It’s a Date Pt. 1

Sitting at his desk, Kai blankly stared off into space as his mind was racing quite quickly. The twenty-four-hour mark was approaching, and he still hadn't mustered up the courage to make that phone call yet. Letting out a sigh, Kai patted both his cheeks to encourage himself before he picked up his phone and began scrolling through his contacts. Pressing the message icon, Kai began to text, "I won't disrespect Jinn by going on a date with you, do what you want.", he wrote, before he pressed send. For a while Kai stared at his phone intensely as the screen said that Art had received his message.

"Kai.", a familiar voice suddenly called out and Kai nearly jumped out of his seat, as he turned to see his tired looking boyfriend standing there.

"Yes…yeah?", he said awkwardly, and Jinn raised a brow.

"I have a lot of field work to do today, so I probably won't be back before you get off. Don't take the bus home, catch a cab or something.", said Jinn as he let out a wide mouthed yawn afterward.

"Why don't you take me with you Jinn, I can help you.", Kai responded.

"Well, I'd have to get permission from Jane. She's out of the office and I don't have time to wait for her to respond.", said Jinn.

"Oh okay.", said Kai, a slight pout on his face.

With a smirk, Jinn came a little closer, propping a leg up on the side of the desk. "What wrong baby? Disappointed?", he asked, his voice softer as the smirk on his handsome face turned into that of a grin allowing those deep dimples to make an appearance.

"Kinda, it's just that you've been so busy lately. I don't want you to get sick from exhaustion, plus I wanted to eat lunch with you." said Kai.

"My poor spoiled baby.", said Jinn before he paused to chuckle. "I'll come get you after I get off so we can go to dinner, but please don't worry about me Kai, I can handle the load.", said Jinn, finally allowing a full smile onto his handsome face.

"Oh really?", said Kai, a devilish grin on his face.

Sucking his lips in, Jinn couldn't help, but to laugh, "I suppose I set myself up for that one, but annnnnnnyway….I better go, I'll call you when I'm heading home.", said Jinn poking Kai on the nose before he stood and walked away.

As Jinn got further away, Kai came back down to reality, quickly swiping up on his phone to see if Art had replied, but he hadn't, he had only read the message. "Dammit.", he cursed under his breath. Although Kai had made the decision to refuse Art's offer, he was still anxious. He wasn't sure if Art was serious about what he said and now that Jinn couldn't join him for lunch, there was no time to talk about it.


Staring at his phone, Art let out a heavy exhale, his eyes rolling to the top of his head and closing for a moment. "Looks like I'm going to have to step it up a bit.", Art said aloud, as he began to text back, but as he did, a shiver went through his body.

"Arthur, you could at least pay attention to me, I'm sucking your dick for God sakes.", said Allen, as he swirled his tongue on the tip of Art's long veiny length.

"Mn, fuck.", Art cursed. "Hold on, I gotta send this really qu..", he began to say before his phone was snatched out of his hand and tossed onto the floor.

"I already got mine, you better pay attention to me if you want to finish!", Allen demanded, a cute pout on his face as he began to get up, but Art quickly sat up, placing his hand on Allen's head, forcing him to get back down onto his knees.

"You're so damn cute when you get jealous.", Art chuckled, a devilish grin on his handsome face. "I promise to give you my full attention if you promise to make me cum in the next two minutes, I've got something important I need to do sweets.", said Art, sexily biting his bottom lip. Blushing a bit, Allen nodded, as he leaned down, his small mouth enveloping Art's entire throbbing member.

"Mn yes, just like that.", Art moaned as he felt Allen's tongue, swirling around his member simultaneously as his head slowly bobbed up and down.

"Mn!", Allen began to moan, the sound and vibration of his voice turning Art on even more. Roughly grabbing a head full of blonde hair, Art took control of Allen's head, forcing his head down quite far while he thrusted his hips upward.

Gagging quite violently, Allen's eyes began to water as Art's large and throbbing manhood hit the back of his throat multiple times. "Shit, I love it when you do that!", said Art, his deep voice going higher in pitch as he felt Allen's tongue doing circles around his length, the knot in his lower abdomen was intensifying.

"Mn!", Allen moaned a little louder as Art forced his head to go faster. Allen didn't care that Art was practically choking him. It only mattered that Art's eyes were focused on him, that was all he cared about.

