Chapter Three

"Wyatt Smith aha"


   "Ah yes, Xavier go sit beside Wyatt over there, now back to what I was saying! we are going to work on art a lot. I mean it is art class, so you all should be able to calm down!"


Xavier pov


⚠️ tiny Talk about homophobia ⚠️

This guy. Wyatt Smith. The guy that I know. Seeing him gave me butterflies and I was shocked. I knew I had feelings for him back in elementary and my family did too, that's why we moved. They are very homophobic. I just thought that being away for six or so years would make the feelings go away. Especially since I have a girlfriend. But I've come to terms that I'm bisexual.

     Having to sit beside Wy' for two periods straight caused backflips in my heart. You could probably hear my heart from a mile away.

      I watched Wyatt sketch something out on the canvas in front of him, he's always been good at art. But the one thing that confuses me is that he is in classes a year above him. I remember him being the dumbest person I know. But I mean times change right?

    "Okay class! Make sure you take your time on these paintings. You have all four periods this week to do them!"


Time skip. (End of class)

   It took Wyatt all period to sketch out two little bodies, kids that had one arm around the others waist, but I heard him talking to his new "friend" and he said the sketch wasn't even done. He was missing the trees,mountains, picnic and the deer that was in the background of his reference photo. Just hearing that made me think of all our happy memories together.

      His description of what he's painting reminds me of that one trip we took, both our families together on the mountains. His mum took a picture of us together. I still have the picture with me at all times for good luck. But I could tell Wyatt was ignoring me. It almost hurt but if he can pretend I don't exist anymore I could do the same. It's easy.

     I watched him walk out of the class, he was smiling, something I haven't seen him do since we were little. Same big baby smile that could make anyone melt. He still had his big doe eyes, oversized glasses, fair skin and freckles that just sat on the bridge of his nose, with his lightly, but naturally dusted red cheeks he's had since forever.But I always thought he would be taller, he was taller then me as kids, but I guess he stopped growing due to the fact that it seems like he stands at five foot three.

   "...aha cute" I whispered. But the guy sitting on the opposite side Wyatt was sitting heard me. "Hey dude, look, I hope you aren't talking about me I'm not gay. But I support you in all and uh ya..?" He started rambling but I just cut him off.

   "Look, I wasn't talking about you because A) I have a girlfriend and B) I'm not gay, it's called bisexual my dude." Ah yes, outing myself in front of my class, just by saying that the remaining five students that were finishing up their cleaning turned their head at me, and started whispering. I watched someone walk out, it was Jenna. She was for sure going to tell Mariana, they are best friends, plus with the body language she used there was no probably, it's definitely. I just sat there, cleaning up my paints. I'm not very artsy, so I just free-handedly painted one of those tye-dye spiral things on the canvas.

    Once I finished cleaning I still had about five minutes till my next class, that was actually the class next door so I just got up and left. I was probably just going to walk around, yet stay close to the room so that I got there in time, for once at least. It's been a good week so I'm trying to catch up at least a little bit or work after ditching for so long.

     News travels fast in this school so I know by tomorrow morning or even the end of the day, fuck even by lunch. I'll find out who is homophobic and who is supporting. I hope my girlfriend, Mariana, supports me. Or at least Mark and Noah. But I'm pretty sure they are dating, they seem way to close, but I shouldn't assume. So I think I wont have to worry about them hating me. It's fine with me but do I really want to risk it?


      Too late, I just did. I would be surprised if any of them didn't tell anyone about my little outburst. But I mean, it isn't bad if anyone knew, even if that means I become no-so-popular. If being bisexual is a so called "downfall" for the school so be it, if I can't go tryouts for football, again so be it. It's not a big deal. I could always move, or just say it was a joke to tell off some guy in the class who made a dumb comment and all is well. I'm proud to be me but if everything gets ruined because of this I wouldn't know what to do.


    But for right now everything is fine.


    I was now in the hallway contemplating weather to skip third period or actually go, I knew I was. I just can't forget who I am.

   I turned around and started walking to my class. But as I was walking my self back down the hall I saw someone on the ground, crying.

It was my girlfriend.

   "Hey, hey, what's wrong. Speak to me, I care about you baby" i said in a calm voice.




hiya! C l i f f h a n g e r s are my favourite thing to do.

I'm hurting Xavier 🙃