A lovely Christmas

The kids are going wild all around in their rooms, the kitchen, the living room, and even some in the bathroom. That's gonna be fun to clean up. Today is Christmas eve and the kids are actually excited to go to bed for the first time in their whole lives.If today is the eve than that means tomorrow is, yep you guessed it, Christmas. A day where families gather together and have fun and share warmth together. For the kids, not so much, all they care about is how many presents they get and some of them might be excited to play with little cousins on the day. Today would've been a good day to get a dog for the whole family but no, Jackson decides he would get a dog that is white named CoCo. Not for the whole family, but for Youngjae only. I mean i love the dog now but he's still very much annoying.

Of course me and Jackson went out Christmas shopping before that actual date this year so we weren't late for our own Christmas party, like we always are. And no we didn't leave the kids at home without a babysitter like we did maybe once. It was a day we thought Jinyoung and JB could take care of the younger kids with no problem, seeing as how responsible they are. Well let's just say it didn't work out as we thought it would. When we got back Jinyoung was missing and JB was having a mental breakdown because BamBam brought home a hairless cat. That was an eventful day, but never again. So while we were out seeking presents for our wonderful children, Jackson's mom volunteered to watch the kids. She really didn't have to but she insisted. Maybe she missed squeezing their soft round cheeks like grandma's do.

This year the kids would actually get more than one gift from us because of Jackson's new job. He got a new job a while ago and sometimes I hate it because he comes home really late sometimes and leaves me alone with the kids when he leaves for work. It's worth it though, having to see your children's bright smiles and cute giggles when they open something that isn't socks or an orange. We got BamBam and Yugyeom the same things but we only got one, because if we bought two then they would never use it. Their weird cause it's like they share everything with each other, maybe even their brains. They got art supplies because they've been very creative these days and a fake telephone. Well that's what they asked for specifically a fake phone so they could call random people without bothering mommy and daddy. They got what they wanted and of course they would get other stuff because of other family, but we have a lot of kids so that does it for us.

We thought it would be funny to give Jinyoung and JB underwear as a prank. So they'll see all the other kids getting good stuff and then they just get underwear. Flash forward, and they literally don't give a single donkey booty. They just set it aside and waited for everything else. Anyway back to other things they got. Since their basically teens now, they got video games and stuff like that. Another thing they asked for was cardboard boxes, straight up cubical cardboard. Who asks for that especially if their 11 and 12, the mystery goes on.

Youngjae got a giant teddy bear that we thought he would like, and he asked for dinosaur slippers. That's the most normal thing any of the kids has ever asked for, for Christmas. We were lucky to have at least one normal kid, but maybe we didn't want one. At least Jackson's fine with it. He is like a child so of course he doesn't. And maybe because Youngjae is his favorite and he's willing to do anything for him, he might die one day.

The next morning when the kids wake up they open their presents. They look so happy already to just see them. They look so thankful and it made Jackson and me happy for how sweet and little they look. Out of all the days in the year this day is when all the kids get along perfectly, that's what I love about Christmas.

Later in the day and people are already coming over while Mark is cooking dinner and Jackson is looking at the photos of the kids we took this morning. The first people that come through the door is Mark's brother and his two little kids. One's a girl and her name is Jisoo, she's so cute and pretty. The other one is a boy and his name is Jungkook. He is really handsome for his age. He has to be at least as old as Yugyeom. Jisoo is younger though but she seems to get along with the other kids just fine. Mark's brother decides to sit down with Jackson and have a little bro bond, but then Jackson might've freaked him out when he was excited to show him baby pictures. Mark's brothers wife was nice and she was a well put together lady. Her name was Mina. She walked to Mark to help him make some pie for dinner. She looked happy to help, so Mark let her. Across the room Mark saw Jackson get up and go to their room, probably to get more pictures. He asked Mina to take care of the cooking and that he was gonna check on the kids but he walked to where Jackson disappeared to. "Hey" he whispered to Jackson while he was looking through pictures of BamBam and Yugyeom. He jumped, he always gets so scared of everything and he wasn't even doing anything suspicious.

"Were you cheating on me with my brother or do you show baby pictures to everyone?"

Jackson looked scared at the question and he raised his hands in the air in surrender "No i would never do that, i'm just excited". He said sounding scared but playful. "Come on let's go before someone gets worried" Mark grabbed Jackson hand and pulled him out of the room dropping the baby pictures as he did.

The next people to come were Mark's dad and Jackson's mom and sister. Marks mom didn't come though and this made Jackson suspicious. He went up to talk to Mark while he was gathering things to set up the little table for the kids. "Why didn't your mom come?" he asks while Mark drags the table from BamBam and Yugyeom's room.

"Because you know why" Mark said while struggling to get the table out so Jackson lifted it for him.

"I know but-never mind" Jackson said as he put the table down to talk to his sister. Jackson knew Mark and his mom didn't get along very well but he knew she probably would've wanted to see the kids again after such a long time. It was a shame she never get to see them a lot in their lives. She didn't even get to watch them grow up. He brushed it off as everyone was sat down and ready for Christmas dinner.

*at least 30 minutes Time skip*

Dinner was done and most everyone has left except for Mark's brother and his wife because their kids don't want to ever stop playing with all of the boys. They all got along really well, maybe too well because by the time dinner was done that whole table that Mark sat them at was covered in mashed potatoes and chicken. It looks like they had a food fight but they really didn't because Mark kept an eye on them the whole time. This is what kids do.

Everyone has left the house and Mark and Jackson are cleaning up while the kids play with their new toys they got today before they go to bed. They look like they don't ever want to stop but Mark sees that they are tired and puts them to bed. Just like any night they put up a fight but with very weak enthusiasm. As soon as they hit their beds they're out and Mark's just happy they got the day over with. He walks to his room after it's dead silent, to see when he enters Jackson hugging Youngjae's giant teddy bear that he forgot to bring after he left it in here. Jackson was fast asleep and Mark didn't want to wake him so he cuddled on the other side of the bed and watched before he finally felt tired and dozed off to sleep. You know parents might not get any presents for Christmas but seeing their kids happy is the best gift they could ever get, anytime of year.

