Brotherly Love

BamBam is still in the hospital recovering from his injury so Yugyeom really doesn't have anyone to hang out with. Well other than his brothers but all of them seem to be busy all the time. Also none of them like the same things he likes, and none of them understand him like BamBam does.

Yugyeom was really confused but sad when he got the news about BamBam, it took him a while to know why he was in the hospital and not at home. Eventually Yugyeom got what was happening and learned to accept that he will be lonely for some time. Of course they go to see BamBam mostly everyday if they can. If they can't visit then they always give a little call. Little does Yuggie know, is that Bammie is feeling the same way.

Right now Yugyeom is playing in his and BamBam's room, that he spends most of his days in now. Today's topic of entertainment was Youngjae's dog that he really doesn't ever watch or take care of, CoCo. When BamBam left to go to the hospital, he took the kittens he found in the woods. How does he know? BamBam told him, because he tells Yugyeom everything, since they're basically conjoined twins and share the same brain.

While he's playing with CoCo, his older brother JB slams his door open and just sits there for a moment. Then he turns around and Yugyeom thinks he's about to leave but no he was very wrong. JB farts in Yugyeoms face, really he just came in his room to fart in his face. It smelled terrible and now Yugyeom starts to suffer while JB laughs at him. He rolls all over the floor, then he's about to tell him off, about how he wasn't supposed to do that.

He shuts his mouth though, deciding against it and choosing to say something else. He thinks since this is a good chance and that he has no one to talk to. Yugyeom ask him if he wants to hang out.

"Well, Junior and I was gonna make a box fort" JB says and looks away.

"Oh-ok" Yugyeom rely's sadly and continues putting a pumpkin halloween costume on CoCo, who is struggling with life. JB doesn't leave though, he sits in the doorway of their room and thinks about CoCo's safety.

"Actually why don't you join" he says and takes another looks at CoCo's pleading eyes. Yugyeom jumps up right away and runs out the room, JB patting his back while he leaves. While he watched Yugyeom disappear into his and Jinyoung's room, he watches the little dog for a moment.

"Yea, give CoCo a break" he says and turns to leave, still thinking if that dog is ever gonna be okay again. He walks into the room his younger brother ran into and sees Jinyoung already getting ready to start yelling at him for coming in there. JB stops him and say they're all gonna hang out and make houses out of cardboard boxes they got for Christmas.

They all start making the box fort, it takes a while but it was worth the wait and the work. When they're finished they look at their accomplishments with pride. Then they sit and talk while eating snacks. When they get bored they just call Youngjae over and make fun of him then throw socks at him without him knowing.

Soon Jackson caught onto this and stopped them from torturing him any further, scolding them in the process. He takes Youngjae to get him some ice cream to "make him feel better" but everyone knows that he was having fun too. Youngjae was honestly too clueless to understand that he was getting bullied.

Soon they all get some movies to watch then they sit back and relax, enjoying the silence. They tell scary stories when the moment was needed, but they end up scaring Yugyeom and having to stop. During all of this Mark was watching from the kitchen, cooing at their cuteness and how well they're getting along. A moment like this was extremely rare so he enjoyed it while it lasted.

Later in the night the boys got tired watching how to train your dragon. When they fall asleep in their makeshift beds, there are popcorn bowls and candy wrappers they left everywhere. They knew they would have to clean it up in the morning but they didn't bother right about now. The last to fall asleep was Yugyeom, or course.

Before he fells asleep he turned on his side facing away from JB and Jinyoung who were on the other side. He silently thanked them for making him feel like he was a big brother. Little did he know, that JB heard him considering that he was a really light sleeper.

"Your welcome", he said and they finally fell into a deep sleep.

When they all get up from their slumber Jackson comes and accidentally destroys their box fort while trying to tell them something. Basically he fell on top of it while walking over to them, then tripping on a stuffed animal, causing the fall. Although Jinyoung almost got mad at him, they knew this was coming sooner or later, so he let it slide.

Mark came and collected his husband and told him to get ready so they can go see BamBam. Hearing this Yugyeom got excited, he jumped around, squealing loudly. Yugyeom wanted to tell his dear brother about his fun time getting along with his other brothers. By this time BamBam would have been in the hospital for about 2 weeks, so it was spring break. The worst time to loose the only person who gets you, so Yugyeom's happy he has someone else.

When they get there Yugyeom has never felt this excited to see his brother, actually that's a lie. Anyway Yugyeom is the first to push the door open, he carefully crawls on BamBam's bed so he doesn't hurt him in any way. BamBam scoots over some to give him room.

The rest of the family come in and they would never get used to this. Every time they come here Yugyeom always sits with BamBam, but it would never get old. Yugyeom told him about how he spent the whole day with his hyungs and what a good time he had. BamBam smiled at him, as he was happy he wasn't lonely anymore.

For the rest of the families visit they all talked and joked while playing with the little kittens that ran all over the place.
