Point of View Pt. 2

Picking up his latte, Tomo Kan smirked as he took a glance at Kai who was fixated on stirring his iced coffee with his straw. "You've lost weight little brother, are you eating well?", he asked.

Quickly glancing up, Kai stopped stirring his coffee and smirked, "There you go Mr. Kan, always worrying about me, I promise I eat enough food, I just haven't had the chance to go to the gym regularly."

"You are still unable to call me by my first name I see.", Tomo Kan chuckled.

"Let that go sir, you can't expect me to do that when you are my higher up.", said Kai chuckling as well. "But anyway, you said this project will be built where?", Kai continued as he opened the folder, flipping through the plans and all.

"Europe.", Tomo Kan responded.

"Europe?" said Kai, his pretty brown eyes wide as he glanced up for a second. "Well, that is quite ambitious.", Kai continued.

"Indeed, but you know me little brother, business is booming so why not take risks?", said Tomo Kan, smiling as he sipped his latte.

"This is true, but I do see what you mean though. These plans will not appeal to Europe's architectural style.", said Kai as he studied the pages.

"Exactly, exactly! This is why I need you, can you do it?" said Tomo Kan, both his thick brows raised, his expression almost pleading.

"Of course, I mean it will take me some time, but yeah. There is nothing that I can't do!", said Kai as he glanced up with that same eye squinting smile on his face.

"Wonderful! I am so glad to have you back on board!", said Tomo, his face also smiling before his expression changed to a confused one as he watched a man quickly approaching. Didn't he know this person storming over toward them and why was he so angry looking?

"What the hell?", Kai raised his voice as he was yanked up from out of his chair and pulled toward the door. "Jinn, let go of me! What the hell are you doing?", Kai scolded, doing his best to pull his wrist from Jinn's grip, but Jinn was much stronger than he was.

"…", not saying anything, Jinn continued to pull Kai along, shoving the door open and pulling him out of the coffee shop.

"Jinn, I said let me go! Will you please stop?!", Kai finally shouted before Jinn released his arm and spun around.

"…", Glaring at each other, the two just stood there for a moment, Jinn still quiet, not explaining himself, but Kai recognized that unsettling expression on his face.

Letting out a heavy exhale, Kai lowered his head for a moment before raising it again, "What are you doing here Jinn? You screamed at me like I was a stranger last weekend and then coldly sent me away! I don't hear from you for over a week, and you just show up gripping me up like a mad man in front of my boss in there! Am I your partner or some annoying little kid you think you can just disrespect whenever you feel like it?!", Kai shouted.

"Please don't do this!", Jinn finally spoke, his deep voice quite stern.

"Wh…", Kai began to say, but Jinn cut him off.

"I'm sorry I've been such a dick to you, I'm sorry I've ignored you, but I don't deserve this Kai, not again!", Jinn finally shouted.

"Jinn…", Kai tried a second time, but Jinn continued.

"You can't go!", he shouted.

"But I'm already….", Kai tried his best to get a word in before he was cut off again.

"After all we've been through, after I poured my heart out to you, saying how much I love you, you'd just leave m...", Jinn shouted, but Kai cut in, he had finally had enough.

"Jinn, will you shut the fuck up and let me talk?! My God, what the hell are you even talking about?! Where am I going?!", Kai shouted back.

"You're with Tomo Kan, aren't you…aren't you leaving with him?", Jinn asked confused, tears in his piercing blue eyes.

"He's got another building that he needs help with, so that's why he's here, but I'm not going back with him. Where the hell did you get an idea like that? Why is it still so hard for you to trust me?!", Kai raised his voice again.

"So…you're not…Dammit.", said Jinn letting out a sigh, as he carelessly flopped down on the bench beside them, his knees had gone quite weak. Bringing a hand to cover his sorry face, Jinn exhaled heavily, sitting there feeling like a complete Jackass thanks to Saya, but maybe he deserved it.

Staring down at the ground, Kai puffed out his cheeks before he spoke. "Look, I have to go back in and finish up my meeting with Tomo Kan, go home and rest, you look a mess.", said Kai as he began walking back toward the coffee shop.

"I'll wait for you.", Jinn responded, his voice soft.

"…", stopping for a moment, Kai glanced back at Jinn, before letting out a sigh as he continued into the coffee shop.

After an hour, Kai had finally come out of the coffee shop with Tomo Kan, the two of them laughing and talking in Japanese before they hugged and parted ways. Now sitting in the car, the two had been riding in complete silence and it was driving Jinn crazy, although he didn't exactly know what to say. Kai had been staring out of the window, not even bothering to give him a glance so it was clear that he was beyond angry. Jinn had flipped out on him at the family barbeque, ignored him for over a week and now he had shown up looking like a distressed psycho, interrupting Kai's meeting with Tomo Kan, so at the very least, Kai had every right to feel the way he did right now.

"How's you Mother?", Kai finally spoke.

Surprised that Kai was even speaking to him right now, Jinn quickly glanced over, before directing his attention back toward the road, clearing his throat before he spoke. "She's doing better than she was last weekend."

