Nothing, but Time

Still standing there, Kai simply stared at Art who was now waving at him to come over. Letting out a sigh, Kai made his way over, immediately handing Art the file he was holding. "Well, I'll be on my way.", he said before he began to turn around, but Art grabbed his wrist. "What's the hurry? The wine distributer is late, why don't you keep me company until he gets here?", said Art, a friendly smile on his face.

Squinting his eyes, Kai pulled his wrist away, "no thanks.", he continued.

"The fact that Jinn has allowed you to bring these documents to me means that you haven't told him about what happened over the weekend. I wonder how he'll feel if he knew that you only got off because you were thinking of me.", said Art.

Hearing this, Kai quickly turned back around to see that same innocent smile still on Art's face, his hand held out as he silently requested for Kai to sit a second time. Letting out a heavy exhale, Kai roughly pulled the chair out from under the table and sat down.

"Want to order a coffee or something? Get whatever you'd like, it's on me.", Art said politely as he picked up his own iced brown sugar latte to drink.

With his brows now furrowed, Kai glared across the table, before he spoke. "What is it that you want?", he asked, tension present in his voice.

"What do you mean?", Art said innocently.

"Don't play games with me Art, you just threatened to blackmail me if I didn't join you, now what the fuck do you want?" Kai demanded.

"Oh, Kai please. I did no such thing, I really wish your view of me wasn't so bad.", Art responded.

"I'm not joking, what do you want?", Kai asked again, doing his best to keep himself calm as they were still out in public.

"Right to business huh?", Art chuckled before he sipped his drink, then placing it back on the table. "Truthfully, you are always so quick to run the other way whenever I'm around, I just wanted the chance to look at you is all.", said Art, as he grinned from ear to ear, his resemblance to Jinn was uncanny.

Lowering his head, Kai sucked his teeth, "Why are you like this?", he responded, his voice nicer toned now.

"You waltz into my parent's house looking like you do, and you expect me not to be interested?", asked Art, a smirk on his face as he raised a brow.

"I'm sorry Art, am I supposed to be flattered? Because you're obviously thinking with your other head.", said Kai rolling his eyes and Art chuckled.

"You see, and that's why I'm so persistent, you're not afraid to say whatever you want to me, I'm not used to that.", Art chuckled again.

Rolling his eyes once more, Kai directed his attention back toward Art, "I'm going to go now, I've stayed long enough.", said Kai as he stood.

"Okay wait, you were right, I do have a request.", said Art and Kai crossed his arms, sitting back down.

"Like I said.", said Kai as he glared across the table with a pout on his face and Art couldn't help, but to smile. He didn't remember the last time anyone kept his attention this long and honestly, Kai was just too damn cute.

Finally getting himself together, Art cleared his throat, sipping his drink before he spoke. "Well yes, you got me Kai, but I'd like you to go on a date with me."

"You're not fucking serious?", said Kai, was this man crazy?

"Actually, I am serious.", Art said with a smirk as he picked up his latte.

"Art, when are you gonna accept that I…", Kai began to say, but Art cut him off.

"Yes, you love my brother which you so adamantly remind me every chance you get.", said Art as he rolled his eyes.

"Exactly, so take the hint!", Kai said sternly.

"I'm sorry Kai, I can't do that.", said Art, and he was no longer smirking.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I won't allow you to use me so you can get back at your brother!", Kai said firmly.

"I'm an honest man Kai, so I can admit that, that was my intention.", said Art, putting extreme emphasis on 'was'.

"I'm sure there are tons of men and women falling at your fe…", Kai began, but Art cut him off again.

"What you said at my parent's house, that I only think I want you, you were wrong about that and that passive facade you put on for everyone is not you at all. You only do that for my brother's sake, am I right?", Art said firmly.


"The real you is that feisty little man in front of me now, one who's not afraid to step on anyone's toes. Someone who will always put himself first although he's been trying so damn hard not to."


"And the reason you can't stand me simply stems from your unwillingness to accept the fact that you're exactly like me.", Art continued.

"That's enough!", Kai raised his voice a bit, causing the few people in the café to take a glance.

Staring at this cute, angry and flustered dark-haired man across the table, a smirk finally made its way back onto Art's face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you love, are you sure you don't want something to drink?"

"You don't know what the fuck you're talking about!", Kai said angrily, although his voice had returned to normal volume now.

"Perhaps I don't Kai, but one thing that I'm sure of is that I know exactly what I want, that much is clear!" Art said firmly.

"…", having nothing to say, Kai simply glared at the handsome man across the table, Art too knew how to throw him for a loop like his boyfriend did.

As he glared, in walked two men in business suits and Art glanced over for a second, "Ahh look, my company has finally arrived. So, what do you say?", Art asked, his view fixed on Kai's pretty brown eyes.

"…", glancing at the men walking over, Kai began to fidget with his fingers in his lap, he couldn't just go on a date with Art, he was dating Jinn for God sakes!

"Please, take your time. I am not in a rush Kai, they can wait.", Art said with a smile, taking a gulp of his latte, finishing it this time. Glancing at the men walking over, Kai felt the rate of his heart quickening in his chest, his eyes dancing from side to side as he thought.

As the men approached the table, Art stood, shaking their hands and stupidly Kai stood, doing the same. "I do apologize for being late Arthur.", said one of the guys.

