Jackson is a problem

It's 11:30 pm on a Sunday and Mark just got up, not because he woke up by himself but the fact that there was screaming and yelling heard from a different part of the house, woke Mark up. It's not unusual that the kids get up before them because they're so excited to have a day off from school, that they want to make the day last as long as possible.

When Mark rolled over to get Jackson and have him stop the kids from ruining his beauty sleep, his eyes shot open as Jackson was not in bed. This could only mean the worst. If Jackson wasn't there then he was with the kids and the kids were screaming so what could have happened. Mark gets out of bed rubbing his eyes to get the tired out before walking out of door to their room, that was opened. The noise got louder as he looked around the house for the one person he's been trying to find.

He finds his whole family that he's made with his so called wonderful husband. They are all in the kitchen fighting for their lives to defeat a small little grasshopper that came into their house. Jinyoung and JB weren't as scared, it was suspected, and they were just watching the chaos form, sipping on there morning coffee that they like. They kept their distance anyway, even though they seemed as they were having a good time. Yugyeom and BamBam were standing behind Jackson, who has a rolling pin ready to kill. Mark looks in the corner hearing crying sounds, it was Youngjae and he looked terrified, he ran over to him and hugged him.

Jackson then realized Mark was standing there and stopped all his actions, pretending he was about to make pancakes for the kids. All of this was stupid and Mark knew this, but there were a whole lot of other things that he remembers to be even stupider.

*flashback 2years ago*

Mark and Jackson were out on a date after having Jackson's mom take care of the youngsters while they were gone. They have seated themselves in the fancy restaurant and waited, talking to pass the time. You may think "well how is this gonna turn out bad" just you wait. A waiter walks over to their table with his notepad and some menu's, he sets them down "what can i get for you and your friend, sir". He says directing it to Jackson who seems like he is gonna be the one paying.

"ah no you're mistaking something, this is my wife"

Jackson say reaching out for Marks hand, while he does so the waiter apologizes. Then the waiter moves on asking what they would like. "Are you trying to ignore that you just offended us" Jackson speaks up again, he's really not giving this one up. "I'm sorry sir" Mark feels bad that he has to deal with Jackson's shit. He puts his head in his hands trying to ignore what Jackson is gonna do and or say next. All of a sudden while Mark was looking away disappointed Jackson stands up and looks at the waiter in the face. Which is a difficult task because the said waiter is way taller than him, but Jackson really is putting up a fight. "I could beat you up" there it is, Mark knew he was gonna say something stupid but why did he have to say that. "Oh yea, your shorter than your said to be wife" the guy says pointing at Mark, ready to quit his job.

"Go get me a chocolate milk, and a sweet tea for my WIFE" Jackson says than sits back down. None the less the waiter walks away to retrieves the drinks with a confused face because of how Jackson just gave up, kind of.

*another flashback 1 month ago*

BamBam came home from school one day and told Jackson that kids at school were picking on Yugyeom and when he tried to help, they said that his mom and dad doesn't love him. With that Jackson set out his mission telling BamBam not to worry and that's it's not true and he would prove it.

So the next day he offered to take the kids to school and Mark came along, feeling like dropping them off too and that this would be good for them, oh it wasn't good. They parked so BamBam and the other two could get out, but then Jackson got out too. It was fine to get out of the car to drop your kids off, but not while their were other people drop kids off too. Jackson walks up to BamBam and picks him up, bridal style, then kisses him on the cheek. Mark is watching from in the car and he does what he knows he could only do to react to Jackson, he puts his and head in his hands and hopes for the best. It's not the best thought because Jackson does the same to Yugyeom and Youngjae, who are trying to run away.

"Don't ever say i don't love my kids again"

With that he gets back in the car and drives off "you know even more kids are gonna make fun of them" Mark says and Jackson keeps on driving.

*flashback 1week ago*

The kids were at school and what best to do than to go on a little road trip with your husband. That's exactly what Mark is doing right now, sitting in a car with Jackson going somewhere they don't even know. It's a peaceful quiet sound in the car, the two of them enjoying natures view. Mark looks out the window to see a beautiful view of the ocean over a bridge, he's taking it all in when the radio turns on. He looks over to see Jackson bobbing his head to the beat. There's no singing or anything so Jackson decides that it needs some of that.

"Ay, yea, sitting in a mini car with Mark, yea" he starts rapping. Even though he ruined the mood, Mark could only be intrigued by whats gonna happen next. He said why not and joined in on the fun "and it's getting a little dark,yeah". He says bobbing his head with Jackson. He looks over at Mark in surprise but continues anyway. "Yea, i'm holding in my fart". That was the last line of the song before it was ruined by Mark laughing at Jackson and his wise words. Jackson laughs too, then they drive to their destination in small talks and quiet laughter.

Some of the memories are stupid and really dumb and bad, but some of them are really nice.

*more flashbacks 1year ago*

The family arrived at one of JB's friends birthday parties and he invited everyone, which might've been a mistake. All the kids have gonna out and started playing already while Mark and Jackson were on standby, making sure the kids didn't do anything to get them kicked out. "You want some punch" Jackson says in a whisper, pointing to a lady at a table with drinks all around. "yea go get us some, i'll watch the kids" Jackson was already gone before he finished his sentence, turning around and giving a thumbs up to Mark who was waiting.

"Hey, can i get two cups" Jackson say to the lady passing out drinks "50c a piece" she says which baffles Jackson making his jaw drop. He's about to say something about it, then he thinks that she's getting business and this is a great way to do it. "You inspire me" he says and pays for the punch then walking away backwards once she's given them to him. "What were you two talking about" Mark says taking a cup from Jackson while watching Jinyoung put a bucket on Yugyeom's head. "Oh nothing, she just wanted me to pay for these". Little did Jackson know, is that Mark heard the whole thing but he didn't say anything about it because what was there to say. It was a good thing Jackson hadn't accidentally flirted with her, it happens a lot.

*flashback 13years ago*

Mark was in a rush on his way to his classes for college. He hurried into a local coffee shop just down the road so he wouldn't be grumpy today and get a bad mark from his professor. It was a bad day so far, but he wished he would've known what was to come next. As soon as he entered he took one quick look at the barista, who was a handsome put together man with a nice smile. Mark always sees him but never got the courage to talk to him, but now was his chance so he took it.

He gave a little wave to the handsome man while walking over and getting ready to order. He was about to speak up when there was a loud bang heard through out the cafe. In the distance there was a short boy apologizing and offering candy to a lady who he bumped into and dropped her tray of glasses. Mark felt bad for the poor thing so he went over to help, forgetting about the barista he was about to talk to. He helping him pick up the glasses for the lady and once they were done the boy kept side eyeing Mark.

They locked eyes once "Hi, my name is Jackson, do you come here often" the boy says reaching a hand out for him to shake. Mark laughed at his bad pickup line and shook his hand. This day hadn't turned out so bad after all, this boy named Jackson bought him a drink and they sat down to talk. By now Mark forgot about his classes and the handsome man at the counter who looked at Jackson with anger. They talked for what seemed like hours and exchanged numbers. Mark really thought he was gonna end up with the barista, but this was way better.

*present time*

Mark walked over to the kitchen counter where the "monster" was and picked it up and threw it out the window that was slightly opened. "There can you stop freaking out now" he said and patted Youngjae's head who seemed to calm down.

"what would we do without you" Jackson dramatically said and they all did a group hug. Mark may have stayed in the kitchen a little while longer making pancakes and having fun with the kids and Jackson. Jackson was stupid but what could you do.
