The Beginning

In the center of the earth is another realm. It is undiscovered, and unknown to the eyes of many, there lies a plain, vast land. It laid as it is for thousands of years until one day, a powerful being, Bohr, has taken an interest in this land.

After finding out that his beloved wife Norlund is having a child, Bohr decided to gift this land to his future children. It would be a place they would learn to care for and to rule over.

Bohr divided the vast land into three parts. He made mountains, forests and surrounded the lands with an unending ocean. He named it the center realm.

Since he needed people to care for the paradise he made and people for his children to rule over, he decided to take volunteering humans from the human realm to live in the center realm.

Bohr grew a special tree and called it the Kingsto tree. In the middle of its trunk is an opening; it serves as a portal for any being to move to either of the realms. Humans used the portal to move to the center realm. It stayed open in case any human might want to go back.

A week has progressed, and the humans indeed took great care of the center realm, making Bohr very happy. He decided that he didn't want the center realm to be the same as the human realm. He wanted this place to be a wonderland, where humans could also be a part of nature.

So, Bohr decided to gift humans the power of nature. Humans could make flowers bloom, make a shelter by moving trees, and control the wind's direction. From that day on, the humans of the center realm worshipped Bohr as their God.

The center realm was tranquil for many months to come. Until the day Norlund finally gave birth to not one but three daughters. Not long after they were seventeen, the three daughters became the three deities as each mastered magic that mirrored their best qualities.

Thapabia was born with a powerful mermaid's tail and mastered the power to heal any impurities or injury, but it can also destroy life if she so pleases. She was the firstborn daughter. 

The middle child was named Dazia. She was born with light, beautiful wings on her back wrapped around her body and had the power to possess and control any that lives and breathes.

Beorene was the youngest. Unlike her two older sisters, she was born with nothing but her petite, pale-skinned body. But she was also the most special among them, harboring the ability to create life from nothing. However, with power comes arrogance.

Bohr witnessed Beorene's potential, and because of her acquaintance with her power of creation, Bohr favored her. Dazia, however, envied her younger sister. To not only master the power to create but also to be their father's favorite.

Beorene knew of this and only wished to further spark her jealousy by asking her father to give a gift that proves the most powerful among the three sisters, knowing very well that it would be her.

On the night of a full moon, Bohr created and entrusted a necklace to none other than Beorene. The necklace was created with the essence of the center's core and a strand of Beorene's hair.

Although Beorene received the necklace, her sisters were still fast asleep, so she took this opportunity to spite her older sister, Dazia. Beorene sneaked into her sister's sleeping quarters during that night, placed the necklace in Dazia's hand so that it seemed like their father chose to give her the necklace.

The next morning Dazia was overjoyed. She sheltered the necklace for a few days to master its power, similar to her sister's, Beorene's power to create life. After waiting, Beorene accused Dazia of stealing the necklace in her sleep, starting an argument between the two sisters in front of their father.

They fought as lightning struck day and night in the center realm as a cause of the two sisters' anger, Dazia keeping her innocence, and Beorene, who wanted her father to banish Dazia as punishment.

However, Beorene's plans failed as Bohr had enough of both their childish tantrums, taking the necklace away and banished the two of them to the center realm, where their magic was limited and not as powerful as they once were.

Norlund entrusted her eldest daughter, Thapabia, to help restore her two sisters' relationship. And so, Thapabia joined them in the center realm as their advocate.

But even as years go by, Dazia and Beorene's hatred never faded; it only grew. Because of their detestation for each other, they each built a separate kingdom, naming the kingdoms after themselves.

During the days that Dazia had with the necklace, she was able to gain a fragment of Beorene's magic. Dazia, who once can only possess and control, can now give life to rocks, trees, and mushrooms have all that did not move become more knowledgeable and bless them with a better version of what they once were.

Dazia also purified the habitants, the humans, to create fairies, pixies, elves, and many more creatures that now make up the kingdom of Dazia.

Under Beorene's kingdom, she taught humans how to use magic to create weapons and potions, and with her power to create life, also created creatures of the night; Beasts and monstrosities that lurked in the shadows to attack Dazia's kingdom in spite.

Thapabia grew tired and decided to stop meddling with their affairs. She took this chance and built a kingdom in the waters taking in humans who fear the conflict between Beorene and Dazia. Thapabia changes their legs into a tale just like her so they may stay safely under the sea in Thapabia's kingdom.

The cold war between the two sisters went on for years, destroying almost half of the lands in the center realm. What once was a land of paradise became dull and dark. Creatures were not allowed to associate with other beings in the other kingdoms. Many wanted to get away and go back to the human realm, but the deities had already destroyed the only escape portal.

It is still unclear, but one day, Thapabia, Beorene, and Dazia disappeared. Many believe that their father, Bohr, finally took his daughters back, and some would believe that their life had already ended.

But even with the absence of the sisters, what once was implemented continued. The deities either had children or someone to take over before they disappeared.

The conflict between Beorene and Dazia still goes on until today, each kingdom attacking the other without question. No one really knows when this will be over.

The presence of the deities could still be felt around. Maybe the deities never disappeared. Maybe they're just in hiding, waiting for the right time to come back to the center realm and continue what they had started.

Beings of the center realm never got in touch with Bohr ever since. The kingdoms in the center realm grew, the forests became dangerous, and chaos became a new normal for the beings that lived there.