"Hng!" Art's deep voice moaned through his teeth as he gripped Allen's hair tighter in his hand, his toes balling as he orgasmed. Feeling the thick warm liquid hitting the back of his throat, Allen nearly threw up. Art had cum, but he had only softened a bit.

Slowly removing the length from his mouth, Allen then wiped the corners of his mouth as well as his teary eyes. "Was that not enough?", he asked.

"I've never been a one and done Allen, you know that. Just do me a solid and come back later.", said Art, his eyes closed as he was still coming down from his high, but they suddenly snapped open as he felt Allen placing himself on his lap.

"I can give you more Daddy.", Allen whispered as he leaned up to kiss Art, but Art turned his head.

"You just had my dick in your mouth, what the hell makes you think that I'd want to kiss you?", he said rudely, pushing Allen onto the floor as he stood. Stuffing himself back in his boxers, Art quickly pulled his pants up, leaving them unbuttoned, he and Allen glaring at each other. "Don't look at me like that, I told you that I have shit to do Allen. Just meet me back here around like ten, okay?"

"…", not saying anything, Allen rolled his eyes toward the floor.

"Ugh, whatever. Don't forget to lock the door on your way out.", said Art nonchalantly also rolling his eyes as he walked away.

Moping there on the floor, Allen decided to reach over and look through Art's phone to see what was so 'important'. Swiping up, his eyes began to water all over again but this time it was because his feelings were hurt. Sure, he knew that Art would probably never take him seriously, but now he had been rejected because of Kai by both brothers and that made it so much worse.


After a long day had dragged on, Kai had clocked out and began making his way out of the building, his phone buzzing as he exited. Swiping up to see a text from Jinn, Kai opened the message. "Babe I am SO sorry, but I'm gonna have to put in overtime to get shit done, so you'll have to eat without me. I'll take you to breakfast this weekend.", his text read with a sad face and a heart emoji following.

Letting out a whine first, Kai responded. "No worries babe.", he texted, sending a heart emoji back so that Jinn wouldn't feel bad. "Ugh, guess I'll just order take out.", Kai whined, his face still glued to his phone.

"There's no need, I gotcha covered sweets.", said a familiar voice and Kai quickly glanced up, nearly dropping his phone he was so startled. Rolling his eyes, Kai let out a sigh, "What are you doing here? Come to annoy me again?", said Kai, his brows now furrowed and his eyes squinted at Art who was leaning against his car.

Smirking first, Art let out a silent chuckle. "I'm aware that my little brother is still busy with work, so I've come to pick you up.", said Art with a smile.

"How do you even know what time I get off of work?", Kai responded rudely, rolling his eyes once more.

"It isn't hard to guess, Jinn has been working here for two years now, Kai.", Art paused to chuckle. "But anyway, your chariot awaits.", said Art as he opened the door, his hand gesturing toward the seat of the car. Finally making his way down the stairs, Kai meant to walk right past him, but Art grabbed his arm.

"I already told you, do what you want!", Kai said firmly, yanking his arm away.

"Are you sure that's what you want Kai?", said Art raising a brow as he pulled his phone from his pocket. Not saying a thing, Kai simply stared at Art, both of their expressions unchanging. "Well, alright than.", said Art raising his other brow as he began to unlock his phone to call his brother and as he did, Kai became nervous, terrified even.

Not being able to stand it any longer, Kai snatched the phone out of Art's hand, quickly ending the call. "Please.", he said softly, a cute pout on his face.

Averting his gaze toward the sky momentarily, Art let out a quiet, but heavy exhale as he raised his hand, silently asking for his phone back. "Then get in the car Kai.", he said, finally lowering his raised brow. Letting out a sigh, Kai roughly placed the phone back in Art's palm and walked around him to get in the car. Placing his phone back in his pocket, Art closed the passenger's side that Kai was too irritated to close and got in the car himself. Glancing at the pretty, dark haired man that was now glaring out of the window, Art smirked, before he put the car in drive and pulled off.

"What kind of food do you like, or does it matter?", said Art, glancing over for a second. Directing his attention back toward the road, Art awaited an answer. Glancing over once more, when Kai hadn't responded, Art rolled his eyes. "Why don't you just think of this as us spending some time together, huh? Will that make you feel better?"

