into men, I would've married him.", said Saya, letting out a cute giggle.

"This Jinn is the same guy he left for Japan? How long have they been back together?", Rob asked.

"Shhhh! Do not repeat that, Kai will be livid if he finds out that I told you!", Saya scolded Rob.

"Why are you so paranoid? He's upstairs, he can't hear us.", Rob chuckled.

"My baby doesn't have much patience these days, I don't need him getting angry with me, he'll do something drastic like move out or some shit.", said Saya, a loud laugh following.

"Why don't you want him to move? He's a grown man for God sakes. What, have you gotten that comfortable with him living here?", Rob teased.

"Oh, shut up! Kai is just, it's just that…he needs me is all.", Saya responded as she turned the bag of shrimp still thawing under the hot water.

"What do you mean?", Rob asked, his large hazel eyes quite curious.

"Well, I am his constant. When his wife left him, he still had me and when he and Jinn didn't work out, he had me. I don't ever want him to sink as low as he did when he and his ex-wife split. He pretended as if he was perfectly fine, but he's my best friend, I can always see through that pretty smile. I didn't want to pressure him into talking about anything because he'll shut down on you.", said Saya.

"Ah, I see.", Rob responded. Kai was breathtaking so that was what attracted Rob to him, and the man had a smile that was to die for, but there was something else about him that only made Rob want to get to know him more. Saya had tried to set them up years ago after she had invited all her close friends out for drinks. Having one too many, Kai was a little tipsy and so was Rob, but even so, they seemed to hit it off pretty well. Rob had mentioned to Saya that Kai was his type, and it was perfect timing since he and Dana were separated at the time, but Kai never gave him the time of day after Saya had given Rob his number.

"Why do the ones that I like always play so damn hard to get?", Rob whined.

"Sir hush! Don't you go being a homewrecker either.", Saya scolded.

"Well, they aren't married, and they don't live together, I wouldn't exactly be being a homewrecker.", Rob joked.

"Cut it out before I send you to work without dinner, leave my baby alone, he's taken!", Saya scolded again, but this time she meant it.

"Alright, alright!", said Rob with a smirk on his face, holding up his big hands, palms open like he was surrendering.

"I'm not playing with you sir, I mean it!", Saya added, although she was smirking now.

Coming back down the steps, Kai pulled his phone out of his back pocket, stopping in the living room, smirking at his phone. Turning to watch him, Rob stared rather hard, his hazel eyes tracing every inch of Kai's body. From his head, to his perfect lips, down his long lengthy neck, his thin build, down his legs and to his pigeon-toed feet.

"Saya, have you seen my charger?", Kai asked, as he placed his phone back into his pocket and began looking around the living room.

"It's plugged into the outlet near the tv babe.", Saya answered from the kitchen as she began preparing the shrimp.

"Ah! Thanks love, I'm going. If I don't see you tomorrow, I'll probably be back the next day.", said Kai as he made his way toward the door.

"Okay babe.", Saya responded as Kai exited the house.

When Kai had gone, Rob turned back around, letting out a barely audible sigh. Although he had agreed to Saya's wishes at the moment, he made no promises. Kai was like a special piece of candy and Rob had, had a taste of that candy, but he was never given the chance to have anymore. Now that, that special candy was being dangled in front of him, like how a child would react, it just wouldn't sit right with him if he didn't at least try to grab it.