Not On the Same Page

On the way home, Kai sat quietly, staring out of the window of Jinn's car. Jinn had asked him again why he was just sitting in the shower fully clothed yesterday evening, and Kai had asked if they could talk about after they had left Jinn's parent's house. Truthfully, Kai was terribly afraid to tell Jinn what had happened, but he had made the promise not to keep things to himself anymore, so he didn't have a choice.

Hearing Kai let out a soft exhale, Jinn glanced over for a second as he drove. "Kai please, you're making me crazy.", Jinn suddenly said. Turning toward Jinn, Kai let out another sigh before he lowered his head.

"Jinn I…I.", Kai began to say, but he paused, taking another deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"…", not saying anything, Jinn's handsome face was quite serious as he focused on the road, he could feel Kai staring at him.

"Jinn, I…I…I'm sorry.", Kai finally managed to get his words out.

Glancing at Kai for a second, Jinn directed his attention back toward the road. "Are you serious?", he asked, his voice sounding quite irritated.

"I'm sorry Jinn, there's just no way I can…", Kai began to say, but Jinn suddenly whipped the car over toward the side of the highway and put his blinkers on, his hands squeezing the wheel. "Jinn…"

"So, what you're telling me is that once again, you can't trust me enough to share what's going on inside your head?", Jinn asked, his voice shaky.

"No Jinn, it's… not that, it's just too complicated to say!', Kai quickly shot back, defending himself.

"And you think I can't handle it?", Jinn asked angrily, finally turning his head toward Kai, and the look on his face was just plain scary. With a pout on his face, Kai stared back at Jinn, and icy glare present on his face.

"I don't want to hurt you Jinn.", Kai said softly.

"Do you realize that every time you keep shit from me, one of us ends up getting hurt anyway?", Jinn yelled.

"I wish you would stop holding things against me! Why can't you just let shit go!", Kai shot back, tears in his eyes. Letting out a growl, Jinn got out of the car, slamming the door behind him, and placing his back against his car.

"This is why I keep shit to myself; you always get angry.", Kai said softly, his voice cracking as the tears streamed down his face.

After standing outside the car for about fifteen minutes straight, Jinn had finally calmed down enough to get back into the car. Glancing at Kai for a moment, who was staring with his head turned away out of the window, Jinn let out a soft exhale before, putting the car in drive and pulling off.

When the two arrived back to town, Jinn drove toward his apartment, passing by Saya's neighborhood and Kai noticed. Finally turning his head toward Jinn, Kai spoke, "Can you take me home first?", Kai said softly, but Jinn didn't respond. Letting out a sigh, Kai tried again, "Jinn.."

"So, you can run your mouth to Saya?", Jinn said calmly, as if what he had just said would not piss his boyfriend off.

"Are you fucking serious?", Kai said angrily.

"You've been saving for a while, do you plan to move out anytime soon?", Jinn responded.

"What's your issue with Saya?", Kai asked, irritation in his voice.

"It's just too complicated to say, but sure, I'll take you home first.", said Jinn, that same irritatingly unreadable expression present on his face as he made a right turn to go back toward Saya's house.

"Petty ass.", said Kai under his breath as he rolled his eyes, no one was pettier than Jinn when he wasn't getting his way.

The next day, Kai sat at his desk, working diligently with lunch approaching, his phone suddenly buzzing on his desk. Picking up his phone, Kai quickly slid up to see a text from Jinn. Rolling his eyes, Kai got up and made his way to his boyfriends office, going straight in. "You wanted to see me?", Kai asked, his eyes partially squinted. Sure, they had spent the night together, but they were both still quite annoyed with each other.

Glancing up to see his boyfriend giving him the side eyes, Jinn smirked. "Please don't look at me like that, unless you want to fight, and I fight naked.", Jinn responded and Kai couldn't help, but to laugh although he did his best not to.

"What you need Jinn?", Kai asked, his face softer now.

"I need you to do a favor on your break babe and please, before you say no, I already approved you an extra 30 minutes for lunch.", said Jinn.

"But that means you can't go to lunch with me today!", Kai whined.

"I know, I know, and I'll make that up to you babe, but I got a lot of shit on my plate being out of the office all last week.", said Jinn, pulling a folder out of his drawer and handing it to Kai along with his car keys.

"Fine, what do you need me to do?", Kai asked, as he reached for the folder and keys.

"Can you take that to Art? He's at a meeting with a wine distributer at the café you like near my apartment. I'm supposed to be there too during my lunch break, but since I can't…", said Jinn, allowing his words to trail off. Lowering his head, Kai stared at the floor as he thought for a moment, at least he wouldn't be alone with Art.

