Yuggie is sad

There's a unknown sound that is played during the night while Mark and Jackson are sleeping. They wake up to the sound, almost scared. But when they see their adorable youngest child quietly opening the door, he tries not to be loud. Jackson looks at him worried seeing as Yugyeom was rubbing his eyes out of irritation. "What is it, Gyeomie", Jackson asked even more worried as he watches him crawl in between them both. "It was just a nightmare appa, i'm ok though" he says and lays his head down, getting comfortable. To say that this didn't happen a lot was an understatement. And they just learned to get used to it now that it happened almost every week. And when the cute little bunny boy comes in their room late at night because he had a scary dream, he doesn't even have to ask if he can stay. It was sad to see him like this but in the morning he was always ten times happier, so it helped.

The next morning though he didn't look so happy to get out of bed to go to school and see all of his friends that he never stops talking about during the day. This morning is different. When he wakes up his eyes are red and he's slow to get up and brush his teeth. Mark never even once thinks about scolding him, as he sees his baby is going through a hard time. There's no time to ask when it's time to get on the bus to go off for a day of learning. It wasn't difficult though, this morning unlike the rest was slightly peaceful. It was because today Yugyeom didn't have a fuss to get up out of bed because he stayed up with BamBam all night. He was usually very much excited to go to school and learn new things and meet new people but today wasn't as expected.

Later that day and all the kids are home and playing around in the living room with CoCo while Mark watches them. Everything was as it normally is except for one thing. As soon as Yugyeom got home he didn't even look at anyone before he went to his room. That's what was missing in this chaotic living room. Mark caught a glimpse of his face and his eyes were red, just like they were this morning. Mark looked at BamBam because he knew everything even remotely close to anything like that boy. Even he didn't know as he shrugged his shoulders and continued to get on Jinyoung's nerves by punching him. And when BamBam threw to many punches and Jinyoung actually got mad Mark had to come in and stop them with a sigh of course. Soon Mark had forgotten all about Yugyeom, he shouldn't have but he knew he needed time to himself so he let him be, for now.

Right when Mark was about to get up and check on Yugyeom to see if he was ok, he came out of his room his eyes no longer red. He sat down on the couch next to his mother and looked at him with a face that needed something. "Eomma, can i tell you something" he says in his baby voice to get what he wants. Mark knows that he doesn't want anything, he just wanted to talk. "Of course bunny" Mark said in a reassuring voice to make sure Yugyeom knew he was listening and he grabbed his tiny hands to squeeze them if he felt the need to. "I-" it was cut off as Mark saw something in the corner of his eye he knew he couldn't ignore. He really wanted to listen and find out what was up with Yugyeom and why he was so sulky today but this was important. "Guys can we not put CoCo in the oven" Mark said and got up because BamBam was halfway into doing it and he knew he wouldn't stop. When Mark went back after he was done telling the kids not to kill their only animal, Yugyeom wasn't sitting in the spot he left him in. There was a door shutting in the background and before Mark could chase after him he was once again distracted.

*Yugyeom and BamBam's room*

Yugyeom jumped onto the bed and lay down, already feeling his eyelids getting hot with tears daring to spill out. He didn't want to cry again with what the other kids said, he just couldn't help but have one single tear escape and fall onto the pillow below him. All he wanted for was someone to listen to him, he knew his mom was busy so it wasn't a good time. While deep in thought Yugyeom heard the door click and some footsteps that stopped at the foot of them bed. He didn't even bother to look up, knowing exactly who it was and why he was here. BamBam sat down right next to him on the bottom bunk and cupped his face and kissed the top of his head. BamBam wasn't usually the one that would show affection with his brothers, but with Yugyeom being younger than him, he felt the need to. He lay down so he was comfortable next to his little brother and hugged him telling him not to cry as he did so.

*Out of their room*

Jackson just got home and by now all the kids were tired out a little bit and just playing Mario cart on the TV. Mark couldn't not think about how Yugyeom was feeling, but seeing BamBam go in their room after him made him worry less. Even though BamBam can be a little turd sometimes, he knows how to make Yugyeom feel better no matter what. So Mark trusted him with this one while he made sure the other kids didn't get into anymore drama.

