Not Giving Up

For the next two weeks I kept myself busy with assignments. I avoided Aabir at all times choosing to stay away from him. It wasn't because I was afraid of Susana, I was more of afraid of the things she could do. I'd never encountered such a problem before. In highschool it was so much easier pretending not to exist. And although I wanted things to be different for my college life, so far it wasn't going the way I wanted it to. I packed up my bag slowly heading for the library, Lillian and I had agreed to go there together to get some much needed work done. I walked down the hall and down some flights of stairs. Turning a corner I finally saw the entrance to the library with someone leaning against the doors. Nearing it closer I could make out Aabirs angry face, his hazel eyes had gone darker.

"Uh hey" I said hesitantly. I knew he more than likely had to be upset at the fact that I had basically been avoiding him for two whole weeks. He even called me multiple times thanks to Lillian giving him my phone number. I gulped deeply about to walk inside the library when he lightly grabbed my arm. Pulling me inside we went straight towards the back of the library. With his back turned to me I kept my arms folded against my chest my eyes casting down at the floor.

"I'm only going to ask this once. I want the truth Liyah" he whispered coldly. I licked my lips nervously with panic. I knew what he was about to ask.

"Where the hell were you? Why weren't you answering my calls? Why are you constantly making me worry"? He turned around his eyed now turned glossy, I felt sick to my stomach. I hadn't realized how much pain I caused him.

"I... was busy... with school work I wasn't able to answer anyone's calls. None the less I'm sorry for making you worry" I said softly. He grabbed my hand into his large soft ones. Pulling me deeper into his arms, I needed to be careful if Susana was watching.

"It seems you are always apologizing to me. This time the only way to make it up to me, is to go out with me" a smile finally graced his face as he stroked my cheek. He pressed a kiss to my forehead in satisfaction.

"I... can't... I don't have time for such....senseless things" I snapped causing him to look at me in surprise. His smile slowly faded from his face as he gave me a blank stare. I backed away creating some distance between us. I had to do this.... I had to protect myself.

"Aliyah, you can't hide anything from me. No matter how much you push me away. I'll always come back to you" he whispered his voice trembling. He had layed out his heart on the table and I didn't know what to say to that. If Susana found out about this.... no I had to be the one to put a stop to this.

"I have to go... Lillian is waiting for me" I say before turning around. He suddenly tugs my arm back gently so I'm facing him once again. Looking deeply into my brown muddy eyes, there was a hidden emotion in his I couldn't decipher.

"We aren't done talking about this. And don't think for one second I won't be asking Lillian about this either" he spoke with such confidence as a grin adorned his face. Rolling my eyes I pulled my arm out of his grasp leaving him standing there. I hadn't told Lillian about what Susana said so I didn't need to worry as much. I finally saw Lillian sitting at a table with papers sprawled everywhere.

"Hey sorry I'm late" I say taking a seat across from her. She lifts her head up from the paper she was writing to smile at me.

"Took you long enough, I'd thought you'd forgotten" she teased before going back to writing. I took out my things and got to work as well. We spent two hours completing all the assignments we had to get done. Finally getting to go home, Lillian offers to drive me and I accept. Matthew would be picked up by the neighbor so I didn't need to worry. We made our way to her car and I knew this girl had to be rich! The car looked very expensive in all black matte, I wasn't a huge car person but I knew expensive taste. The interior inside was black as well and the car smelt brand new.

"Are you rich or something? This car looks...expensive" I say in awe. Lillian lightly chuckles as she turns on the AC. Cool air blasts in my face.

"My father is the CEO of Johnson Enterprises. He's been running it since he was in highschool. It's the family business and if all goes well I could be next in line" she gloated with pride.

"That sounds awesome Lilli! Is that why you're majoring in mathematics"? I asked and she nodded her head. We pulled out of the school parking lot as she input my address into the GPS. It was a smooth ride as we listened to music playing from the radio.

"Ah just to let you know. The college is holding a camping trip! They do it every year and I think you should come, this will be the first time I'm not alone" Lillian says with a smile as she swiftly drives down my street.

"Yeah sure, how bad could it be"? But boy did I not realize I would soon eat my words. I had yet to realize just how naive I could truly be. Lillian dropped me off and I bud her farewell, before entering my building. Right when I got inside I made a beeline for my room.

A much needed nap was definitely in store.