"No problem sir, but since our meeting is already running behind schedule, won't you give me a few more minutes with my friend here?", said Art.

"Ah yes, no problem, take your time.", the guy nodded with a smile. Nodding back, Art grabbed Kai by the wrist, and although it was grudgingly, Kai allowed himself to be led to an unoccupied corner in the café.

"…", snatching his wrist away, Kai stared at the floor.

"Well? Have you had enough time to think it over? Once again, I am in no rush.", Art said with a smile.

Quickly glancing up, Kai let out a sigh, "Art I cannot just go on a date with you."

Not saying anything at first, Art made that same irritatingly unreadable face that Jinn normally made. "Fine then.", he responded before he proceeded to walk past Kai.

Letting out a bit of a whine, an anxious Kai suddenly raised his hand, grabbing Art by the crease of his arm. "Are you really going to tell him?", Kai asked, his voice soft and almost pleading. Turning around, Art got a perfect view of Kai's face, the cuteness, the nervousness written all over it without him having to say what he was feeling.

Gently pulling his arm away from Kai's hand, Art quickly turned his head so that he could look elsewhere. He knew that if he stared at Kai any longer, he would buckle and let him go without any trouble.

"I'll give you twenty-four hours Kai and if you don't tell him, I will. My number hasn't changed, so you might want to think long and hard about using it, I look forward to hearing from you Kai.", said Art as he walked away, a smile making its way back onto his face as he greeted the wine distributors waiting for him.

Watching Art for a moment, Kai turned around and exited the café. He was either going to have to muster up the courage to tell Jinn the truth or he would have to endure a date with Art, and honestly, just the thought of it was completely ridiculous.

Later that evening, Kai lay in bed on his back, with Jinn over top of him. Jinn's strong hands caressing Kai's body while he kissed his neck. "Mn.", Kai moaned softly before he opened his eyes. Watching his boyfriend, Kai's pretty brown almond shaped eyes studied Jinn closely, as he placed gentle nibbles on his abdomen, the further down he went. Just how exactly would Jinn feel if he knew that his brother was the reason they had, had sex, but honestly, did Kai really need to ask about it? Of course, Jinn would be upset, hurt, and angry even, Kai didn't want to hurt his pride like that.

When Jinn had reached Kai's waist, he slowly began to slide Kai's night pants and underwear down, his piercing blue eyes glancing up for a moment as he revealed the slightly erect hard-on in between Kai's legs. Wrapping his hand around it, Jinn stood Kai's member up, stroking a few times as he glanced up once more to look at his boyfriend to see him already staring back.

Sticking his tongue out, Jinn licked the tip, before he went down, his mouth enveloping Kai's entire member. Closing his eyes for a mere second, Kai let out a heavy exhale as Jinn's tongue did circles around his manhood.

For a moment Jinn continued, his head bobbing up and down as he occasionally glanced up to see his boyfriend still staring down at him. As he swirled his tongue once more, Kai tightened his abs for a second, before relaxing his muscles, and too Jinn's surprise, the slight hard on in his mouth began to soften.

Removing his mouth, Jinn sat up a bit, still laying down as he rested his chin on the palm of his hand. "What's on your mind Kai? You're obviously somewhere else right now.", Jinn asked.

"Uh…nnothing.", Kai stuttered before finally getting his words out clearly.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn grabbed hold of the limp member in between Kai's legs. "You really expect me to believe that when your dick say's otherwise?", said Jinn, raising a brow.

As Jinn replied, Kai averted his gaze toward the ceiling momentarily before looking back down at Jinn who was now poking Kai's length with his finger over and over again. "Jinn.", Kai finally responded, and Jinn stopped poking his finger, his brows raising and giving a silent reply.

"Am I…am I selfish?", Kai asked nervously.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn flipped over on his back, resting his head on Kai's side. "We all have some growing to do Kai, everything gets better with time."

"You didn't answer my question Jinn.", said Kai, irritation in his voice.

"Do you honestly want me to answer that, Kai? Because I don't feel like arguing with y..", Jinn began to say, but Kai cut in.

"So, you think I'm selfish, wonderful.", said Kai turning his head away.

"Kai, I didn't..", Jinn began, but he paused, flipping over and positioning himself over top of Kai, both his legs on either side. "Baby, look at me.", said Jinn and grudgingly, Kai complied, a cute pout on his face. "You have selfish tendencies, but I understand that it's self-preservation, I get it. When life has been as difficult as yours has been, you try to avoid whatever is gonna hurt you, so don't feel bad about it. You're not half as bad as you were when I first met you.", said Jinn, a dimple revealing smile making its way onto his face as he chuckled.

Rolling his eyes, Kai couldn't help, but to chuckle, as Jinn began grinding his hips against his bare-naked skin. "I gotta be honest babe, I've been being patient, but seeing you deep in your thoughts is driving me up a wall, you're starting to worry me. You don't have to be afraid to talk to me Kai, I'm here.", said Jinn as he grabbed hold of Kai's hands, kissing them both before he laid his head down on Kai's chest.


"Yes babe?", he answered, his eyes closing as he listened to the sound of Kai's heart beating.

"I…I…I promise you've got nothing to worry about.", said Kai, squeezing his eyes closed, and as he did, his eyes began to water. He had meant to tell Jinn, he really did, but he didn't have the heart to do so, he just couldn't.