Keeping Secrets

For a moment, the two sat quietly and Jinn ruffled his own strawberry blonde hair, with his hands covering half of his face. He was so angry he did not know if he should speak anymore, after all he was still at work, if he got any louder Jane would definitely show up.

Glancing up at Jinn, Richard simply stared as tears continued to stream down his face. "Jinn…I'm sorr..", he began.

"Don't say anything else, I don't want your apology.", Jinn said calmly, although you could still hear the anger in his tone.

"Jinn I'm sorry that I upset you, but I'm not sorry about what I did!", Richard said firmly. Quickly glancing up to look at Richard, Jinn widened his, was this man crazy? "I realize that, that was probably a bit extreme, but I did it because of what I feel for you! You love Kai, right? Well imagine being in my shoes, imagine someone just appeared and took him from you? How would you feel?" Richard exclaimed.

Lowering his head, Jinn closed his eyes, letting out a heavy exhale. Although he was angry, he understood, he nearly lost his mind whenever any guy simply spoke to Kai. Letting out another sigh, Jinn opened his eyes, looking back at Richard. "Rich, I understand that you love me, but that does not change the fact that I do not love you."

"Just give me a proper chance to change your mi…"

"You can't! That is not something you'll ever be able to do!", Jinn interrupted, raising his voice a bit.

"So that's it, there's nothing else I can do then.", Richard said softly as his face balled up on it's own as he cried.

"Rich..", Jinn began, his face now sympathetic, but Richard cut him off.

"That first night we had drunk too much, you told me a lot of stuff Jinn and most of that was everything that you hated about him. I bet you probably don't even remember a word you said, you were so wasted. If you can willingly just leave me to go back to him after what he's done to you, after how hopeless he made you feel, then there is truly nothing I can do." Said Richard as he stood, the tears still streaming down his face. "Kai will forever put himself first because that is who he is. I wish I could help you see that, but unfortunately that is something you're going to have to eventually figure out on your own. Goodbye Jinn, I won't bother you or Kai anymore.", said Richard, turning to leave out of the office and closing the door behind him.

Closing his eyes, Jinn placed his head in his hands once again. This was what he wanted right? For himself and Kai to be left alone in peace, right? So why did he suddenly feel so shitty?

Sitting on the floor with his legs tucked under him, Kai leaned over the table sketching. Saying that he had been bored at home on sick leave was an understatement, he had missed creating and being productive, so this would have to do.

Standing there in the doorway, Jinn watched his boyfriend as he was so lost in what he was doing, he had not heard Jinn walking up the stairs or push open his door. With furrowed brows, Kai bit his own lip as he sketched and Jinn smirked, Kai was always so cute when he worked hard like that, had he really said such bad things about this man before him?

"I couldn't have.", Jinn thought to himself before raising his hand to knock and entering the room. Brought back to reality by the knock on the door, Kai raised his brows, turning his head toward the door to see Jinn coming in. "Oh, hey babe.", he said with an eye squinting smile on his handsome yet baby face. Sitting down on the bed behind Kai, Jinn leaned forward as Kai turned around, still on his knees, leaning in for a kiss.

"What are you drawling?" Jinn asked, his eyes now focused on the sketch on the table.

"Ahh nothing, nothing, I'm just bored as hell. Have you decided if you'll bring me work home yet?", said Kai with a smile.

"Not yet.", Jinn said with a smirk, he was most certainly stubborn, but cute. Letting out a sigh, Jinn's smirk began to fade. "Kai.", Jinn continued, and Kai could see that something was wrong.

"Hm?", he responded, his smile also fading.

"The other day when I came home, you were really upset.", Jinn began, but Kai lowered his head, cutting him off.

"I don't really want to talk about that.", said Kai as he stood up, but Jinn grabbed his wrist so that he couldn't walk away.

"Why didn't you tell me that Richard came to see you?"

With parted lips, and wide eyes, Kai stared at Jinn for a moment before answering and lowering his head. "I…I didn't…I.", Kai began to stutter, and Jinn could see how nervous he was.

Standing, Jinn pulled Kai close, sliding both hands down Kai's arms and holding his hands. "Can you look at me when you talk to me?", Jinn said, his tone firm, but calm.

Glancing up, Kai stared back at Jinn, his blue eyes intense, but a sympathetic expression on his face. Glancing down for a moment, Kai looked back up at Jinn. "Jinn, I…I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to go and tell him off.

"Why would you care if I did that? Did he not come here and tell you off? Wasn't that the reason you were so upse…", Jinn raised his voice, but Kai interjected.

"See how upset you are? I didn't tell you because I understand how he feels!", Kai raised his voice, only to speak over Jinn.

"Kai.", Jinn said softly.

"I know I am the last person who should speak about losing someone considering what I did last year, but I know how much it hurts to have to give up the person you love.", said Kai with tears in his eyes.

For a moment Jinn only stared at Kai looking into those big brown eyes, he could sure get lost, but instead he pulled Kai close, wrapping his arms around him. "let's just forget everything okay?", Jinn whispered. Not saying anything, Kai wrapped his arms around Jinn squeezing him tight. Kai never expected Richard to be the one to tell Jinn about the surprise visit he had paid him, if he had of had it his way, Jinn would never have found out at all.

As the two hugged, Kai's stomach growled loudly and Jinn chuckled, letting him go. "hungry much?"

