Happy Birthday

At work, Jinn sat in his office, constantly twirling a pen through his fingers before accidentally dropping it on his desk. Letting out a sigh, he picked it up again and continued. Kai still had not told Jinn what day his birthday was on and every time he asked about it, Kai found a reason to be occupied or distracted him to avoid answering. Honestly what was the big deal? He would be turning twenty-seven, two years younger than Jinn, it's not like he was old or anything.

Sitting there a moment longer, Jinn got an idea, although it was probably something he shouldn't do. Like the rest of the employees, Kai had to fill out an application to apply, which meant that his birthday was definitely in his file, he could take a quick look that way he wouldn't have to be bothered with finding out anymore.

Tapping the icon on his desktop, Jinn pulled up the employee data base in his computer, since he helped with the hiring process, he had access, but he for some reason did not feel right about what he was about to do. "Ah fuck it.", Jinn whispered under his breath as he began to type Kai's name into the computer. Tapping his leg over and over, Jinn sat there anxiously awaiting the page to load, he was just going to have a quick look so that he could give his boyfriend the birthday that he deserved, it had been a tough last two years for him after all.

As the page loaded Jinn's eyes widened so large, they could have popped out of the sockets. "The seventh? Well shit!", Jinn said softly although he was quite surprised, Kai's birthday was actually this Sunday, which meant he only had a day to plan things out, not to mention he had a brunch pre-planned with his Dad that day, suddenly there was so much to do.


On the other side of town, the two best friends were taking a stroll through the neighborhood, Saya had off today and decided to accompany Kai for some air.

"When do you go back to work babe?", Saya asked.

"Soon hopefully, I was looking at my calendar this morning and I think Jinn may have extended my sick leave a few days, somehow there were extra days added to my calendar, and I'm pretty sure that I didn't put them there.", Kai shrugged.

Saya let out a loud laugh, "well aren't you lucky that your boyfriend is your manager."

"Eh, to be honest, it has been kinda annoying sometimes. He's been hella overbearing ever since my surgery.", Kai complained.

"Oh stop that, he loves you Kai so of course he's been clingy, you passed out in front of him for God sakes, I would've nearly lost my mind as well."

"Like you can talk, you ask me what I'm doing or if I ate fifty million times a day, I think it's time that I move out.", Kai said firmly, but Saya busted out in a fit of laughter.

"Oh, shut up, my babies not going anywhere!", said Saya linking her arm around Kai's. "Besides, do you think that you would have any peace if you lived alone? Jinn stays with you every night, I don't remember that last time he slept at his own apartment, it's probably collecting dust by now."

Kai let out a cute giggle before answering, "that is true."

"Oh, I meant to ask you, have you told him about your birthday yet?"

"No, I don't know why he cares so much, it's not a big deal.", said Kai rolling his eyes.

"Dammit Kai! Stop being like that, the man loves you, you little jerk! You could at least explain to the man so that he'll understand instead of being annoyed every time he brings it up.", Saya responded.

"Yeah, yeah.", Kai responded, letting out a sigh, starring down at the ground as he walked. "It's just that, that's a part of me that I'd rather keep in the past, I don't like having to think about it."

"I know babe, I understand, but remember that Jinn is in the dark here. Even if you end up bawling your eyes out when you bring it up, at least he'll know.", said Saya, squeezing Kai's arm tighter. Squeezing his eyes closed momentarily as he walked, Kai let out a whine, Saya was right, she was always right.


Hours later, the day had gone rather quickly, and Jinn was walking up the stairs to Saya's house thinking hard. He could just bring Kai along for brunch with his Father, his Father liked Kai after all and was happy that he was back in Jinn's life, but that wouldn't exactly be celebrating his birthday. There was also the fact that Kai was treating his birthday like the plague and Jinn had to figure out if he even wanted to tell Kai that he knew or just do something nice for him, but not make it about his birthday.

"Why is he so damn difficult with the littlest things?", Jinn complained under his breath, as he opened the door and went into the house to see Kai sitting on the couch doing something on his phone.

"Hey you.", said Kai not bothering to look at Jinn as he came over and sat.

"Hey yourself, how was your day?", Jinn asked.

"It was fine, same old, same old you know.", Kai responded, and Jinn could see that he was somewhat annoyed.

"What's wrong with you? What have I done now?", Jinn asked, and Kai finally took his eyes off of his phone to look at Jinn.

"Did you take my phone this morning while I was asleep and request more sick days?", Kai asked, his brows furrowed. Lowering his head, Jinn swallowed awkwardly, he didn't think that Jane was going to approve them so quickly.

"I might have.", Jinn said softly.

"Jinn!", Kai whined.

