Commander Of Knights

"Well, go on. Knock," Ena narrows her eyes at me. I let out a frustrated sigh before knocking on the door of Blossom's private sitting room. It's been a while since I've been called here. I'm certain I haven't done anything that would get me in trouble.

After three loud knocks, Blossom calls out for me to come in. Ena eyes me, and I give her an irritated look, "What? I didn't commit any treason; she must have called me in for something else," I defend myself. My dear sister thinks that I've done something wrong again. She knows that my position doesn't give me the freedom to act foolishly.

"We shall see Commander Rhys," she makes the last part sound threatening. Does she remember that I am still superior to her? Even though she's older than me, I'm superior by rank. Ena, always looking out for our family's honor.

Before turning the knob, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for what's about to happen. Would this be another rescue mission, or am I not doing a great job training that girl?

I open the door to reveal the fairy in-charge of the Kingdom of Dazia. Her back facing me as she looks out the window, getting a good view of the training field, watching Rose Ann.

My cheeks heat up, she probably saw Rose and I childishly teasing each other a minute ago. I clear close the door softly without a sound and clear my throat to get her attention.

I place both my hands on my side to show her my full attention, "Fairy Blossom, you called for me?" She turns around and smiles, motioning her hand for me to take a seat, and I do just that.

I plop down the comfortable seat like I've been standing for days, forgetting Blossom's presence. I straighten myself in time she sat down.

She looks at me with soft eyes, "be at ease, commander."

There's a slight pause between us, our eyes staring at each other. I open my mouth about to speak up when she beats me to it, "I see you're warming up with Rose Ann, and you're training her pretty well."

"Have I ever disobeyed your orders? You made me Commander of Knights for a reason," I say proudly, holding my fist to my beating heart.

"Except for that one time you went against me and traveled to Beorene," my eyes widen, and I mentally pray for her not to bring that dreadful memory back, "you lost half of your men." It's too late; I slouch on my seat with a frown on my face.

"But you didn't call me here to talk about that," I say, staring at Blossom's troubled face. She has that face whenever something threatening is about to come. Something that would create chaos.

It can't be.

She takes in a deep breath with her eyes closed and lets out a sigh, fear crossed her face, "it's almost time; her flower is blooming. It's coming alive." I gripped the wooden armrest. If I could, I would pull it out and destroy this couch. This can't happen yet. It's too early.

"I thought it wouldn't for another month or so-" terror overtook my face, my breathing heavy and hot just thinking about it, "you can't allow this to happen, your body-"

"Commander Rhys," and I stop talking when I see her calm appearance. How does she keep a calm expression right now?

"I won't let her take over again, not with Rose Ann here."

My eyebrows drew together, "What is your plan? I'm ready for your command; give your orders."

Blossom gets up from her seat and walks towards one of the bookshelves in this massive room. Eyeing her as she lifts her hand, an old dusty, thick book from the very top corner of the bookshelf floats out, slowly falling to Blossom's grasp.

I stand and meet her on a table in the middle of the room; she flips open the book to a certain page and drops it on the wooden table with a loud bang. My eyes widen after reading the first few contents.

"You're going to cut its life," I thought out loud as I come across a significant detail, "with Thanatos' scythe."

I scan the entire page and the next. I never believed that this weapon would exist here, but this plan is not impossible. This method could work if we give it a chance. First, we would need to find this particular weapon, the weapon that steals souls.

"The scythe will appear the night before the full moon under the soil where the last creature who died is buried. It's tonight, and it can only be used tonight and the night after, before turning into dust."

I nod my head, knowing what my task would be, but I ask the question, "How do we locate this weapon?"

"The recent creature buried in the center realm was in the whispering forest," I snapped my look towards Blossom. There's no way she's going to make me go to that deadly forest. I lost almost half of my group when we went on a rescue mission, "a dark elf, the King's right-hand man, had just passed away," she reveals.

"I know about your past expedition to the whispering forest, but this is a task that can only be entrusted to you," she pleads. She makes this sound more of a command, and I can't turn it down. If we get to retrieve this weapon, then we might stand a chance against her. We must give this a try no matter what.

If she comes alive, this kingdom will fall. Rose Ann would fall with it. As commander of knights, protector of Dazia, I will not allow darkness to fall upon this kingdom again. Darkness brought by this woman.

"So, Commander Rhys," Blossom's eyes glimmer as a sign of hope, she's looking at me for hope, "you will venture towards the Whispering Forest today, bringing your men and retrieve Thanato's Scythe, unharmed. Will you take this mission as the Commanding Knight of Dazia?"

A smirk made its way on my lips, "beating a few Nuckelavee and Kobolds won't be a problem."

Blossom does her magic, and a map appears on her palm. She opens it and the directions to where the last creature is buried appeared. I swallow hard, seeing that it is deep inside the forest, almost near the Castle of Beorene.

She hands it to me with a proud smile, "for Dazia."

"For Dazia, for Lesley."