The Annual Comeback

"Wow, everything looks amazing! Aabir sure outdid himself this year"! Lillian gasped he eyes wide as she gazed at the decorations. It was the day the college was hosting their annual comeback which I had learned from Lillian it was held once a year for the new students. I quietly walked along beside Lillian as we looked around the campus field. Booths were being set up with different food choices to choose from. I looked forward to trying the caramel corn, I hadn't seen Aabir since ou the last encounter in the secret room in the auditorium. He had been busy setting things in order since he was in charge of the committee team. It seemed he was always in my mind these days so much so that sometimes I would forget where I was. A large stage had been set up to the right of the field. It was said that the performing arts students were performing. This would be my first official time seeing Aabir perform not including the subway dance he had dragged me in to. I peered at the decorations thrown off by the amount of blue incorporated into each design.

"Are they going for an all-blue theme"? I asked Lillian who simply shrugged. Everything looked well put together and I could only hope this night would go as it should be. Once I let my mother know of the comeback taking place she immediately called a babysitter to come and watch Matthew. And by a babysitter, she meant our next-door neighbor who would sometimes look after Matthew if neither I nor my mother could. Everything had been set up finally and every college student was now present enjoying the event. I roamed around the college field as Lillian introduced me to some of her classmates. I secretly searched around hoping to catch a sight of Aabir until I realized just exactly what I was doing. We finally stopped so I could get some caramel popcorn and that's when I saw Aabir laughing with a pale blonde girl. she was quite tall with a slim body, I hadn't seen her around before.

"Hey, who's the blonde chick"? I asked nudging my head in their direction. They looked good together and I felt myself clenching my hands into fists.

"That my friend would be Susana Markell, she's also a performing arts student" Lillian chirped grabbing a handful of my caramel corn and stuffing it in her mouth.

"They seem pretty close" I whispered as I kept eyeing the pair. I couldn't deny that next to one another they looked drop-dead gorgeous. The sight left a bitter taste in my mouth, I didn't know why I was suddenly feeling betrayed. It wasn't as if he was mine nor was I his, so really I had no reason to be upset. Aabir finally set his eyes on me and they grew wide with excitement. He beckoned me to come over and with much reluctance, I grabbed Lillian by the arm forcing her to come with me.

"Hey, I've been looking everywhere for you. I missed you" he pouted once I stopped in front of him. The blonde headed girl who's name was Susana eyed me up and down. She was way taller than me and looked like a giant.

"We just got here! Aabir you did a good job with the decorations. I see you went with a blue theme this year" Lillian gushed as she grinned with amusement.

"I was of course inspired by a special someone," he said with sincerity while looking me in eye. I rolled my eyes folding my arms against my chest, Susana kept her eyes on me the whole time while Aabir kept tugging me closer to his body. He smelt of ocean breeze with a bit of coconut, it was mouth-watering and it took everything in me not to lean in closer to his touch. He gently caressed my love handles making me sigh in content. Susana had finally introduced herself but she seemed a bit cold to me. I didn't investigate it further as Aabir kept pressing tiny kisses to my forehead. I hit his shoulder lightly giving him a look of warning to which he just chuckled.

It was almost time for the performing arts student to perform so me and Lillian quickly grabbed a decent spot. "So Susana seemed nice" I said my voice dripping me with sarcasm. I watched as some students began setting up the stage for the performance.

"Id be careful around her. Susana is known for.... throwing a temper when she doesn't get her way" Lillian warned her eyes casting me a look of seriousness. I wanted to question further when the performance began. They did all sorts of traditional dances from African to Latin the costumes looked well put together as well. Watching Aabir dance did something to me, I was completely enamored by his skill of dancing. He flowed across the stage so effortlessly it was an honor to watch him show off his gift. It was as if we were the only two people there as he kept his eyes on me the whole time. I felt my face grow hot as I licked my lips tasting the remains of the caramel popcorn. Finally the performance came to an end as all of the dancers came on stage one last time to take a bow. After the applause was over I excused myself to go to the ladies room, I mentally cursed myself for holding it in practically all day. I quickly did my business and then washed my hands, just as I was about to leave Susana walked in with a bored expression.

"Uh Susana you did amazing out there" I praised awkwardly. She narrowed her eyes at me as if trying to figure me out. Her striking blue eyes stared deeply into mine, it felt as if she could dig a hole into my soul.

"Listen, there's something you should know about Aabir and I. We sort of have an off and on relationship going on. I am telling you this only once and I do hope I don't have to repeat myself. I would sincerely advise you to stay away from him, I'd hate to have to resort to... extreme measures". She tugged on one of my braids with a sinister smile. So this was what Lillian meant.

"You have nothing to worry about. Aabir and I are just... just friends" I stated. She rolled her eyes with a smirk. I could tell she didn't believe a word I said.

"I'm not stupid Aliyah. You'll learn very quickly here that I can make your college life a living hell" she sneered ferociously. She stormed out of the bathroom leaving me in a state of panic. The last thing I wanted was for college experience to end in turmoil.

There was only one clear option...