Quickly glancing back up at Kai, Jinn couldn't help, but to smirk, Kai was too damn cute. "I'm sorry babe, I just think that you're rushing back to work and you don't need to be."

"But that's not for you to decide, Jinn!", Kai said firmly.

Grabbing Kai's hand, Jinn intertwined their fingers. "Babe look, just take the few more days off, I promise not to interfere anymore.", said Jinn, a smile gracing his handsome face and dimples present as always.

With a pout, Kai rolled his eyes, snatching his hands away. "You better not, I swear I will hurt you next time.", Kai threatened, but Jinn only chuckled.

"You're still mad at me, what should I do to make it up to you?", Jinn asked as he leaned closer and closer to Kai. As Jinn leaned over, Kai couldn't help but to smile as Jinn got closer, placing a kiss on his lips.

"Don't think you can just get off that easily because you're a good kisser.", said Kai with a pout.

"Not enough? Should I continue?", said Jinn throwing himself over Kai, causing him to fall backward onto the couch and kissing his neck although his intentions were more so to tickle Kai. Letting out a loud laugh, Kai did his best to fight Jinn off, this wasn't fair, this wasn't fair at all.

That Sunday, the two were riding in Jinn's car, he had convinced Kai to go with him, only telling him that it was nothing more than a regular brunch for he and his Father.

Glancing at Kai who was rather quiet, Jinn directed his attention back toward the road, "Are you nervous? Don't forget that my Father likes you, you have nothing to worry about."

"Yes, I know that it's just that I'm sure you've talked to him about what happened between us before I left, right?" Kai responded, turning his head toward Jinn.

"My Father is married to my Mother babe, believe me when I say he's use to every type of bullshit there is.", said Jinn with a chuckle and Kai couldn't help, but to giggle as well, Mrs. Wilkins was definitely a piece of work.

After driving for a while, Kai glanced to his right to see water. "Wow, God did I miss the California ocean. I never had time to go to the beach in Japan. Oh! Are we near your family's beach house?" said Kai as he marveled out the window at the view.

"We are.", Jinn responded, a smirk on his face.

"We have to take a trip there again."

"If that's what you want to do, we can sleep there tonight.", said Jinn.

"But you have work tomorrow.", said Kai turning his attention back toward Jinn.

"We can just leave early tomorrow morning, I have field work tomorrow to do anyway, so it doesn't matter if I'm a little late.", Jinn responded.

"Ah, I see.", said Kai turning back toward the window, that eye squinting pretty smile on his handsome yet cute baby face.

After driving a little longer, the two pulled up to a pier, a small yet beautiful cruise ship, standing brilliantly in the ocean. Getting out of the car, the two got ready to go in and Kai stared at the ship. Walking around the car, Jinn could see that Kai was deep in thought, so he waved his hand back and forth in front of his face a few times. Blinking a few times, Kai was brought back to reality, looking up at Jinn who stood before him. "This is what you guys usually do once a month for brunch? Sheesh!", Kai said, surprised, almost as if he was shocked, but Jinn only chuckled, little did Kai know Jinn had changed their meeting place last minute.

Ready?", Jinn asked, offering his hand to Kai with warm smile on his handsome face, dimples present like always.

"Mn.", Kai nodded as he accepted Jinn's hand, unable to help the smile that was making its way onto his face.

Walking up the ramp connecting the pier to the small ship, Jinn pulled two tickets from his pocket and handed them to the ticket collector. With a smile, the woman nodded and the two went in.

"Holy shit.", Kai said to himself as they entered into the ship, walking into the dinning hall. With a live band at the front of the room, many round tables were spaced around as people gathered to sit and long buffet spreads at the back of the room, where servers politely stood with smiles on their faces.

Looking at Kai, Jinn smirked, "do you like it?", he asked.

"Jinn, this is amazing! If this is what brunch with your Dad looks like once a month, you'll have to invite me more often.", said Kai as he leaned over closer to Jinn. With a wide grin on his handsome face, Jinn couldn't help, but to laugh.

"Ahh look, there's my Dad.", said Jinn as he pulled Kai along, their fingers still tightly intertwined.

"My boy!", said Mr. Wilkins as he stood, and Jinn let go of Kai's hand to hug his Father.

"It's good to see you Dad, look who I brought along with me today.", said Jinn as he let go of his Dad, turning toward Kai with a smile.

Nervously, Kai smiled, giving Mr. Wilkins an awkward nod as he extended his hand for a shake. Accepting Kai's hand, Mr. Wilkins began to shake his hand, but he suddenly pulled him into an embrace, throwing him off guard. "It is good to see you back and doing well Kai.", said Mr. Wilkins, squeezing Kai tight. With wide eyes, Kai just stood there surprised, slowly raising his hands as he was unsure if he should hug the man back, but Mr. Wilkins released his grip, letting Kai go.