"Oh shut up, I didn't want to eat until you got home. What do you want to eat tonight? Shall I cook for you?", said Kai with an eye squinting smile on his face.

"Hmm, want to go out? I kinda just want wings and beer.", said Jinn with a smirk on his face.

"Oh, you mean I don't have to struggle in the kitchen? Sounds good to me!", said Kai with excitement in his tone as he began digging for a nicer shirt to put on and Jinn giggled, shaking his head.

After Kai had put on an outfit to his liking, he and Jinn got into the car and pulled off. Driving for about ten minutes, the two arrived at Buffalo Bill's wild wings. As they walked in, a pretty blonde hostess walked over, seating them quickly.

"Here are two menus, your waiter will be over shortly!", the pretty young girl nodded with a smile on her face and walking away.

Staring at the menu, Kai began to squint, and Jinn couldn't help, but to giggle as he watched. "Your eyesight will only get worse with you squinting like that, I don't know why you won't just accept that you need glasses."

"Mind your business Jinn, the words on the menu are too damn small, we should file a complaint.", Kai said seriously, but Jinn only laughed harder.

"Babe! I am serious! Quit making fun of me!" Kai whined as he looked up at Jinn, his brown eyes wide. Sucking his lips inward, revealing his dimples, Jinn held up his palms as if he were surrendering, trying his best not to laugh. "Whatever!", Kai rolled his eyes as he looked back down at the menu, a smirk on his face.

"Good evening my name is Luke, and welcome to Buffalo Bills wild wings. Can I start you two off with a drink or something?", said a guy with brown hair coming over.

"Nah, we're ready. I'll just have a Bud Bright and an order of twenty boneless teriyaki wings, fried hard. He'll have a pink lemonade and twenty lemon pepper wings, boneless as well.", said Jinn and the waiter nodded with a smile, taking the menu's and walking away.

"Why did you get boneless wings? You never order boneless wings.", said Kai.

"Because you like helping yourself to my food and I don't feel like hearing you complain about how gross the veins are in the wings. You always gross yourself out, picking at it and then you decide not to eat it after taking it without asking, you're not wasting my dinner tonight.", said Jinn with a smirk on his face.

"You make me sound so difficult.", Kai pouted, with a smirk on his face, although he felt flattered that Jinn was changing his order just for his sake.

After a few minutes of waiting, the waiter served the food and drinks, the two were finally eating.

"So Kai, I know you think that your birthday is unimportant, but it's almost February and I want to do something special for you this year. I only let you get out of telling me the date when we first met two years ago because it had already passed, but you gotta tell me this time.", said Jinn raising an eyebrow as he took a swig of his beer.

Swallowing the wing that he was chewing Kai raised both brows, "Jinn I've already told you, we don't need to celebrate my birthday, seriously, it's just another day. Can I taste your beer?", Kai asked, trying to change the subject.

"No.", said Jinn placing it down on the table way out of Kai's reach. "Fine, even if you don't want to do anything, you could at least tell me the date, you don't think it's weird that I don't know the day of my boyfriend's birthday? All I know is that it's sometime in February and that will not do." said Jinn slightly annoyed that Kai was once again trying to get out of this.

"Jinn can we talk about that later huh? Here, eat!", Kai said with a smile as he picked up a wing from his basket and held it up to Jinn's mouth, offering him a bite. Although his eyes were narrowed, Jinn took a bite, he'd be damned if Kai was going to let his birthday pass as just another day again.

After the two finished eating, they went home to see Saya in the kitchen, cleaning up her water jug.

"Hey, you two.", she said with a pretty smile on her face.

"Heya beautiful, how was your day?" said Kai, he and Jinn leaning on the counter.

"It was fine, just really long. Since it's the weekend, I'm about to be off my diet and eat a well-deserved cheesesteak, I can't wait until it gets here!", she said excited, Jinn and Kai giggling.

"Surely you deserve it!", said Kai, sarcasm present in his voice and Saya took note.

"Oh, shut up Kai.", she giggled.

"Kai, you need to go take your medicine.", Jinn reminded Kai, since he hadn't eaten all day to take it.

"Yes sir!", said Kai with a salute and a wink as he made his way up the upstairs.

"I'll be up in a minute.", said Jinn raising his voice and when he heard that Kai had went all the way up the stairs, he quickly turned back to Saya who was already staring with a smirk on her face.

"What?", he said, a smile gracing his face, dimples present.

"Look at how my stubborn baby listens to you, you are definitely his Daddy.", Saya said coquettishly, letting out a loud laugh and Jinn quickly covered his face with his palm, as he was quite embarrassed. Apparently, she had heard them this morning after all.

Awkwardly clearing his throat, Jinn removed his hand from his face, "Listen there's something I wanted to ask you."

"What's up?", said Saya popping her water.

"Kai won't tell me what day his birthday is on and I don't want to miss it, could you tell me?", Jinn pleaded holding both hands together, an innocent hopeful expression on his face.

Placing her water bottle back down on the table, the expression on Saya's face softened, "I thought that he would have explained all that to you by now."

"All what?", Jinn asked putting down his hands and raising a brow.

"I'm sorry Jinn, but I really can't say anything, I think it'd be better if he told you.", said Saya, glancing down as her phone began to ring. "Oh, they are here with my food!", the little woman skipped away toward the door, leaving Jinn in the kitchen. Frustrated, Jinn let out a sigh, this was turning into a bigger deal than he thought it was.