"…", shaking his head as he stared out the window, Kai let out a silent sigh.

After an uncomfortably, silent ride, the two had arrived at a restaurant of Art's choosing, a small sushi place with a dimly lit intimate set up. Seated at a booth, Art looked over the menu while Kai simply sat there with his arms crossed.

"Good evening and welcome, my name's Tanya, can I start you off with a drink?"

"I'll have a glass of white wine.", said Art.

"And for you sir?", the waitress smiled.

"I'll just have some lemon water.", Kai responded, feeling as though he had no choice, but to be polite to this cute bubbly waitress.

"Okay and would you like a few more minutes or would you like to place an appetizer as well?", said Tanya.

"We'll have the tempura sampler.", said Art with a smile and the waiter, nodded, leaving the table.

"Have you ever eaten tempura Kai? It's one of my favorites.", Art chuckled.

"….", staring at the menu in front of him, Kai neglected to answer.

"Well, our time together will most certainly be awkward if you're a mute the whole time.", Art giggled.

"Will you just stop!", Kai finally spoke, his brows furrowed as he raised his head.

"Stop what Kai?" said Art, a smirk on his face as he couldn't help, but to be proud of finally getting Kai to say something.

"Stop acting like this is okay, because it's not! I should not be here with you!", Kai snapped, although he remembered to keep his voice low since they were in a restaurant.

"Perhaps not, but here you are, I didn't force you to do anything Kai.", said Art, that irritatingly unreadable Wilkins family expression now present on his face.

"Are you kidding me? You gave me an ultimatum!", said Kai, the vein in his forehead popping as he did his best to remain calm.

"I gave you an ultimatum yes, but you only did as I asked because you're afraid of what Jinn will think, I didn't force you to do anything.", said Art.

Bringing his hand to his forehead, Kai dragged his palm down his face, "You're a manipulative bastard, you know that?", he said as calmly as he could.

"So, I've been told.", Art chuckled.

"Are you two ready to order?", said Tanya coming back over and placing the drinks on the table.

"Yes, I'll have the Tekka Don.", Art answered.

"I don't want anything.", Kai mumbled although his stomach was now screaming from hunger.

Rolling his eyes, Art let out a sigh, "You know what Tanya, scratch my order, could you get me the love boat for two instead?"

"Absolutely.", said Tanya with a smile as she walked away.

"Why not just enjoy yourself since you're here?", said Art as he picked up his wine and began sipping.

"I'm not going to give you the satisfaction.", Kai grumbled like a little kid who was not getting his way.

"Cute.", said Art, a chuckle following after.

"Your appetizer.", said another waiter, bringing over the aesthetically pleasing plate of tempura, nodding and then walking away.

"Wow, almost too pretty to eat, isn't it?", said Art as he began to dig in. Staring at the plate of tempura in front of him, Kai bit his bottom lip, to say that he was hungry now, was an understatement. "I've been trying to read you Kai, you claim you don't want to hurt my brother, yet here you are. Make it make sense.", Art continued.

"I am simply here because I haven't had the chance to talk to Jinn.", Kai said coldly.

"I see, I wish you'd eat, it's really good.", said Art as he placed another piece of the appetizer into his mouth.

"Art, do you understand that you get nothing out of this? Jinn may be upset with me, but you still won't get what you want.", said Kai, calming himself.

"On the contrary Kai, believe me when I say that I always get what I want.", said Art as a smirk creeped onto his face.

"But even if you tell him, that'll be it, it won't go any further than this.", said Kai trying to reason with Art.

"Don't forget that you've also gone out of your way to keep this secret from Jinn, I now hang two secrets over your head."

"You son of a bitch!", Kai shouted causing everyone in the restaurant to stare.

"Calm down Kai, this is an upscale restaurant, you don't want to get us thrown out now do you?", Art smiled.

"I could care less.", Kai said angrily, although the tone of his voice had softened.

"Well, that wouldn't be fair considering you've accepted my offer. I still have to pay for this food you know, and you've been a shitty date so far. Now be a good little puppy and be nice to me or we might have to take a rain check, okay?", said Art, picking up another piece of tempura and offering it to Kai. Rolling his eyes, Kai snatched, the food from Art's hand, he was going to have to tell Jinn tonight, there's no way he was going to be able to take much more of this.