"Come sit both of you, I cannot wait to hear all about your endeavors!", said Mr. Wilkins excited as they all sat down.

When everyone had boarded and were seated, the ship pulled off, beginning to sail along the ocean. With a greeting from the host, the band began to play, and the servers began to serve the food, too much of a variety for anyone to name them all.

"So Kai, Jinn tells me that your appendix really did a number on you, how have you been feeling? When will you be going back to work?", Mr. Wilkins asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, can't let something like that keep me down for too long. I'm ready to go back to work, but my higher up's have given me a week and a few more days though, so I'll be home for a little while longer.", said Kai with an eye squinting smile, but he soon suddenly felt a hand pop his thigh under the table. Directing his attention to his boyfriend beside him, Kai saw that Jinn had a smirk on his face, but his eyes narrowed, it was obvious that Kai was talking about him.

Only widening his smile more, Kai turned back toward Mr. Wilkins, "Mr. Wilkins, I might have to send Jinn home with you, he has been quite clingy lately.", said Kai and Mr. Wilkins let out a loud chuckle.

"He has been talking about you nonstop, I can only imagine so.", Mr. Wilkins responded, and Jinn rolled his eyes, perhaps he deserved to be teased a bit. Wiping his mouth, Jinn stood, I'll be right back, gonna run to the bathroom really quick.", he said before walking away.

"Haha, my boy!", Mr. Wilkins chuckled. "Tell me, you are going to stay in California, right?", he asked.

"Mn, this is definitely my home.", Kai said with a smile, before stuffing a piece of food into his mouth.

"That is good, he was miserable when you were gone and Jinn has completely gone out of his way for you today, so be good to him, okay?", said Mr. Wilkins before he sipped his coffee.

"What do you mean? You mean you guys don't normally do this for brunch?" Kai asked confused.

"Oh no.", Mr. Wilkins chuckled. "He called me Friday evening and said he had changed our brunch plans for today and that he was bringing you along, he wanted you to have a good day, today.", Mr. Wilkins responded before sipping his coffee.

Lowering his head, Kai stared down at his plate, it all made sense now. Jinn had been persistently asking him about his birthday for the last two weeks, and what a coincidence that today was the seventh.

Rubbing Kai's shoulder, Jinn sat back down with a smile and he and his Dad began talking. Letting out a barely audible sigh, Kai continued eating, trying not to show on his face that he was annoyed, why was Jinn so damn persistent?

Noticing that Kai was quiet, Jinn took a glance at his boyfriend. Taking a sip of his coffee, he then grabbed Kai's hand. "Dance with me.", said Jinn as he pulled Kai out of his seat. With wide eyes, Kai tried to pull his hand away, "Jinn you know that I cannot dance!", Kai said firmly through his teeth.

"So what? You are not the only person on this ship that cannot dance.", said Jinn as he nodded his head in the direction of a couple on the dance floor stepping off beat together.

"Go on Kai!", Mr. Wilkins encouraged, and Kai let out a sigh, momentarily closing his eyes as Jinn pulled him onto the dance floor.

As their feet touched the dance floor, Jinn spun around, pulling Kai close, placing one hand on his lower back and intertwining their fingers with the other.

"…", not saying anything, Kai stared down at his pigeon-toed feet, nervous that he would step on Jinn's expensive black dress shoes.

"Babe, I'm up here, I gotcha.", said Jinn with a smirk on his face.

Letting out a sigh, Kai glanced up at Jinn and God was he handsome, but that didn't make Kai any less irritated with him. "Mmmhmm.", Kai purposely said, loud enough for Jinn to hear.

"What? Are you mad at me again?", Jinn asked as he stared at Kai.

"Mr. Wilkins told me how you changed your plans for today, just so you could bring me along. You looked at my file, didn't you?", Kai responded. Squeezing his eyes shut momentarily, Jinn let out a sigh, his Dad most certainly had a bad habit of mentioning things that he shouldn't have.

"Look don't be mad at me, I just wanted you to have a good birthday, you deserve it.", said Jinn as he pulled Kai closer, squeezing his hand a bit.

Glancing away for a moment, Kai let out a sigh before turning back toward Jinn, "It's not that I don't appreciate what you've done, I just really wish you would have told me what you were doing first."

"How could I have? You kept avoiding me whenever I asked, what else was I supposed to do? I just want the best for you, you're my baby.", said Jinn with a sorry expression on his handsome face.

With a smile, Kai got on his tippy toes to kiss Jinn on the forehead, "Thank you for today, but there's something that I have to tell you.", said Kai.

"What is it?", Jinn asked, his piercing blue eyes curious as he stared at Kai.

"Today isn't my birthday.", Kai answered.