"I see, that's good news.", Kai responded, and Jinn glanced over once more to see that Kai was still staring out of the window.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn swallowed his pride, "Kai.."

"Don't.", Kai interrupted him, instantly shutting him down.

"Could you just give me the chance to explain, Kai?"

"What for? Because you never give me the chance to explain anything before losing your shit!", Kai shouted.

"Kai..", Jinn tried to interject.

"The situation with Rob, why I kept what your Mother told me to myself, or why I was sitting there with Tomo Kan! The way you always assume shit makes me sick, and you know what that means Jinn?! It means that you don't fucking trust me!", Kai shouted.

Coming to a red-light, Jinn slammed on his breaks, quickly turning his head to see Kai glaring at him, tears streaming down his face. "No, that's not…", Jinn began to say, but he immediately quieted, processing exactly what Kai had just said, and he was absolutely right. He did have a bad habit of jumping to conclusions and then getting upset about the things he had worried himself into believing. For a moment more, the two stared at each other before Kai turned his head away and Jinn did the same, stepping on the gas as the light turned green.

After driving for a while longer, the two arrived at Saya's house and Jinn parked. "Look, I know you're still pretty pissed at me right now, but could you please pack a bag? My Mom's been asking about you.", said Jinn.

"…", Not saying anything, Kai grabbed his things and got out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. As Kai made his way up the stairs, Jinn leaned his head back and let out a heavy exhale, he was going to have to fix this before they visited his Mother, they couldn't show up at odds like this.

Getting out of the car, Jinn made his way up the stairs and went into the house where Saya was sitting on the couch watching tv, acting as if he had not just entered. Letting out a barely audible sigh, Jinn began to make his way upstairs, but he paused, one foot on the steps. "What you did, that was foul as fuck.", Jinn finally spoke, his tone stern.

"I don't know what you're talking about.", said Saya, not bothering to look at Jinn.

"Did you get a kick out of making me run all over the damn city to find him when he was never leaving in the first place? This is not a damn joke Saya!", Jinn said sternly, doing his best to keep his composure.

"Serves you right!", Saya responded, finally glaring back at Jinn.

"Don't play games with me, we're not children. You need to remember that this is my damn relationship!", Jinn said calmly, irritation still present in his voice.

"And you need to remember that, that is my best friend!", Saya said sternly.

"…", Rolling his eyes, Jinn proceeded to make his way up the stairs.

"Hey Jinn?", Saya continued.

"…", not responding, Jinn simply paused, glaring at the stairs in front of him.

"Listen to me Jinn and I will only say this once. I understand that you are going through a lot with your family right now, but if you ever purposely hurt Kai again, I will personally make sure that, that is the last contact you'll ever have with him!", Saya said fiercely, intensity in her eyes.

"…", cutting his eyes at Saya, Jinn was fuming, but he decided to say nothing, continuing up the stairs.

When Jinn got upstairs, he quietly opened the door to see Kai facing the bed, a shirt gripped tight in his hands as he held it to his face. Closing his eyes for a moment, Jinn exhaled softly, before he went in and closed the door, startling Kai a bit as he hadn't heard Jinn come in.

"I'm…I'm almost done.", Kai said softly, quickly wiping his face and tossing the shirt into his bag.

"We need to talk Kai.", said Jinn walking up behind Kai.

"Can you please just go wait in the car? I'm almost done!", he responded with his back still turned, his voice growing shakier with every word he spoke.

"Kai, please look at me."

"Jinn, will you jus…"

"Kai!", Jinn shouted as he spun Kai around, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"I am so, so sorry babe, I shouldn't have taken it out on you.", Jinn said softly kissing Kai on the cheek as he squeezed him tight. Quietly Kai sobbed, just standing there as tears continued to stream down his face. Realizing that Kai was not going to hug him back, Jinn squeezed him even tighter. "Kai, I know that you probably hate me right now, your feelings are hurt and a sorry isn't going to fix this, but I…", Jinn continued but Kai pulled away from him.

"I don't hate you; I could never hate you Jinn and the fact that you would even think....", Kai paused, his voice faltering to a stop as he felt himself becoming even more upset. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Kai continued. "With everything that has happened lately it just makes me realize that you don't understand me at all."

"That's not true Kai, you know that's not true. Baby look, sometimes my mind is just in complete shambles. I don't know why I choose to get so upset or why I made the shitty decision to take how I was feeling about my Mom keeping her sickness a secret out on you. I don't know why I'm like this, but one thing that I do know for sure is that I love you and I hope that's still enough.", Jinn pleaded, his eyes watering.

"…", letting out another sigh, Kai wiped the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Just please tell me how I can fix this Kai, I need you.", said Jinn, his face now red and his lips pursed together. Letting out another sigh, Kai walked forward, burying his face in Jinn's chest. Somewhat surprised Jinn wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, hugging him tight once more before Kai hugged him back.

"I hate you.", Kai mumbled, his voice muffled but clear enough to hear and with a small smile gracing his face, Jinn chuckled.

"I love you more."