"Okay, I gotcha.", said Kai, turning to leave the office.

"Thanks babe, I promise to bend you over wherever you like tonight.", said Jinn so casually as he began to work again.

"My God shut up, I'm about to open the door.", Kai giggled as he exited the office.

After Kai was gone, Jinn quickly got up to take a coffee break, needing a heavy dose of caffeine since he had not slept so good last night. After making his cup of coffee, Jinn power walked back toward his office.

"Hey Mr. Wilkins?", said a polite, yet anxious voice and Jinn turned around to see Brandon standing there.

"What's up?", Jinn responded politely, his dimples appearing as he smiled, that kid always seemed nervous for some reason.

"You have a visitor in your office. You were gone from your desk when I brought them over, but since they said they know you pretty well, I let them in.", Brandon said nervously.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Jinn calmed himself, why was Brandon so damn annoying sometimes? "Who is it?"

"His name…uh..", Brandon thought for a moment.

"Did you ask them their name?", Jinn asked, a brow now raised.

"Uh no, but they brought you lunch.", Brandon said awkwardly as he stared at the ground.

"…", not saying anything, Jinn was careful not to show how he really felt on the outside before nodding and walking away. "Idiot.", he said under his breath.

Walking to his office, Jinn began to turn the knob as he rolled his eyes. It was probably Richard popping up for another unexpected visit, but when he opened it, his stomach dropped. "Well hello friend, care to join me for a bite?", said Allen, sitting in Jinn's office chair, holding up a bag of food in his hand.

For a moment Jinn stood there, his expression showing quite well what he was thinking this time before he walked in and closed the door behind him. "What the hell are you doing here? This is my job, Allen."

"Relax Jinn, I'm here on business. Art needs your signature on these papers, plus I've come for the wine sales stats.", he said with a pretty smile, his pretty light brown eyes squinting heavily.

Rolling his eyes, Jinn sat down in the other chair in the room, picking up the file that Allen had brought and begin signing the many papers. "Kai has already left with the sales stat.", Jinn said softly.

"I see.", said Allen.

As Jinn signed the multiple documents, Allen watched him closely, his eyes tracing every inch of Jinn's face. "Still so damn handsome, you've really grownup little brother. You're quite the man now Daddy.", he said, flirtatiously.

"…", deciding not to respond, Jinn continued to write, acting as if Allen wasn't boldly flirting with him. Realizing Jinn wasn't going to pay him any mind, Allen got up, walked around the table, roughly shoved Jinn backward and placed himself in his lap so that they were facing each other.

Surprised, and completely thrown off guard, Jinn sat there, his piercing blue eyes wide as hell. "Do you remember this Jinn? It was our favorite position.", said Allen, leaning up to whisper in Jinn's ear and kissing his neck.

"…" closing his eyes, Jinn squeezed them tight, as Allen sucked on his neck, why the hell couldn't he move?!

"Oh, look who's come out to play and so soon!", said Allen, placing another kiss on Jinn's neck while he moved his hips against Jinn's growing hard on.

"…", letting out a deep exhale, Jinn felt himself growing even harder.

"I gotta be honest Jinn, I missed this, I miss you.", Allen purposely spoke with a whimper, turning Jinn on even more.

"Allen…", Jinn tried to say, but his voice faltered as Allen brought his hand down, massaging his rock-hard member.

"Want to know a secret Jinn?" Allen whispered in Jinn's ear as he continued to massage the long hard erection smushed in his work pants. "You always fucked me better than your brother.", he said coquettishly.

Hearing this, Jinn's eyes snapped open as he quickly grabbed hold of Allen's wrist. Leaning backward a bit, a smirk made its way onto Allen's face, as he was used to Jinn taking the lead, but he was sadly mistaken as Jinn began to squeeze his wrist.

"Ah, Jinn!", Allen whimpered, but this time he was in pain.

"Take these documents and get the fuck out!", said Jinn, his voice calm although it possessed a tone to make any grown man's spine shudder.

"…", staring Jinn deep in the eye, Allen's own eyes began to water, Jinn was no longer the kid that would follow him around like a little lost puppy. Ripping his arm away from Jinn's strong grip, Allen quickly got up, snatching the documents off of the table and running out of the office.

Standing up, Jinn slowly walked over toward the door, cursing under his breath. Lowering his head, Jinn glanced down in disgust at the hard-on quite visible between his legs and let out a sigh before slamming the door shut.


Finally arriving at the café, Kai got out of the car and made his way into the café. For a moment, he glanced around before he noticed Art sitting alone at a table, a wide grin on his handsome face. Wasn't the wine distributor supposed to be there??