Chapter 26: “He was Worried about me.”

I woke up next to him and he was sewing something together. I wasn't sure what it was but it made me interested to go take a peek. My head was a little dizzy but other than that I was pretty okay. Did-did I really fall out in front of him like that? On the balcony? My face went red with embarrassment and I rocked to the side a bit from the continuous thumping in my head.

Wow my head really felt unwell, I'm pretty sure I needed rest but how was I suppose to do that with the wolves out there. I turned back to Charles and this time he locked eyes with me. Which caught me off-guard at first but when I kept my gaze on him I noticed... I noticed something in his eyes. Something Watery and wet, and when I got a bit closer to him I saw that they were tears. Was he crying? It couldn't be over me? Could it?

The tears dropped from his pale face and he started to smile a little even. "You're okay?! You're actually-!" I didn't know what to say to from his reaction, I was in shock. Did I make Charles cry? He got up and ran to me with an embrace and I returned it back a little awkwardly. I felt out of place returning his

hug, like I shouldn't have did that. But-but I actually enjoyed it. In fact it even made me feel a little bit better about everything.

He then let go and wiped the tears from his eyes with a slight chuckle, "I'm sorry Lady.Victoria I-I was extremely worried I thought I-I mean-I thought maybe we had lost you and it gave me a shock. To think you were hanging off of that railing it made me think-it made me wish I would have done more honestly."

Done more? Did he think I did that on purpose? Oh no if he did think that then I can't imagine what he must be thinking. I wanted to tell him the truth but was Charles ready for the candor of this establishment? Probably not now, maybe if I just-just stretch the truth a bit and wait for the right time I-.

"I'm sorry Lady.Victoria." "Sorry? No no I'm sorry for worrying you I swear it wasn't that serious. I just-just saw something and needed a closer look at it. When I realized where I was I tried to turn back but my dress got stuff so I was stuck." I gave him an awkward smile and he cocked his head at me, "But that doesn't explain why you were hanging off-Nevermind let's get your makeup fixed and back inside I don't want anyone else to worry. And sorry for overreacting Cherie(dear ;>) are you sure you're okay? It's fine if you're not."

"I am, I promise if I wasn't I would, let you know." I gave him another smile and that was enough to cheer him up apparently and this might have worked for now but.. I don't know if I can lie to him much more, he honestly seems to be catching on. Which is good for me but bad for him.