"Hey i think something happened while Yugyeom was at school"

Mark said while giving his husband hugs and kisses for finally being home after a long day of supporting them. That's all he had to say to get Jackson walking in the direction of their room while all the other kids are occupied. He knocks on the door but theirs no answer, he twists the door knob to open it and see the cutest sight known to man. It was their two youngest babies cuddling while sleeping on the bottom bunk of the bed. The couple stared at them for a while taking in how beautiful and sweet they look, now that their sleeping. Although they never wanted this experience to end they had to fine out what was going on with Yugyeom. Jackson shook them awake and they rubbed their eyes like they all do when they first get up. Jackson gives them some time before he asks them questions. He hugs them and asks how their days were and what they did before turning to Yugyeom. "Is there something you want to tell me" he says while holding his hand, it's a thing he likes to do while talking to someone.

"No-well yea i guess"

He's shy to tell Jackson or anyone because he's worried but he knows he'll listen. Jackson nods his head and looks at him with soft features and raised eyebrows, telling him to go on. "Well these kids at school-" he says but stops to look at Mark in the face, his eyes tearing up for the hundredth time today. "T-they were making fun of me...b-b-because they said i-i was weirder t-than everyone...else". He gets shy when he's saying something important and he was quivering with how much he was crying. Jackson pulls him in for a hug telling him that it's ok and that being weird is the Yugyeom way and that he never needs to change that. It was some deep words for a 7 year old but it seemed to calm him down and give him more confidence. Mark joined in the hug and soon BamBam did too, jumping on top of all of them.

BamBam pulled away and he looked at Yugyeom "you know if something ever happens like this i could always beat them up, you know" he says looking all mighty and strong. Yugyeom has said before that they sometimes have different classes so BamBam can't protect him all the time from bullies. It breaks Mark's heart knowing that this was happening and he couldn't do anything about it. And he knew Jackson felt the same, but Mark knew that he had to be strong for him. "You know you could beat them up" BamBam said in an enthusiastic way throwing his hands in the air and waving them, then accidentally hitting Jackson in the face. Yugyeom laughs at that but responds through breaths of air from laughing so hard at his fathers betrayed look. "But i-hehe i don't know... how" he says pointing at the red mark on Jackson's face. BamBam puts a hand on his shoulder and looks at him straight in the face with a serious look "you just gotta YOLO it man, you feel me". At this point Mark doesn't even know where he gets this stuff from, he's only 7 and he's using teenager slang.

"Alright hey lets not talk about that you'll get in trouble, come on now lets get some ice cream YAY"

Jackson says running out of the room with the kids following to get some "ice cream". Mark felt happy at that moment knowing that Yugyeom was cheered up and now that BamBam knows, he'll do anything to protect him now.

*Later that night*

All the kids were in bed and Mark and Jackson were getting ready for some sleep. Jackson puts down his book and lays down on his back looking at the ceiling. Mark turns over to face him looking at him like he just saw the saddest thing on the planet. Seeing Mark move, Jackson turned to looks at him as well. And as soon as he did his face changed from tired to worried in just mere seconds. He faced his whole body towards him now "What's wrong?" he says like he's speaking to one of their kids. Mark has always loved that he know exactly how he's feeling even if he doesn't show it all the way or even at all. He let out a shaky breathe before speaking. "When Yugyeom came home today he went right to his room, then came out a few minutes later to talk to me but i got distracted, so i couldn't listen to him and when i turned back around he was gone". By the end of his sentence he was sobbing but still trying to keep it in.

Jackson hugged him while still laying down and pulled him closer, letting him cry it out on his pajama's. "Shh it's ok" he says while rubbing Marks back to comfort him. "I'm a terrible mom, i can't even pay attention to my kid when they need me". Jackson hugs him closer to let him know that he's doing the best he can possibly do. He pulls away for a moment to look Mark in the face he wiped on tear away and kissed his cheek "You are a terrific mom". He said and wiped away the rest off the tears covering his face. Mark smiled at him "I don't even know what that word means" he says and they both laugh until it's time to go to bed.
